Nuisance neighbours...

I think whats probably happened is that he was arrested for drunk in charge. But, because the CPS manual expresses a preferance for it, they then reverted and charged for what I described earlier of being over the prescribed limit......

but they may have done and the CPS did their usual and toss it in the too difficult bin.

This annoyed me a few years ago. Myself and a few friends witnessed a drunk driver pull out from a T junction when there was a cyclist in front of him. The cyclist and the bike went over the bonnet of the car and he drove away as if nothing had happened. Luckily, his number plate was torn off and left on the road which made it easy to trace him - although that wasn't necessary as he returned about ten minutes later when the police were there.

Despite taking written statements from about five of us, he was only charged with being over the limit and banned. We were expecting a lot more.

Expecting a lot more in terms of charges, or sentence?

Not sure really. At the time, our thoughts were that only being charged with being over the legal limit was the easy way out when he had pulled out from a junction with a cyclyst right in front of him.

I suppose the anger involved by actually witnessing it had a bearing on our expectations.

It could be said it was an easy way out yes, thats the CPS for you. But in reality the sentence would have been no different if he had been. Any disqual for careless driving would have been less than the ban for drink/drive and would run concurrently anyway.