Now I've got an ipad...

change it for a Samsung Galaxy tab - but seriously, transfer your photos so you can show them to friends and family....+ get some apps
What apps are any of you using that are good at the moment. The sky go app is great!
Snapspeed, Filterstorm Pro and Portfolio app are suppose to be the better ones
PS Express
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change it for a Samsung Galaxy tab - but seriously, transfer your photos so you can show them to friends and family....+ get some apps

Yip get some photos on it. It is fab for showing your images, Was thinking of getting one for taking to weddings.

all the best:)
Thanks all for the advice and Graham, did my wife tell you to say that!
Thanks all for the advice and Graham, did my wife tell you to say that!


There's a thread of handy apps, although my favourite at the moment is FilmOn TV (free) which gives you BBC1/2, ITV1/2/3/4, C4, C5, all the news channels, movies etc (y)
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although my favourite at the moment is FilmOn TV (free) which gives you BBC1/2, ITV1/2/3/4, C4, C5, all the news channels, movies etc (y)

I find it a bit clunky, fair do's if you want the non UK channels but if not I reckon thru the browser is better..

Garageband, DukePen and Splashtop Desktop are a few of my fave non game apps
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Where to start, Sky News, Bloomberg, FT, Share Price, Angry Birds, Unblock Me, Scrabble, Twitter, Kindle, jumbo calc ........
Thank you all so much for taking the time to post...looks like I'm going to be up all night. Thanks again. 
If I've already bought the phone app, do I have to pay for the equivalent pad app?
That makes perfect sense and validates the stupidity of my original question. Thanks
Not sure but some apps have specific versions for each so those will probably need purchasing to work correctly if not just display full screen

you can run an iPhone app full screen on iPad by pressing the 2x button bottom right when app is loaded... of course this blocks out the graphics a bit..

lots of app are iPad or iPhone/iPod Touch specific and thus you would be charged twice but there are lots of apps that are universal and will know when its on an iPad and thus be optimized.
Thanks everyone, is there an app that will get the damn thing out of my wife's mitts?
The ipad is not complete without Angry Birds

Talking of which, here is a cake my wife made.

Thats what I call a cake Paul... Nice one

Chocolate didn't work, Brian, trying wine now.

My three are all at uni, Strum, that ships well sailed.
I've got an iPad 2 - but need to sell it as I can't afford to keep it. :(
oldestswinger said:
Isn't it just like a big smartphone that can't make or receive calls??? :naughty:

Kind of yes... But you can make calls through skype if you really want to.... To be honest tho, you wouldn't want a phone as big as the iPad.... Or a camera as big...

I love mine, wouldn't be without it.... Use it all the time to watch films on!

CineXplayer is great for films!
Surprised no ones mentioned this yet, but flickstackr (flickr) app is excellent. Love my iPad..has nearly totally replaced the laptop for casual use!

Add the camera connector kit, use zinio to get digital mags, and get icab mobile web browser along with some of the photo apps already mentioned (snapseed etc) and you have a pretty powerful tool.

Oh, and dropbox is good also (2gb free)
mc_mclovin said:
Surprised no ones mentioned this yet, but flickstackr (flickr) app is excellent. Love my iPad..has nearly totally replaced the laptop for casual use!

Add the camera connector kit, use zinio to get digital mags, and get icab mobile web browser along with some of the photo apps already mentioned (snapseed etc) and you have a pretty powerful tool.

Oh, and dropbox is good also (2gb free)

Thanks Mac, got Dropbox, will look at snapseed and Icab, next pay day for the camera kit!