Red wood stain at least....
Took delivery of a pair of Dynax 600si bodies. Found on eBay both in excellent nick, one in its original box and instruction books for each. 40 quid. Suits me.
I think you lot should introduce a one-in-one-out policy on camera purchases (but only if the one out ends up in the F&C Classifieds . . .)
well, bi something anyway...
Haha :D I can't say until it's arrived as I want to check it over and make sure it's ok first. Let's just say I've gone with my heart instead of my head though :confused:

Hasselblad, I'm guessing then. Although, in another thread, you did direct Gareth to an eBay listing for a Contax 645 insert...
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2 to 1 on its a Kodak instamatic :D
Bugger, wrong again.
You could put your shopping in that.
That's very nice Carl.
Nice. Definately not a T70.

I have only one lens for mine, the 50mm. I'd like something longer but it's seems massively expensive and quite rare to find an 80mm on it's own.
Might have to be a cheap 150mm.
That is all of the lovely, nicely done :)

I'd like something longer but it's seems massively expensive and quite rare to find an 80mm on it's own.

I had the same problem, took an age of looking before I got lucky on an eBay auction. The 80mm is normally sold on a body, which is why they're rare on their own. I bought one that needed a service in the end, service costs on Hasselblads put off a lot of people but independent service people like Miles Whitehead can sort them out at a reasonable cost.
Nice. Definately not a T70.

I have only one lens for mine, the 50mm. I'd like something longer but it's seems massively expensive and quite rare to find an 80mm on it's own.
Might have to be a cheap 150mm.

I'd go for the 100mm. In technical terms, it's supposed to be the premier lens of the Hasselblad system. I mostly just like that focal length in 6x6cm though.
Thanks all, I'm well chuffed with it :) Just scanning a test roll I took in the garden this afternoon, so I'll find out if it's any good now :D
Good grief, Carl!
What are you like at Christmas?

Camera is looking rather nice, BTW.
Canon EOS 55 film camera, £8.99 on eBay!

It's the Japenese version of the Canon EOS 50 (UK) or Elan II (US).

Just ordered some rolls of Kodak Portra 160 to test it over the next couple of weeks.

Both the camera & the film is new to me! Excited to shoot this Autumn now.
Oops, I seem to have just bought another Ross Ensign 820..... bit of a bargain if it's as good as described.
Canon EOS 55 film camera, £8.99 on eBay!

It's the Japenese version of the Canon EOS 50 (UK) or Elan II (US).

Just ordered some rolls of Kodak Portra 160 to test it over the next couple of weeks.
Who would have thought that film would become more expensive than the equipment used to shoot it.
It's the ink cartridge vs printer thing all over
I still can't compute that a roll of 35mm portra is £10.....unprocessed !....
I've had a chance to have a good look at the Zeiss Contax 200 3.5
The description said there was some dust inside.
A quick blow with the rocket on the rear element and it was gone!
I'm looking forward to using it tomorrow.
I also received a yellow filter for the Planar from SRB.
I missed out on a mint 195 on ebay, the price went way to high (£420). Feeling annoyed I went for this 180, hopefully it works ok, In for a penny and all that jazz. Its certainly made a dent in the Hasselblad fund though:(
never thought I would but I have a Hasselblad fund too

when I had a Mamiya 6 fund going, I mentioned it here and 40 folk I'd never heard of came out the woodwork to say they had one too...:cautious:

I dunno if its a very good strategy.....blabbin yer ins and outs....

If a book can be counted as a toy, I bought "Experimental Photography A Handbook of Techniques" on Friday. Given that two pages are devoted to converting a Polaroid camera to wet collodion, and another two pages to converting a 35mm SLR similarly, I think it might appeal to a few here.