I've had a gander, its an AZ-300 superzoom, with a funny shaped lens cap

The lens cap is quite useful, if you cannot see through the viewfinder then the lens cap is on, saves you wasting film, the camera is not a SLR. Odd shape though, I have a later model and was once asked if I was taking radiation readings.....
Just had my arca out with my new ground glass, what a difference I can actually see what I'm doing for my night shots. Not saying they'll be any better just that I can see them now...
Now that's a big camera! Nice workmanship too. What lens will you be using with it?

Probably a standard 300mm (50mm equivalent) and something a bit more exotic at the wide or longer end. Maybe a vintage brass lens or two in time for some portraits and contact printing or alternative processing. The film costs are probably what will dictate all of this though!
Got my first ever film camera today, never would have gotten one if it wasn't for this forum, lots of great photos so i had to try it!
I got a Praktica MTL 5 with Pentacon f1.8 50mm lens and 2 rolls of film one color one black and white to start with!

Thought i'd get a film to help me get the shot in the camera and not to be reliant on post processing.

Got my first ever film camera today, never would have gotten one if it wasn't for this forum, lots of great photos so i had to try it!
I got a Praktica MTL 5 with Pentacon f1.8 50mm lens and 2 rolls of film one color one black and white to start with!

Thought i'd get a film to help me get the shot in the camera and not to be reliant on post processing.


My XG-M has arrived and I've got a roll of Fujicolor C200 ready for some testing. I'm quite excited!

New toy! by Jon Narbett, on Flickr

You lucky people...enjoy.
Got my first ever film camera today, never would have gotten one if it wasn't for this forum, lots of great photos so i had to try it!
I got a Praktica MTL 5 with Pentacon f1.8 50mm lens and 2 rolls of film one color one black and white to start with!

Thought i'd get a film to help me get the shot in the camera and not to be reliant on post processing.


You'll get same nice shots with this combo, the meter might not be accurate (well if it's working) unless you use something like a large hearing aid battery (1.35v)...although you could try the 1.5v battery and get by, by adjusting the ASA to compensate.
Got a few new toys today

An Olympus OM-2n with a Zuiko 50mm f1.8 lens and a Olympus T20 flash
A Nikon FG with a nikon 50mm 1.8 lens
A Canon EF-M with a canon 35-80mm lens
A Exakta RTL1000 with Oreston 50mm f1.8, Pentacon 135mm f2.8, Unitor 28mm f.2.8 (with a nice leather case), 2 spare focusing screens, waist level viewfinder and a set of extension tubes.

I am also picking up a Minolta Dynax 500 si on Sunday evening
That's a great haul. I really liked the Nikon FG I owned (I only sold it because of a lack of use) - it was fully featured, small and light, but still durable enough that you could put some faith in it.

The OM2n looks great as well. There's a black one in the Classifieds which looks fantastic (I doubt I'm the only one tempted!) but I barely shoot the cameras I own as it is...!
That's a great haul. I really liked the Nikon FG I owned (I only sold it because of a lack of use) - it was fully featured, small and light, but still durable enough that you could put some faith in it.

The OM2n looks great as well. There's a black one in the Classifieds which looks fantastic (I doubt I'm the only one tempted!) but I barely shoot the cameras I own as it is...!

Thanks the OM-2 two is my favourite out of the bunch looks wise I love the silver and black and it is pristine in condition. The best part is all they cost was the fuel to pick them up.

Will be looking to get some B&W film to use, which do people prefer.
FG is a lovely little camera camera. So many features in such a small body. Should use mine more than I do. Film wise I like Ilford FP4 but for laziness & lack of time to develop I use XP2 now. Have a roll in my OM2 SP now & will say that I find only having 1000th sec top shutter does stop me shooting wide open on very bright days. Need to get myself an ND filter. Am a late adopter of Olympus & am used to shooting with Nikon's with faster shutters & not having to worry about it so much.
Have a roll in my OM2 SP now & will say that I find only having 1000th sec top shutter does stop me shooting wide open on very bright days.

As you're using negative film though, I'd just overexpose the film; it'll be fine. Heck, Ilford even recommend shooting XP2 at EI 50 for finest grain (see, so there's your virtual three-stop ND filter right there.

I don't even have a camera with a faster shutter speed than 1/500 and I shoot wide open all day and night.

The only issue I've ever had with overexposing these films is that you get longer exposure times if you're darkroom printing because the negatives are denser, but you can still print them and they look great.
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The only issue I've ever had with overexposing these films is that you get longer exposure times if you're darkroom printing because the negatives are denser, but you can still print them and they look great.

If you are rating the whole film at a slower speed, just compensate for it in development. For every stop of extra exposure, reduce development by about 20%.

FG is a lovely little camera camera. So many features in such a small body.

It is. I have had mine for thirty years. It was my first Nikon SLR... well, I had a Nikkormat before it but this one actually said Nikon on the front which is important when you're 18 but not so much now!

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If you are rating the whole film at a slower speed, just compensate for it in development. For every stop of extra exposure, reduce development by about 20%.

Yes, you could do that for traditional black and white film, but I'd develop as normal for colour negative process films, such as XP2, which @DNH said he was using.
I do like that! Does the meter work?
I've not yet developed any film to see results but it appears to be working. It's fairly basic, the shutter button locks if it's too dark so it's doing something at least. I'll have to compare it to another one of my cameras to see if it's accurate
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Got a major case of GAS at the moment. Keep finding myself on ebay in the film photography sections, sorting by end time, just to see if anything interesting catches my eye. I need a fix!
Walk away Carl, just walk away before it's too late.
I don't think there is a way to stop GAS, once it strikes it's just a matter of time until your bank account takes a hit! :LOL:

Luckily I managed to cure it temporarily by winning a "mint condition" Lubitel 166B off ebay this morning. Hopefully that'll keep the GAS under control for a month or two! :D
I've not yet developed any film to see results but it appears to be working. It's fairly basic, the shutter button locks if it's too dark so it's doing something at least. I'll have to compare it to another one of my cameras to see if it's accurate

The meter on mine doesn't work so I used a free light meter app and the pics came out well.
I really like the 35RC - good size, well built, reassuringly heavy.
I don't think there is a way to stop GAS, once it strikes it's just a matter of time until your bank account takes a hit! :LOL:

Luckily I managed to cure it temporarily by winning a "mint condition" Lubitel 166B off ebay this morning. Hopefully that'll keep the GAS under control for a month or two! :D

I think i tried to win that one too! Lucky Man hope you enjoy it!
Fancied giving a Minolta 7000 a go & have won a couple of auctions on ebay today. for £12 + shipping have a body & a Minolta 35-70 zoom on the way.
Ooh, that looks nice....

Funnily enough I've got a few minutes to go on Yashica 12 in lovely condition.

Cheers Andy. The pics of the one I bought aren't great but it looks in good condition. The 35mm adaptor is in the original case but I can't see if everything's there so it's a bit of a punt but I'll see what happens.

I've seen a few Yashica 12's and been tempted. TLR time :0)
Cheers Andy. The pics of the one I bought aren't great but it looks in good condition. The 35mm adaptor is in the original case but I can't see if everything's there so it's a bit of a punt but I'll see what happens.

I've seen a few Yashica 12's and been tempted. TLR time :0)
Let me know if anything's missing Steve, I have a couple of duplicate bits.
Personally I'd always recommend an Olympus OM body. Depending on how much automatic control you want the OM10's are a great simple aperture priority body. The OM1 is the opposite end fully manual and the OM2 is a combination of both. I've got an OM2n at the moment and it's really nice to use. The OM Zuiko lenses are also awesome.
The OMs are great little cameras but the emphasis is on little. If you have large hands then you might find them a bit difficult to use. I'm also not a fan of the shutter speed selection being around the lens mount. A much easier camera to use (IME) is the Nikon FG plus if you're already a Nikon shooter you can use the manual focus lenses on your digital camera.

I know nothing of Minoltas, it's an itch I've never gotten around to scratching.