I heard tell a couple of days ago that there's a Poundland near Shepherds Bush in west London that used to sell Kodak Gold and is currently selling Fuji Superia.
I heard tell a couple of days ago that there's a Poundland near Shepherds Bush in west London that used to sell Kodak Gold and is currently selling Fuji Superia.

Now THAT is simply a case of Southern bias :LOL: Although to tell the truth I am kind of in love with the Agfa Vista the ones up here are selling :love:
I heard tell a couple of days ago that there's a Poundland near Shepherds Bush in west London that used to sell Kodak Gold and is currently selling Fuji Superia.

I've been in the one in the Shepherds Bush centre and the two on King St, Hammersmith within the last week, I could only find Agfa Vista Plus 200 (made in Japan, expiry 2014). Perhaps it's the one on Portobello Road? I might try that at the weekend, as my mate's lad runs a stall there on Saturdays. I must remember NOT to take a camera, so many poseurs there with plastic digital Nikons on big wide Nikon straps it's cringe making

The Poundland website says they have Kodak Gold but I've not seen it, mind you it also gets mixed up between Hammersmith and Hamilton in Scotland on their maps!
The Poiundlands in the Metro Centre and in Norwich were selling both Agfa and Ferrania Solaris 200 (a packet of 2 rolls of 24 for £1 each, albeit undated) the other week. The Poundland just off the Holloway Road is currently selling Agfa.

Not sure where all the Kodak has gone.
got an original Canonet (selenium cell and winder on the underside) with ever ready case for eight pounds t'other day. Bargain!
NickT said:
I've been in the one in the Shepherds Bush centre and the two on King St, Hammersmith within the last week, I could only find Agfa Vista Plus 200 (made in Japan, expiry 2014).

My informant has confessed it may have been Agfa Vista, not Superia.

Darn it :-/
In other news, an Olympus OM-2N with a Zuiko 50mm f/1.8 arrived in the post today, purchased from iamchrisphoto on this very forum's classifieds.

Loving the finder. Some Tmax 400 has been loaded... :)
I've always wanted a rangefinder, I had a couple of pints of london pride, ebay happened and a fed2 is on its way from the ukraine.

My first film camera in 20 years, (excepting the holga I picked up for a giggle), I rather hope it works ok, but hey, 30 quid. whats that - a bottle of a wine and a curry for two?
Ebilpirate said:
I've always wanted a rangefinder, I had a couple of pints of london pride, ebay happened and a fed2 is on its way from the ukraine.

My first film camera in 20 years, (excepting the holga I picked up for a giggle), I rather hope it works ok, but hey, 30 quid. whats that - a bottle of a wine and a curry for two?

It's a dangerous game, comparing prices like that... it was my pitfall! It is true though, what you can get now - especially considering what they cost new, adjusted for inflation - is staggering. The absolute top end pro equipment for peanuts!
My latest arrival is a Polaroid 340, complete with flash and close up attachments. It was a bit grubby and I needed to make a small repair to realign the aperture as it was off, but I've just taken a couple of test frames on some Fuji FP-100C and it's looking good!
I know I didn't need it but at £26 plus £8 postage it was a no brainer.

Yash-Mat by andysnapper1, on Flickr

Seems to be ok cosmetically and clean as a whistle inside. Shutter sounds round about ok at all speeds as well.

I know I didn't need it but at £26 plus £8 postage it was a no brainer.

Yash-Mat by andysnapper1, on Flickr

Seems to be ok cosmetically and clean as a whistle inside. Shutter sounds round about ok at all speeds as well.


Bargain, bargain, bargain! What do you mean 'you don't need it'? You can never have too many cameras :LOL:
I've always wanted a rangefinder, I had a couple of pints of london pride, ebay happened and a fed2 is on its way from the ukraine.

My first film camera in 20 years, (excepting the holga I picked up for a giggle), I rather hope it works ok, but hey, 30 quid. whats that - a bottle of a wine and a curry for two?

Ah, the thing about film photography Matt, it's like razors, they darn near give the things away so we spend oodles and oodles (many, many bottles of wine and curries) on film and processing, and scanners, and home labs, and darkrooms, and chemicals, and bigger cameras, and...

Welcome on board, it may be a one-way ticket to penury but it's a lot of fun and there's a great group of people here to share the journey with you... :wave:
Nice Andy! As we all know, you can never have too many cameras :LOL:

Here's the Polaroid 340:


Sadly I unwittingly ordered silk finish film rather than gloss and it really doesn't scan at all well due to its texture. Never mind, ordered some 3000B to make up for it!
Nice, I've got a 355... or maybe a 350. Need to convert it to AAA batteries, although the obsolete 4.5V battery I received with it still works and powers the camera absolutely fine :)
Nice, I keep thinking about getting something similar but the price of film puts me off.

Had to get one before Andy bought them all ;)

Yashica Mat-124 by Strappster, on Flickr

Probably paid a bit over the odds but it's practically mint and the seller has had it CLA'd by Miles Whitehead, plus there's a 6-month warranty as he's a trader.

Quick test and the shutter speeds seem on the money, all the dials are smooth and the self-timer's fine. It came with an ER case and the chap included a couple of B&W films (expired April 2005 but free so can't complain) and a yellow bay-1 filter that he hadn't mentioned in the ad.

The meter appears to read a stop or so more optimistic than my T90 on the same scene so I'll see how that turns out, though with a roll of FP4 loaded I think the latitude will help.

That's enough new toys for now though, Enjoyment Control is raising her eyebrows at the number of cameras hidden around the spare room so some will have to go. :LOL:
Nice, I've got a 355... or maybe a 350. Need to convert it to AAA batteries, although the obsolete 4.5V battery I received with it still works and powers the camera absolutely fine :)

The conversion is quite easy.. you just have to be brave, snip the wires and break-out enough room in the compartment for the batter pack.

I think I worked out that the best price for FP-100C was 80p/print, and if you use High Street developing that's not far off the cost of dev'n'scan of a decent colour 120 film when you include the film price as well (at least if you're shooting 6x7).
Now normally when I by a camera on a well known auction site I can blame the well known combination of late night/booze/+paypal balance but I can't even do that this time.

For some reason I've just bought one of these

Don't ask me why I just liked the look of it :LOL:

Proper pics when it arrives :D
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You little devil!!:D

Any holders coming with it ??

Stupid Nick logic prevailed :bang: I have 1 9x12 film holder which I picked up in error at Mr Cad thinking it was a 5x4 holder and didn't discover the mistake until I spent 30 minutes trying to load it with 5x4 film and couldn't work out why it didn't fit :LOL:

It does come with a Rada film back so hopefully I can can get some use out of it straight away.
Seriously jealous Nick. I've been contemplated something in a Voigtlander plate camera for a while. I shall wait with bated breath for the pics.

Whoa there Dean you cheeky monkey......I don't buy every Yashica TLR on a certain auction site.....all though I am tempted by a 124G.

Poundland in Thetford Kodak Gold, Poundland in Bury St Edmunds Agfa Vista.

After a spell of out of love with Rangefinders I picked up this little minter, or should I say Minister, at the usual Bay. The first roll of film - standard new camera test Kodak Gold :puke:- will go for dev & CD on monday. Results Tuesday. Verdict Tuesday evening. Film door doesn't quite ping open but rangefinder is bright and sharp, meter is very active, bodywork is shiny and bright. So far, so good.

Poundland Crewe Agfa Vista £1 per roll.

Nice Yash Tikka.

Sleep and work eh! sometimes at the same time.:D
I cannot tell a lie - the voices told me to buy it or the rabbits would die horribly...



Hey - it was for the rabbits, right?
I cannot tell a lie - the voices told me to buy it or the rabbits would die horribly...

Hey - it was for the rabbits, right?

You did the right thing Arthur :clap:
Can't help thinking that there actually are a few too many of the rabbit-shaped things around here anyway though. And I have spent *way* too much on weird lenses and watches and so on already this month so that I am going to have to tell the wife there was no overtime after all :D
As chairman of the 'Save the Rabbits' committee I applaud your selfless act and I can offer to hide the offending article away from prying wifey eyes at my house if you want.:whistle:
Strange - I had you down as a save the trees type... given the Nikon penchant :naughty:
Yeh Man, rabbits, trees, I don't care, I'll save anything.
Just inherited a bunch of stuff from my father in law. Amongst the digital gubbins was some Nikon film stuff. An f-501, 70-210 f4, 28-85 f3.5-4.5, sb-22 and a tc-16a. Had a quick play and am putting a film thru the 501. Old af cameras are a little slow!

Don't think I will hold onto it so there is a price check thread in the appropriate place! ;)
Oh! that reminds me, the pubs open....ta ta till later