Olympus OM-D E-M5, E-M1, E-M10 - Mk1, Mk2 & Mk3 Owners Thread

OM-1 looks good, has anyone seen any reviews/impressions of the 40-150 F4

Have the 2.8 but it is a lump.
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Well my mkiii is only about 7 months old ,so although this does look very tempting I am going to leave it sat in the corner for a while , tried a couple of PX offers and while not to bad it would still need a large wad of cash to add .
Can I warrant a upgrade that I cant really justify .not at the moment if the camera is that good and I start to see results that make me go wow then in six months time the likes of h.dew or panamoz may have them
Yes, I just spotted that after sending Marie a PM :LOL:

PS in the meantime for early adopters..................Olympus Workspace will be the only(?) option...............save to TIFF (DNG?) and then use Topaz NR lightly as needed???

PPS that is if the newest OW can be downloaded anytime soon :thinking:

On personal terms, eh.....?
To be honest, I'm not too bothered about the battery charger not being included as with my EM1-X and EM1 MK III, I haven't used their chargers in over 18 months now. I have a Nikon EH-7P AC to USB-C charger that came with my Nikon Z7, that I use instead and it's just easier charging the batteries in camera without having to remove them first, and if travelling, it's one more bulky piece of kit and an AC lead I don't have to take with me. I just hope that when the OM-1 is used with it's new HLD-10 battery grip that both batteries can be charged with a single connection (doesn't with the EM1-MK III).

I have to say on initial view I've loving the new menu system, seems much simplified. I hope they can roll this out to the MK III and 1X via a firmware upgrade ?

Also the early pre-order options of getting a free spare BLX-1 battery and a 5 year warranty sounds like a fairly decent deal ?
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On personal terms, eh.....?
..............er no! :) but I have been in direct comms with her, via the DxO PL forum in the past about when & how long they will take to add new lenses to the Olympus profiles lineup. So does no harm to ask again ;)
.... Is Marie the M in OM-1? :LOL:
Now you, just keep taking the tablets ;) :naughty:
Oops. My finger slipped.
.... Ooops! My finger slipped too! What's going on? Is it a skin condition known as GAS Finger (Gear Acquisition Syndrome)?

I am #5 in a first batch of 20. I shall be overseas until 4th April and so that's the earliest it can land in my grasp, which will also give more time for Capture One to add their support for the OM-1. Personally, I don't like the DNG or Olympus Workspace workflow.

I'll be wanting the HLD-10 Grip as soon as it's available after buying the OM-1 body.

I intend to sell my much loved E-M1X.

Oh dear, what have I done!
.... Ooops! My finger slipped too! What's going on? Is it a skin condition known as GAS Finger (Gear Acquisition Syndrome)?

I am #5 in a first batch of 20. I shall be overseas until 4th April and so that's the earliest it can land in my grasp, which will also give more time for Capture One to add their support for the OM-1. Personally, I don't like the DNG or Olympus Workspace workflow.

I'll be wanting the HLD-10 Grip as soon as it's available after buying the OM-1 body.

I intend to sell my much loved E-M1X.

Oh dear, what have I done!
tut...tut.....you naughty man....... :LOL: (Could do with a wagging finger smiley....)
I am really trying hard to resist...but I'm not really using my Olly kit a lot at present, still familiarising with it so this would be unwise. I like the look of it though.
here's hoping.
.... If you are seriously considering the HDEW channel then I suggest a phone call to them soon after the OM-1 becomes in stock in the mainstream UK retail chain and HDEW can put you on a list to be kept informed (with no obligation to buy). They can sometimes get hold of camera gear regardless of it being not yet listed on their website. I have used them for years and can strongly recommend them.
Barn owl from last year found my lost card buried in the bottom of one of my bags had no idea what was on the card until I opened it was lucky to even get this shot as I was changing battery and looked up so more of grab shot. One of first shots with my then new EM1-X If I recall it was second or third time out with the new camera trying various settings

owl 5 by mazdaman2008, on Flickr
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.... If you are seriously considering the HDEW channel then I suggest a phone call to them soon after the OM-1 becomes in stock in the mainstream UK retail chain and HDEW can put you on a list to be kept informed (with no obligation to buy). They can sometimes get hold of camera gear regardless of it being not yet listed on their website. I have used them for years and can strongly recommend them.

I've bought almost all my kit over the last 10 years from HDEW so I agree with you about their service. Good idea to contact them early and ask to be put on a waiting list actually.....I hadn't thought of that. Thanks.
I am really trying hard to resist...but I'm not really using my Olly kit a lot at present, still familiarising with it so this would be unwise. I like the look of it though.
.... Yes, the bottom line (apart from possible financial considerations) is would you use an OM-1 more than your existing Olly kit. And as you have both Nikon DSLR and Pentax/Leica film, then perhaps it's unlikely < Once you have got over your initial excitement and testing it. But only you know what you need or want.
Barn owl from last year found my lost card buried in the bottom of one of my bags had no idea what was on the card until I opened it was lucky to even get this shot as I was changing battery and looked up so more of grab shot. One of first shots with my then new EM1-X If I recall it was second or third time out with the new camera trying various settings

owl 5 by mazdaman2008, on Flickr
.... That is very nice indeed! I think the softness on the wing's primary feathers really help the feeling of motion - It's just right.
"angel's knickers" was the phrase you used once upon a time, I believe :giggle:. Never did get the chance to hear it for myself.
.... I didn't think that angels were inclined to drop their knickers and there is probably a law against trying to persuade them :D

Convent girls are usually far from being angels and I better shut up because this is going waaay off-topic!

Canon shutters are famous for their loudness and I have heard them called 'slappers'.

Quickly back on the subject of the new OM-1, I read that while in the electronic shutter option even faster AF and burst performance is offered. I have always used mechanical shutter but this could change things.
.... Yes, the bottom line (apart from possible financial considerations) is would you use an OM-1 more than your existing Olly kit. And as you have both Nikon DSLR and Pentax/Leica film, then perhaps it's unlikely < Once you have got over your initial excitement and testing it. But only you know what you need or want.
I'm afraid it's pure GAS in my case - I find the EM10-3 really good for its job (street/grab shots), and I'm just getting going with the EM1-2, but I have been building the M43 lens portfolio whilst thinking ahead to retirement, as well as the Nikon outfit. What I like about this OM-1 is that it looks like serious competition for my Nikon D500, and might preclude the idea expressed elsewhere of a D850, given that I'm no pro or would-be. What a few Olly experts here have shown can be achieved, makes me think very carefully about going down the FF route (ie Not).
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I'm afraid it's pure GAS in my case - I find the EM10-3 really good for its job (street/grab shots), and I'm just getting going with the EM1-2, but I have been building the M43 lens portfolio whilst thinking ahead to retirement, as well as the Nikon outfit. What I like about this OM-1 is that it looks like serious competition for my Nikon D500, and might preclude the idea expressed elsewhere of a D850, given that I'm no pro or would-be. What a few Olly experts here have shown can be achieved, makes me think very carefully about going down the FF route.
.... We are all different of course about what satisfies us in our photographic efforts but I read or heard somewhere this morning that the combo of the OM-1's new sensor type with much more powerful latest processor, can potentially result in noise performance which matches a current FF camera (until the FF brands also upgrade their offerings).

It was explained in detail in an earlier post so I'll find it and edit this one accordingly. > > > Edited to include Reply #24,822 by Mr Perceptive :

"With 4 photo diodes per pixel (cell) there is quite a lot of scope for adjustment calculations, to smooth the noise at a pixel level. We do not know the sensitivity of these photo diodes, they might all be the same or they could work as Fuji S5 Pro concept, where different sensitivity is applied to each diode,"

It does sound to me from the outside that it might be worth considering selling your E-M1 mk2 body and also your Nikon D500 to streamline your gear and then once replaced with a OM-1 body you will probably find you are using more of your Olly kit more often. But as I said earlier, only you know what suits you best.
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Yes I got the notification too - thought I must have noted the wrong time down!!

I am thinking of paring down some of my equipment and indulging in the OM- 1.... own less that costs more :LOL:
The bird detection, improved ISO performance, and high speed video are all very appealing to me. However, it would be silly to upgrade before I have mastered the EM1 MkIII.

If this had been available last September when I bought the EM1, then I would have been willing to pay the extra. I suspect that I will upgrade in a year or two...
Only gotten half way through watching this review and he appears to be reporting that the C-AF target acquisition is both nimble and positive even where the AF sensitivity is left as the default of "0" & tracking is also performing well :) A game changer and now very competitive compared to Sony and Canon R................???

Oh, of note he is using the 300f4 & 1.4.TC so not the more exotic 150-400/x1.4TC zoom. There are a lot of 300mm owners out there that will possibly breathe a sight of relief!
Seriously considering putting in a pre-order but which shop/source and give me some time to work out which body to sell, either the Mk3 or the M1X???

PS and then of course where to sell 'it'???
Does it have the train AF recognition from the E-1MX
Another one from my lost card from last year river Warbler which had not been seen on the Somerset levels for over 15 years caused quite a stir last year I remember the ranger at Ham Wall telling me a 56 seater coach turned up a few days after this River Warbler was spotted. This one was taken on the 100- 400 + MC20 had to run this one through Topaz AI sharpen to get a half decent image
river warbler by mazdaman2008, on Flickr
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Seriously considering putting in a pre-order but which shop/source and give me some time to work out which body to sell, either the Mk3 or the M1X???

PS and then of course where to sell 'it'???
I'm the same. I think they would agree a part ex, don't you? I want to move some stuff on. They will all want our money. Where did you go @RedRobin?

LCE is the nearest to me, but I have sold online before.
Two things that surprise me about the new camera:
1. It still has the name Olympus on it - weren't they supposed to be dropping that?
2. they named it the OM-1 - surely that's going to cause confusion with both the original film camera, and the more recent OM-D EM-1 series?
Two things that surprise me about the new camera:
1. It still has the name Olympus on it - weren't they supposed to be dropping that?
2. they named it the OM-1 - surely that's going to cause confusion with both the original film camera, and the more recent OM-D EM-1 series?
The name Olympus is supposed to be the last time it’s used, and is in homage to the 50 th anniversary of the OM1.
I'm the same. I think they would agree a part ex, don't you? I want to move some stuff on. They will all want our money. Where did you go @RedRobin?

LCE is the nearest to me, but I have sold online before.
LCE might be a good call as I have one nearby too.

PS in the past I was a Park regular but since a very poor experience I decide to avoid buying anything 'important' from them! I might get an online quote done for both the Mk3 and the M1X to see what is possible???

PPS I have just sent two separate Trade-In enquiry requests to LCE, so will see what they will suggest.....though what I am not sure about is how the trade in now works. The one previous time I did there, the shop manager appraised and agreed the figure but the website is like WEX in that you have to. apparently, send the item(s) in for them to decide :thinking: NB I might 'belt and braces it' and phone the local store to follow up my online enquiry.
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Does it have the train AF recognition from the E-1MX
.... It has train recognition and also improved Menu access to changing the various other AI recognition options. Whereas the algorithms etc might be either the same or very similar to train recognition in the E-M1X, a big advantage will be derived from the OM-1's faster AF performance than the E-M1X. Faster performance also due to the new sensor technology coupled with a much more powerful processor. Although the E-M1X has 2 processors onboard, which is allocated to the subject recognition function?
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.... Ooops! My finger slipped too! What's going on? Is it a skin condition known as GAS Finger (Gear Acquisition Syndrome)?

I am #5 in a first batch of 20. I shall be overseas until 4th April and so that's the earliest it can land in my grasp, which will also give more time for Capture One to add their support for the OM-1. Personally, I don't like the DNG or Olympus Workspace workflow.

I'll be wanting the HLD-10 Grip as soon as it's available after buying the OM-1 body.

I intend to sell my much loved E-M1X.

Oh dear, what have I done!
I may have had an accident earlier as well, did you order from wex as can’t see which order number I am on their site. Cheers
LCE might be a good call as I have one nearby too.

PS in the past I was a Park regular but since a very poor experience I decide to avoid buying anything 'important' from them! I might get an online quote done for both the Mk3 and the M1X to see what is possible???

PPS I have just sent two separate Trade-In enquiry requests to LCE, so will see what they will suggest.....though what I am not sure about is how the trade in now works. The one previous time I did there, the shop manager appraised and agreed the figure but the website is like WEX in that you have to. apparently, send the item(s) in for them to decide :thinking: NB I might 'belt and braces it' and phone the local store to follow up my online enquiry.
It would be good to see what the offer is for the EM1 MKIII i was quoted £910 from mpb and £985 from park cameras, this was on the 12th Feb.
I may have had an accident earlier as well, did you order from wex as can’t see which order number I am on their site. Cheers
.... Although WEX is a favoured supplier for me (Park Cameras definitely isn't!!) they won't tell you which number you are in the pre-order queue. At least they wouldn't tell me when I pre-ordered my Olympus ED 150-400mm TC Pro and I asked several different people on different occasions including someone senior there. As it turned out I got lucky and found the lens elsewhere and so cancelled my WEX pre-order.
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It would be good to see what the offer is for the EM1 MKIII i was quoted £910 from mpb and £985 from park cameras, this was on the 12th Feb.
Thanks for the sales/trade-in insights though what condition grade were they based on? I am encouraged that the Mk3 can get pretty darned close to £1000 at least in one case.