No canister... thinking of tape, alfoil and rubber band...
Should be fine
Good plan! Probably better treat shot 4 as a lens cap shot, in case of misalignment...

Mind you, since I've failed yet again to fall in love with the Autocord, I've nothing I like to put my copious amounts of 120 into. :(

You just need an RB Chris, cable release, tripod and it doesn't matter about your injured hand.
Mind you, since I've failed yet again to fall in love with the Autocord, I've nothing I like to put my copious amounts of 120 into. :(

How about one of these...

As for new toys my order from firstcall arrived today with my c41 pouches so I have little excuse not to dev my own film in my new to me Essex daylight developer tank :) It's a thing of beauty... luckily it comes with a manual as otherwise I'd struggle to even open it....
I've always liked the look of those Mamiya 6's, supposed to be a cracking lens on them as well.

Mind you, since I've failed yet again to fall in love with the Autocord, I've nothing I like to put my copious amounts of 120 into. :(

What are you not liking about the Autocord? I struggled a bit with mine for a while (I was trying to use it the same way as my SQ-A), but I've been seriously digging it recently, especially for candid portraits.

It's nowhere near as versatile as the SQ-A and it requires a different style of shooting, but what it does do, I think it does very well.

They do look nice, but why would they be better than the Ikonta? (I suppose the answer is slightly more modern enginerring might make the whole experience smoother.)

What are you not liking about the Autocord? I struggled a bit with mine for a while (I was trying to use it the same way as my SQ-A), but I've been seriously digging it recently, especially for candid portraits.

It's nowhere near as versatile as the SQ-A and it requires a different style of shooting, but what it does do, I think it does very well.

Partly it's carrying it around; the balance doesn't seem to be right, and it's hard to manage. But despite the new Oleson screen I also find it very hard to frame the image and to focus. Rick says I should be able to see the split image with the magnifier popped up, looking down from a distance, but it doesn't work for me. I'm getting general framing, then the magnifier and squinting down, then back for general framing again. I've finished the film so when that comes bck I'll have a better idea if I got what I was looking for. But I think the implication is right, that I need to learn better technique. However there's so much putting me off. Oddly, I found the WLF on the borrowed M645 relatively easy to use...

You just need an RB Chris, cable release, tripod...

Actually I find tripods quite a faff, although I have been using a monopod occasionally, very quick to set up and definitely helps stability. Not sure it would work so well with the weight of a RB though (I often carry the MX via the attached monopod, I think the RB would be too heavy.)
They do look nice, but why would they be better than the Ikonta? (I suppose the answer is slightly more modern enginerring might make the whole experience smoother.)

I meant it could be better than the autocord which you don't seem fond of. Or at least different :)
I had the same problem to begin with Chris but then I read that TLR viewfinders were meant to be used with one eye closed, especially when using the magnifier. Loads better now even with my eyesight.
:D .......but was amused at Windsor when a girl put her digi compact on a post near me, stepped back about 3 yards and started smiling and she got Windsor castle in the background....with my camera around my neck you'd think she would have asked me to take the shot :rolleyes:

Perhaps the post looked more trustworthy!!


:ROFLMAO: I'm saying nowt!:D
Courtesy of @freecom2:


It's pretty good for street (!) and it makes my FM2 look like a compact.
This small little box arrived today:

Described as having hazy optics but it mostly appears to be dirt. Cleaned both lenses and they look clear. Viewing screen is filthy. Cleaned the top with IPA but it wants taking out and cleaning on the underside.

I can't get over how little and cute it is. For a complete whim it might actually have been a good choice.... just waiting for the 120 film to arrive. Dispatched yesterday by RM next day so I was expecting it today. Grrrrr.
What breed of 'flex is it Suz?

I'm waiting on an MX-EVS.
New toy:

Mamiya 645 Super medium format camera
Mamiya 45mm f/2.8 lens
Mamiya 80mm f/1.9 lens
Mamiya 150mm f/4 lens
Mamiya AE Prism Finder (Metered)
Mamiya Waist Level Finder
Mamiya Left Hand Grip
Mamiya 120 flm back (x2)
Hakuba Aluminium case

Shot first roll over weekend, awaiting film/scans back.

I'm already liking the weight, size and feel of the camera. Looking forward to using it more (usually shoot with a Minolta X700 and various lenses).

Shane :)
Is that the Real Slim Shaney?

I'd like something like that, sounds like a fun toy.
I can remember when it came out...
Them's cracking results, great quality of blur in the first image. Let down slightly by the sign "AUBS", which doesn't contain a greengrocer's apostrophe.
Ok, so the trip arrived... eventually. Film take up is interesting, while it works just abouts with the back open, it seems to want the pressure of the backplate on the film to do it properly. Unusual?
First test roll is hanging up now, looks ok, albeit a bit thin, but I'll reserve judgement til they've dried and been looked at properly. Did love using the little oly though.
Very nice. Typical of Contax/Yashica cameras, the leather is crap and falls off. I've seen some really nice pimped up ones though from camera, worth a few quid to tart it up.
Will have a look. The lens has some fungus so going to look into getting that sorted, would have a go at it myself but unfortunately i have hands like shovels and know for a fact i would wreck something :)
My tatty looking Contax 139 looks like that as well, nice camera but short of lenses for it...I have so many 28mms, 50mms, 135mms lenses why would I buy a Yashica ML lens and Contax lenses are sooo expensive.
Gonna sell it on as i dont want to have a go at the fungus and ive had a quote of £80 from a shop in Manchester so not worth it for me.