Olympus OM-D E-M5, E-M1, E-M10 - Mk1, Mk2 & Mk3 Owners Thread

Thanks for posting. Looking good! And fingers crossed.

Whatever you do, don't bother with the comments. A bunch of techies arguing about something they probably don't understand, let alone us normal folks........
One of the reasons I steer well clear of u.s forums .
Question for OMD EM1 mk iii users ! How often do you use Hand held high res ?

I’m very happy with my EM5 mk iii but am tempted by this feature.
Question for OMD EM1 mk iii users ! How often do you use Hand held high res ?

I’m very happy with my EM5 mk iii but am tempted by this feature.
Never up to now nor any of the other bells and whistles I bought it for .but there if needed
Question for OMD EM1 mk iii users ! How often do you use Hand held high res ?

I’m very happy with my EM5 mk iii but am tempted by this feature.
.... I have never used this feature on my E-M1X but read about it and there are some important considerations such as I think JPEG only (I think but am not sure) and no bursts and also huge 50Mb image files which can only be processed by Olympus Workspace (I think) < Needs checking, there'll be plenty info online. Someone like Robin Wong will be reliable.

But I think this feature would be great for landscapes (which I don't do apart from quick snaps on my Olympus TG-6 pocket camera).
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.... I have never used this feature on my E-M1X but read about it and there are some important considerations such as I think JPEG only (I think but am not sure) and no bursts and also huge 50Mb image files which can only be processed by Olympus Workspace (I think) < Needs checking, there'll be plenty info online. Someone like Robin Wong will be reliable.

But I think this feature would be great for landscapes (which I don't do apart from quick snaps on my Olympus TG-6 pocket camera).
Hi res can be used for jpeg and raw, and can be 80mp (tripod only) and 50mp (handheld). You can process in lightroom etc, however it's apparently quite tricky and a different process to usual and unless you're familiar with it most folk get better results with the olympus software (y)

That being said, when I had my EM5-II many moons ago I tried the hi-res mode and can't remember any issue processing in Lightroom :thinking:
Hi res can be used for jpeg and raw, and can be 80mp (tripod only) and 50mp (handheld). You can process in lightroom etc, however it's apparently quite tricky and a different process to usual and unless you're familiar with it most folk get better results with the olympus software (y)

That being said, when I had my EM5-II many moons ago I tried the hi-res mode and can't remember any issue processing in Lightroom :thinking:

I have had no problems with PP in LR on files from my E-M5II and E-M1ii. The only difference is needing to use bigger feather edges and stuff like that.

I have made mistakes and not made sure it was set to RAW as it defaults to Jpeg
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Hi res can be used for jpeg and raw, and can be 80mp (tripod only) and 50mp (handheld). You can process in lightroom etc, however it's apparently quite tricky and a different process to usual and unless you're familiar with it most folk get better results with the olympus software (y)

That being said, when I had my EM5-II many moons ago I tried the hi-res mode and can't remember any issue processing in Lightroom :thinking:
.... Thanks - All good to know.

Olympus Hi-Res image files are ORI as opposed to ORF and so your RAW editor (and previewer such as FastRawViewer) has to support them if you prefer not to use Olympus Workspace.

Someone's preferred and established editing workflow will greatly influence how they want to deal with the Olympus ORI files. For example, I use Capture One + ON1 and not Lightroom.
A question for Topaz users I finally sorted my new PC out got Topaz de noise updated and started to use it standard mode seems to be at the moment the best choice until I grapple with it further my question is Topaz sharping AI is on my radar as I have revised some images from last year and they are a tad unsharp Would Topaz sharping make improvements and is it worth the investment or are there any other software recommendations

One further question do the recent updates to light room negate the need for Topaz sharpening from users experience I recall recently Jeff Aka Black Fox mentioning recent updates to Lightroom and Topaz had influenced changes to workfow/choice of software to his process Have others found this to be the case?

Clearly from what my investigations show each update to software does either improve or change workflow options by users my light room skills are still in beginner mode so keen to learn from others views thanks in advance for any imput
A question for Topaz users I finally sorted my new PC out got Topaz de noise updated and started to use it standard mode seems to be at the moment the best choice until I grapple with it further my question is Topaz sharping AI is on my radar as I have revised some images from last year and they are a tad unsharp Would Topaz sharping make improvements and is it worth the investment or are there any other software recommendations

One further question do the recent updates to light room negate the need for Topaz sharpening from users experience I recall recently Jeff Aka Black Fox mentioning recent updates to Lightroom and Topaz had influenced changes to workfow/choice of software to his process Have others found this to be the case?

Clearly from what my investigations show each update to software does either improve or change workflow options by users my light room skills are still in beginner mode so keen to learn from others views thanks in advance for any imput
I use both denoise and sharpening. They both can do great things but need to be used with care. It is very dependent on the image.
You can try sharpening for free and decide for yourself.
in all honesty I tend to steer away from sharpen , yes it does work but in most cases your just pushing a image that shouldn't have got past selection . so unless its a rarity or unusual action leave it alone
.... Thanks - All good to know.

Olympus Hi-Res image files are ORI as opposed to ORF and so your RAW editor (and previewer such as FastRawViewer) has to support them if you prefer not to use Olympus Workspace.

Someone's preferred and established editing workflow will greatly influence how they want to deal with the Olympus ORI files. For example, I use Capture One + ON1 and not Lightroom.
I didn't know that, good to know.

Edit: Just looked into it, apparently you can change the extension to .ORF and it should show. At least according to google ;)
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I didn't know that, good to know.

Edit: Just looked into it, apparently you can change the extension to .ORF and it should show. At least according to google ;)
.... Aha, I didn't know that, good to know about changing the file extension! Perhaps it's like changing JPEG to JPG to create a workaround.
Same as I.phone pics now load as hi.ec ..you can change to j.peg but so far I have had limited success
I didn't know that, good to know.

Edit: Just looked into it, apparently you can change the extension to .ORF and it should show. At least according to google ;)

The RAW Hi Res files I have in LR are automatically ORF from an E-M1ii
Lightroom Classic will import and process all .orf files be they hi-res 80MB or not.
If you change the .ori file to a .orf it happily imports that too. The .ori file is the first raw image the camera takes in its sequence of 8 when taking a hi-res shot. Not sure why you would need it anyway.
Question for OMD EM1 mk iii users ! How often do you use Hand held high res ?

I’m very happy with my EM5 mk iii but am tempted by this feature.
I tried a couple of landscape shots as an experiment. A couple of areas came out a bit odd (blotchy rather than blurry) where the wind had moved trees.

I didn't have any issues processing, but I always start with Workspace.

For me, the tripod hi-res would be more useful.

Like most of the Olympus features, it does what it says on the tin.
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The RAW Hi Res files I have in LR are automatically ORF from an E-M1ii

Lightroom Classic will import and process all .orf files be they hi-res 80MB or not.
If you change the .ori file to a .orf it happily imports that too. The .ori file is the first raw image the camera takes in its sequence of 8 when taking a hi-res shot. Not sure why you would need it anyway.
Useful to know, thanks.
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hmmm i'm not convinced thats genuine as it says OLYMPUS on it not OM SYSTEMS only a couple more days and we will know for certain .if its a real image the one thing that doesn't look right is the right hand strap lug that will lead to straps flopping about and getting in the way
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I played about with a new pair of flash units in the garden today. I was just doing experiments because the weather was awful. I'm very pleased with the results.
All of the images are straight from Oly Workspace. The only processing that I did was cropping, a couple of exposure adjustments, and a colour balance on the crocus shot.





All were taken at ISO200, F11, 1/250s. I'm not sure if I can use a faster shutter speed - I would have been happier at 1/500 today, but I think that I have read that 1/250 is the maximum. I can imagine that I would want to go much faster on a bright day. Any advice would welcome.
Same as I.phone pics now load as hi.ec ..you can change to j.peg but so far I have had limited success
I think you need a translator - it isn't just the case of changing the suffix.
I've just taken a handheld hi-res and done some tests.

The ORI file can be opened by Gimp, Affinity and xnView. It doesn't make any difference if the file has the suffix changed to ORF.

xnViewdoesn't show the ORI file in its thumbnail view, but I suspect that there is a setting somewhere that would fix that. The ORI file isn't much use anyway because it is at the normal resolution. The Hi-res image is saved with ORF and JPEG versions. Of course, your camera may differ...
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I think you need a translator - it isn't just the case of changing the suffix.
Yea I know , did one yesterday for e.bay uploaded it to the mac and it instantly became a j.peg without me doing anything yet other shots don’t work ?
And DP review 1st look
The 2 new lenses are also announced, the 40-150 pro f4 at £899…

I was thinking about that lens to replace my 40-150R but then I thought how many times do I shot anything at over 100mm ? Hardly ever…

i had also been thinking about getting a 12-60 because a lot of car stuff I do is in that range.

So that, along with the 40-150 f4 price, has now lead me to think do I get rid of my p12-32 ( hasnt been used for a few months ), O45 ( used once for a family wedding ), P20 ( not used since the arrival of my P25 f1.4 ) and 40-150R ( not used since last summer ) and consolidate everything to the 12-100 pro…

OK, it’s bigger and heavier but I wouldnt have all the other lenses in my bag. I’d just have 2…
Specs look impressive, not sure about the styling and the right hand side strap lug position.
I am curious about the multi-image modes that can potentially produce 50Mp/80Mp images, and subject detection. It'll be interesting to see further reviews in due course.
I am curious about the multi-image modes that can potentially produce 50Mp/80Mp images, and subject detection. It'll be interesting to see further reviews in due course.

That sounds like the high res mode that already exists, probably hand held like the E-M1 iii.
I see that menu button is still in the least accessibly place it could be, but two stops better ISO sounds good.
Slightly better IBIS as well and much improved EVF is a real plus, bigger body i'm not so keen on.

New battery giving they reckon 520 shots using the rear screen, so in economy mode should last all day
Can't quite work out if the BLH-1 battery is compatible or not, getting conflicting reports on that detail.
Definitely needs a new battery grip if you use one, that ain't going to be cheap

Still its under two grand, only slightly and nice to see new m4/3 cameras coming, GH6 soon as well.
That sounds like the high res mode that already exists, probably hand held like the E-M1 iii.
I see that menu button is still in the least accessibly place it could be, but two stops better ISO sounds good.
Slightly better IBIS as well and much improved EVF is a real plus, bigger body i'm not so keen on.

New battery giving they reckon 520 shots using the rear screen, so in economy mode should last all day
Can't quite work out if the BLH-1 battery is compatible or not, getting conflicting reports on that detail.
Definitely needs a new battery grip if you use one, that ain't going to be cheap

Still its under two grand, only slightly and nice to see new m4/3 cameras coming, GH6 soon as well.
On at £2499 on the Olympus site :thinking:

Edit, sorry that's for the 12-40mm kit :facepalm: