Nuisance neighbours...

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Who has them? I don't have any neighbours but a friend of mine has been going through an utter nightmare with one of his. This neighbour is so petty about getting his car parked outside his house he'll do anything to try and get it there. I caught him trying to slash my tyres because I was parked in "his" space. They are not even designated spaces nor do you need a permit to park there, he is just a plain c**t and must be about 50, mental age 5.

Anyway, it was laughable watching him attack my run flat tyres with a pen knife...good luck mate, have fun with the police (y) Got the whole lot on my friends CCTV.
See, if we didn't have the likes of IS to worry about, this is what every street in the country would be like ;)
Lol it's quite pathetic really. Police are round at his now since a few hours ago when he tried to slash my tyres. He didn't do any damage, but he needs to be warned and if I warn him it would escalate into me getting into trouble.
Lol it's quite pathetic really. Police are round at his now since a few hours ago when he tried to slash my tyres. He didn't do any damage, but he needs to be warned and if I warn him it would escalate into me getting into trouble.

I bet it still escalates into more grief for your mate though.
The neighbour's not going to get banged up for it, so might turn his anger towards him.
These kind of brain-deads rarely just "give up".
Neighbours were one of the reasons for moving 9 years ago. :(
I bet it still escalates into more grief for your mate though.
The neighbour's not going to get banged up for it, so might turn his anger towards him.
These kind of brain-deads rarely just "give up".
Neighbours were one of the reasons for moving 9 years ago. :(

Aye we did think about that but my mate doesn't care, he's just waiting till the day the neighbour just finally cracks. All his house and car on on constant CCTV anyway for a bit of backup.
Aye we did think about that but my mate doesn't care, he's just waiting till the day the neighbour just finally cracks. All his house and car on on constant CCTV anyway for a bit of backup.

Oh I totally agree.
There comes a time when you have to start taking action. (y)
Aye we did think about that but my mate doesn't care, he's just waiting till the day the neighbour just finally cracks. All his house and car on on constant CCTV anyway for a bit of backup.

Shame it would be unprofessional to tell him you are a professional with access to longs ;)
Oh I totally agree.
There comes a time when you have to start taking action. (y)
Aye, just have to be careful so he doesn't dig himself a hole as well. I told him just to ignore him, to some extent. That kind of person gets a kick out of reactions.
Shame it would be unprofessional to tell him you are a professional with access to longs ;)
Haha, It's a good job he didn't see what I had int he back of the Landy though. Just built up a nice gun cabinet in the back that's molded between the seats:D
Haha, It's a good job he didn't see what I had int he back of the Landy though. Just built up a nice gun cabinet in the back that's molded between the seats:D

My old landie had a factory fitted 3 gun lock box, was great for keeping my tools and stuff in :D
My old landie had a factory fitted 3 gun lock box, was great for keeping my tools and stuff in :D
Factory fitted? Damn my boss for being tight! that would have saved me a good mornings work lol
Factory fitted? Damn my boss for being tight! that would have saved me a good mornings work lol

Yeah it was on my lovely old 1977 Series 3 CSW I still miss that old beast....I will own another in the future
Yeah it was on my lovely old 1977 Series 3 CSW I still miss that old beast....I will own another in the future
Sounds nice. I don't own the Landy because it's a work vehicle, but I wouldn't mind one for myself one day. Certainly a different drive compared to my BMW that's only 4inches off the road, the Landy feels like you're 4ft. He's on about lifting it and bigger tyres. He's been obsessed about that kind of look since going to Iceland haha

It's got stupid 20inch wheels on just now whilst the original steel wheels are away getting banded for wider tyres.
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Sounds nice. I don't own the Landy because it's a work vehicle, but I wouldn't mind one for myself one day. Certainly a different drive compared to my BMW that's only 4inches off the road, the Landy feels like you're 4ft. He's on about lifting it and bigger tyres. He's been obsessed about that kind of look since going to Iceland haha

It's got stupid 20inch wheels on just now whilst the original steel wheels are away getting banded for wider tyres.

:LOL: :LOL: those Icelandic trucks are not let him see my brother in laws highly modified landie :p I must confess to loving being back in the driving position of the Range Rover it's grest being high up again....well it's great just to be driving again but the driving position make it better still
I was once blocked in by a neighbour because someone was parked in "his" space. I was parked next to that car so he parked across the back of both cars. He wasn't happy when I woke him up at 5am by repeatedly ringing his doorbell. I was on the early flight to Heathrow that day.
One of my neighbours is a bit of an arse when it comes to parking also. He has a 2 car drive (we dont have a drive), but only ever parks one car on it, and the other directly outside my house. There are no designated spaces on our road either, so he wasnt parked in 'my' space exactly, but it still annoyed me one day on my way home with my little one in the car. It was absolutely chucking it down with rain, and really cold/windy, and I didnt really want to have to park at the end of the road and walk with the little'un from the end of the road.

So, I parked on his drive :D

Literally 4 seconds after I had walked through my front door, he was there knocking on it and demanding I moved my car. "No problem", I said. "We can do a swap, and ill park outside my house, and you can use the other half of your drive".

I wouldnt have bothered if I hadnt of had the little'un in the car. As i saidd, its not like he was in 'my' space. He is a complete :asshat: though.
Got a friend like that who if you park outside his neighbours house goes mental and tries to block you in. Last time he did it he blocked in the TVR. I just started it and let the noise and vibrations set off his alarm. Repeatedly until he came out.

Or you could have the guy that lives behind me and next door. He's extended his property to the boundary minus a couple of inches and we did raise the issue of how he was going to manage it. Our gardens are about 24" higher than his land.

2 years on and he was complaining about the conifer hedge knocking against the skylights so was told he could happily trim them.
He waited until we all were out and got a game of 12-15 people to rip down all the tress (on my neighbours land), cut back 2-3 feet into my neighbours property and put a whole new fence up - all before 5pm.

When we complained he just said my neighbour could sue him, but he doubted he had the money to pay for a boundary dispute case...(which he didn't).
Police didn't want to know, civil manner.
So he got away with it but we made sure everyone in the neighbourhood knew what he'd done, word of mouth, leaflets through doors etc.
Ours park one of their cars partly across the front of our property which although annoying isn't doing any harm. Last weekend though she parked 12-15" from the hedge making access and entry difficult due to the narrow cul-de-sac we live in. We just put up with it for now.
Another time her playgroup pals used our drive to park 2 of their cars, when I came home early she didn't apologise and just said she didn't think I'd be home so soon. The second time it happened I parked literally 2" from one of the cars and watched as they did a 20 point turn to get out before they could load in their lovely bundles of joy. :rolleyes: Funnily enough it's never happened again.
I had a similar problem where someone parked half in my drive and half out on the university car park.
Couldn't see anyone about so parked within about 3" blocking him in and went in.
An hour or so let the guy turned up and I watched him looking around for the 'inconsiderate' perdon who had blocked him in.

After another hour or so I wandered across with the following conversation
From him "Is this your car?" in a belligerent hard done by tone.
Me "Yes, but more importantly Is this your car?"
Him "Yes, you have blocked me in"
Me "No you blocked me out" pointing to car, my gate and my land.

Him "But I have never done it before"

Me " I know - you still have a car - I can be a bit of a b*****d with a chainsaw!"
i once had a neighbour come out at 3am as i pulled up from a late night shift and tell me i couldn't park in front of their house (public road) as their daughter wanted to park there the next day

She said I should park across my own drive blocking in my dads car, when i suggested her daughter park on their own drive rather than the road (they have one car between them and a huge drive) she shouted at me to not tell her where to park her car!!!

I just looked at her blankly and walked into my house, can't argue with stupidity!
I had a similar problem where someone parked half in my drive and half out on the university car park.
Couldn't see anyone about so parked within about 3" blocking him in and went in.
An hour or so let the guy turned up and I watched him looking around for the 'inconsiderate' perdon who had blocked him in.

After another hour or so I wandered across with the following conversation
From him "Is this your car?" in a belligerent hard done by tone.
Me "Yes, but more importantly Is this your car?"
Him "Yes, you have blocked me in"
Me "No you blocked me out" pointing to car, my gate and my land.

Him "But I have never done it before"

Me " I know - you still have a car - I can be a bit of a b*****d with a chainsaw!"

I know a farmer who in that circumstance picked the offending car up with a telehandler and dumped it in the middle of the verge - the owner can think himself lucky the fixed forks were on that day... had it been the tipping set the car could easily have ended up on its roof
Strike 2 against me again today. Went back to my mates house but in my own car this time. Went out earlier to find a nice deliberate key mark from the tail light to the front wing. He will never learn, just managed to find it all on CCTV so it will be interesting to see what happens now.
I had a neighbour who used to park his car AND trailer inconsiderately.

One weekend I decided to borrow the trailer as I needed to move some stuff.

I did the neighbourly thing and left a note to tell him where he could find his trailer although I forgot to tell him he'd need to take a foot pump to inflate the tyres.
Strike 2 against me again today. Went back to my mates house but in my own car this time. Went out earlier to find a nice deliberate key mark from the tail light to the front wing. He will never learn, just managed to find it all on CCTV so it will be interesting to see what happens now.
Police, criminal damage, call them straight away
Police, criminal damage, call them straight away
Did do as soon as I saw it last night. My mate rang me earlier and apparently they gave him a nice 4am wake up call and took him to the station. I'm yet to hear anything from them so I'll ring them later if I haven't heard anything. He's not returned home yet.
Did do as soon as I saw it last night. My mate rang me earlier and apparently they gave him a nice 4am wake up call and took him to the station. I'm yet to hear anything from them so I'll ring them later if I haven't heard anything. He's not returned home yet.

Nice. Ridiculous what some people will do, but criminal damage to a car is beyond all reasonable behaviour
Nice. Ridiculous what some people will do, but criminal damage to a car is beyond all reasonable behaviour
Aye words can;t describe I think about people like that, not just him. To take frustration out on people property rather than their faces just shows how low people can be.
I used to regularly park my van outside someone's house who would open the window and shout "you can't park there" at me. My usual response was "I think I have have just proved that I can!".

Aye words can;t describe I think about people like that, not just him. To take frustration out on people property rather than their faces just shows how low people can be.

So whats the next step for the damage? does he just have to pay it. you'd rather it didn't go through insurance. I guess if he argues it's don't give him the second chance and straight to small claims, including all out of pocket expenses. Can you claim for distress of your pride and joy being damaged?

If I was the victim, I'd leaflet the entire neighbourhood warning them of this fellow actions. Nothing like a bit of local community name and shame.
I really can't get the mentality of people who claim "their" bit of the public highway outside their house.

My ex's parents lived in a small cul-de-sac type road (6th Avenue on Canvey for anyone who knows it). There was a small block of detached garages which them and their neighbours parked their cars in. Regardless or not of whether they were actually going to use their cars that day, there was a morning ritual of moving the cars out of the garage and parking them outside their houses on "their" bit of road :banghead:

Closer to home, some people who live on the opposite side of the road and a few houses along to my parents have space on their drive for 2 cars but they insist on parking one on the drive and one on the road. Should anyone dare park on their bit of road they block them in. The really sad thing about it is that they are actually nice people (if a little snobby to be fair) and their son is a Detective Constable with the local police.......:rolleyes:

Hope you get this bellpiece banged to rites!
So whats the next step for the damage? does he just have to pay it. you'd rather it didn't go through insurance. I guess if he argues it's don't give him the second chance and straight to small claims, including all out of pocket expenses. Can you claim for distress of your pride and joy being damaged?

If I was the victim, I'd leaflet the entire neighbourhood warning them of this fellow actions. Nothing like a bit of local community name and shame.

Not entirely sure to be honest because don't know the procedure if the police are involved. I'm a full time spray painter so I can do the job myself dirt cheap and get it done in less than a day, but since the guy was the one who caused it I want him to pay the full price. I don;t know if I have to get it done and the police make him pay, small claims court or go through insurance. I'll have to see what the police suggest later one. They are getting statements from lots of others now about his behavior so it's taking a while for them to sort it out. Everyone has come forward now instead of letting him get away with it.
I really can't get the mentality of people who claim "their" bit of the public highway outside their house.

My ex's parents lived in a small cul-de-sac type road (6th Avenue on Canvey for anyone who knows it). There was a small block of detached garages which them and their neighbours parked their cars in. Regardless or not of whether they were actually going to use their cars that day, there was a morning ritual of moving the cars out of the garage and parking them outside their houses on "their" bit of road :banghead:

Closer to home, some people who live on the opposite side of the road and a few houses along to my parents have space on their drive for 2 cars but they insist on parking one on the drive and one on the road. Should anyone dare park on their bit of road they block them in. The really sad thing about it is that they are actually nice people (if a little snobby to be fair) and their son is a Detective Constable with the local police.......:rolleyes:

Hope you get this bellpiece banged to rites!

That is exactly the same as this guy. He has is own bit of parking in the garden, but he insists on having the space outside his house. As soon as that space is free he is like road runner going to his car to move it.

I don't even live there and it winds me up.
I have one inconsiderate neighbour when it comes to parking. The lazy woman has to park the car as close to the footpath to her front door as possible. The number of times I've got home from work and find half a space in front of her car and half behind is unbelievable.
I have one inconsiderate neighbour when it comes to parking. The lazy woman has to park the car as close to the footpath to her front door as possible. The number of times I've got home from work and find half a space in front of her car and half behind is unbelievable.

Does she drive a BMW or Audi? lol
Does she drive a BMW or Audi? lol
No, a Ford Fusion. It must really grate on her if she can't park anywhere near her footpath. When I'm on late shift, because of her inconsiderate parking. I end up parking a couple of hundred metres down the road as I have the last couple of days. Another car I've noticed recently, no idea who it belongs to parks within a fag paper of the car in front yet leaves plenty of room behind them, I just can't fathom why they won't leave the car in the middle of the space.
Got a friend like that who if you park outside his neighbours house goes mental and tries to block you in. Last time he did it he blocked in the TVR. I just started it and let the noise and vibrations set off his alarm. Repeatedly until he came out.

Or you could have the guy that lives behind me and next door. He's extended his property to the boundary minus a couple of inches and we did raise the issue of how he was going to manage it. Our gardens are about 24" higher than his land.

2 years on and he was complaining about the conifer hedge knocking against the skylights so was told he could happily trim them.
He waited until we all were out and got a game of 12-15 people to rip down all the tress (on my neighbours land), cut back 2-3 feet into my neighbours property and put a whole new fence up - all before 5pm.

When we complained he just said my neighbour could sue him, but he doubted he had the money to pay for a boundary dispute case...(which he didn't).
Police didn't want to know, civil manner.
So he got away with it but we made sure everyone in the neighbourhood knew what he'd done, word of mouth, leaflets through doors etc.

if he built on someone else's property they have he right to remove it and give the materials back to the owner. neighbour could take him to small claims to recover money for redoing garden.
Many years ago i was visiting a mate, without knowing I parked in somebody's space and on this blokes return he simply drove into my motorbike knocking it over causing very minor damage (I was actually next to my bike when it happened) no other witnesses though and he simply got out of his car and walked to his house without explanation. Later that night I went back and filled the tail pipe of his exhaust with expanding foam. Of course he blamed me but there were no witnesses.