Ah, thanks Steve. I remember now buying about 300 ml of it, in a plastic drinks bottle (which is now covered in labels saying POISON!), to help clean up my father's DufayColor transparencies! If I'd known about the CD Cleaning fluid alter ego, I might not have had to buy quite so much...
Having had a bit of a clear out I have of course spent most of the income.

Just bought received a jobo multi tank with a 120 spiral and a 5x4 spiral. Just need to work out how to rotate the tank. Got some more slightly ood film to practice with, eyeing up some provia in 5x4 but my process isn't quite there yet.

Also ordered a fuji 210mm from Japan, not really getting on with the 150mm, so hopefully the tax man misses it!

Tax man caught me!

£20 in vat, £13.50 to parcelfarce. They justify the extra £5 handling fee because it's a priority channel and they reflect this by it sitting around for a week at customs now it'll sit for another few days while I pay the charge and they keep pretending to deliver it.
I rather like those Contax Arias, very nicely styled. I believe they were originally aimed at the ladies but became quite popular as a general lightweight walkabout camera.

I read the bit about them being designed as a ladies camera to, its all the same to me I just see it as well designed it is nice to use and it came with that Planar T ...

Tax man caught me!

£20 in vat, £13.50 to parcelfarce. They justify the extra £5 handling fee because it's a priority channel and they reflect this by it sitting around for a week at customs now it'll sit for another few days while I pay the charge and they keep pretending to deliver it.

That sounds unusually efficient for Parcelfarce last time I had something to do with them it was a tracked package from Germany a day to get to the UK then they just sit on it for two weeks for no adequately explained reason.
is that your lorry Nick? If so then that's :Dprobably a normal size camera.:D
Picked up a lens for my OM10 for £12 from CEX. The girl who served me commented that the OM10 was what she started with. I mentioned it was one of 23 film SLRs and she said she had 82 including her medium format ones. She was only in her twenties, maybe a parent started her off.
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One of her colleagues did say, "she'll take your address and come round and steal yours" so maybe that's how she's built up her collection.
Maybe working in CEX pays more than I thought.

Or she gets the pick of the stuff that's brought in at staff prices. I took a bunch of CDs in a few years ago and got maybe 10-25p per disk and I didn't see any being sold for that little.
Yes, if you go on their website it says they pay about 50p for DVDs and sell them for £3. They don't generally buy film cameras though, and probably only lenses because they can be adapted for d*****l.
Picked up my 210mm 5x4 lens before parcelfarce had a chance to put it in to their van based aether. Looks pretty minty, not bad for 135 quid all in.
Lettering inside or outside the barrel ?

Most of the Fuji LF lenses are highly regarded and often pretty reasonable in price.
Had a productive day. Picked up a T20 flash from one charity shop for my OM10, and got that Nikon 50mm f1.8 AF-D for £10 and a Hoya 200mm f3.5 for my Canon FT QL for £6. When I got home I found the spares or repair Minolta X-700 waiting. This was described as not metering or winding on. I changed the batteries and cleaned the contacts, two of the most common causes for this problem in this camera. The other is a blown capacitor. I checked and it still wasn't working, then I noticed the on/off switch was set between on and off. I turned it on and it was fine. The seller can't have known about the on/off switch and may have moved it when shifting speeds.
Lettering inside or outside the barrel ?

Most of the Fuji LF lenses are highly regarded and often pretty reasonable in price.

Out side, why?

Yeah, couldn't find any bad reviews not even just buyers remorse.

Doesn't look like I'll get it out this weekend though :(
Bought a Centon 50mm f1.8 lens for £6 to use on the X-700. The X-700's frame counter doesn't work. I can live with that for now though, the film load indicator window gives an idea of how far through the film is.

The screw on the wind on lever had been removed, probably in an attempt to fix this, and replaced but with a significant amount of brassing. The tab which resets the frame counter is not straight either.

From research this is usually due to a plastic button on top of the dial breaking. I have found a service manual here if you back browse there are also Canon, Nikon, Olympus and Pentax folders in the reflexes folder. Further back, in manuels_rep are the folders Rolleiflex, mf, obturateurs (lenses?), reflexes and telémetrique (rangefinders?).

The Minolta SRT-101, X-700 and Pentax Spotmatic manuals I've downloaded are all in English, I imagine the others are too.
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I just got a new Rondinax tank, this one being boxed and the 'original' model made from bakelite apparently (though there's a really metallic feeling to it... seems like painted metal to me?)

My old tank was a complete revelation; since buying it I have shot loads more 35mm film and find it such fun to use.

My old tank will be for sale soon. It's just as good but from what I can gather it's a later model made of plastic - which of course is 'perfectly fine' to quote my girlfriend, who obviously knows nothing.

Picked up a few accessories for my F80s this week. The combo of a DK-22 adapter, DK-3 eyecup and a used eyepiece from a FM/FE/FA etc gives me a nice light blocking eyecup like the DK-19 does on my D700. Added bonus is it will fit any rectangular eyepiece Nikon in my stocks!

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Victor mania! Very nice indeed.
Got all the bits for my jobo system, a new bag for the RB67 and a load of side film.

Having just sold my stash to Asha I thought up a couple of projects that would look great in Velvia and provia plus now I've got a jobo system I should be able to get half way to a consistent temperature.
I bought a new crash helmet from fc-moto in Germany a fortnight ago :)

Yeah, ok, not exactly film-related, I know. But then they refunded my money because the helmet wasn't in stock which is good considering it's new for next year (I think they'd listed it early). Trouble was, I'd paid by PayPal and the refund went there and I hate the idea of paying a charge to get my own money back so I bought an 80mm f/2.8 lens for the 'blad instead, which arrived today. :D

Lovely condition, though the slow speeds were dragging a little until I'd run through them a few times on the body. It'll need a service before too long but the price was ok and I think it'll loosen up a bit more with use so I'm willing to see how it goes.
Out side, why?

Yeah, couldn't find any bad reviews not even just buyers remorse.

Doesn't look like I'll get it out this weekend though :(

The late seventies version although single coated was a 80 degree Plasmat with coverage for 10x8, 352mm image circle it is also in Copal one whereas the Rodenstock Sironar W with simular spec is in Copal three the other choices are suger angulon types much greater coverage but huge and much more expensive.
Well... exciting day today: my new toy arrived. Of course, it's not exactly new, but it's new to me :)

(It was to replace the "wrong" camera I was sent.... grrr, story is here:

Anyway, film loaded and I'm planning to pop out tomorrow and grab a few shots before the sun disappears or, worst case, over the weekend. In the mean time, here is a quick grab shot of the beauty... fisheyed for no good reason ;)

New camera!
by pjm1 (Paul), on Flickr
I've got one of those; it cost (from memory) £3 15/- (£3.75 in funny munny). I also have film for it (expired 1963) :)
I've got one too

35-50 by Raglansurf, on Flickr

It belonged to my Dad who bought it back in the 60's, would love to try some film through it.
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Look how teeny tiny my new toy is. Nawww it's so cute :D

Mycro IIIA
by Carl Hall Photography, on Flickr

I've got one of those; it cost (from memory) £3 15/- (£3.75 in funny munny). I also have film for it (expired 1963) :)

I've got one too

35-50 by Raglansurf, on Flickr

It belonged to my Dad who bought it back in the 60's, would love to try some film through it.

They're cool, what sized film do they take?
I can't post a piccie here, but I did here. Mods please remove post if this isn't allowed.

Mod Edit: I can do better than that Stephen ;)


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They're cool, what sized film do they take?
The Mycro takes ten 14×14mm exposures on unperforated 17.5mm, sold in some places as Hit film, there's more info here I've heard that a reasonable success can be had by hand rolling 16mm motion picture film can be used as long as you have the spindles.
No problem Nick, glad you like it :0) Hope you enjoy shooting with it as much as I enjoyed restoring it.

In other news, I seem to have come back into the 35mm fold....


I missed the EOS 30E I had earlier this year so have just bought another one. Just need to find myself a lens now, I'm looking at getting myself a nifty fifty and possibly a 19-35 again so if anyone has one ready for the classifieds I'm interested ;0)
