Olympus OM-D E-M5, E-M1, E-M10 - Mk1, Mk2 & Mk3 Owners Thread

I am sure i read yesterday somewhere that on pre orders there was a dual battery charger in the box but just checking whats in the box today the charger seems to have been deleted.
Was i seeing things ?
More battery life would be brilliant, but there seems to be some confusion over whether the old batts can be used in the new body. Or maybe its just me that's confused?
We’re all confused..
I am sure i read yesterday somewhere that on pre orders there was a dual battery charger in the box but just checking whats in the box today the charger seems to have been deleted.
Was i seeing things ?
Pre orders in Australia get the charger.
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More battery life would be brilliant, but there seems to be some confusion over whether the old batts can be used in the new body. Or maybe its just me that's confused?

I'm fairly sure that the battery is different. In fact, the new battery is 2200mAh (or something like that). The old one is much smaller.

One of the Youtubers showed the new battery and complained (a bit) that it isn't compatible, but it does allow more photos to be taken.
With the new 12-40mm f2.8 II I wonder how it'll affect MkI prices, I'd imagine they'll go down?

In the long run,sure - but unless a lot of MkII kit lenses are shoved straight out into the used market it doesn't seem like enough of an upgrade to flood the market with people upgrading from MkI
I could be wrong I don't want to spend this kind of money on any of these new toys :) a PEN-F II or E-M10 upgrade maybe ;)
More battery life would be brilliant, but there seems to be some confusion over whether the old batts can be used in the new body. Or maybe its just me that's confused?
.... The new battery is physically smaller and a different shape and Olympus Ambassadors have been very clear in their various statements that only the new battery will fit and work in the OM-1. Independent reviewers have stated the same.

The new battery has better performance more suitable to fuel the new processor and other onboard functions.
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After looking into the OM-1 more it really is every camera you could want if you're primarily an m4/3 shooter, it looks very impressive. I'm interested to see how the blackout free shooting works and whether it's true blackout rather than the 'slideshow' blackout free previously implemented by Olympus. Also, it will be interesting to see how fast sensor readout is and as a result how much rolling shutter they have managed to eliminate. I think I've seen it said it eliminates all rolling shutter but being pedantic I'm not sure how they can remove it 100% without a global shutter. On the EM1-II I could still see a hint now and again, but on my A9-II I can't so I'm expecting the OM-1 to be on par/better than the A9-II

It'll also be interesting to see if the top camera lug position will cause problems or not.
After looking into the OM-1 more it really is every camera you could want if you're primarily an m4/3 shooter, it looks very impressive. I'm interested to see how the blackout free shooting works and whether it's true blackout rather than the 'slideshow' blackout free previously implemented by Olympus. Also, it will be interesting to see how fast sensor readout is and as a result how much rolling shutter they have managed to eliminate. I think I've seen it said it eliminates all rolling shutter but being pedantic I'm not sure how they can remove it 100% without a global shutter. On the EM1-II I could still see a hint now and again, but on my A9-II I can't so I'm expecting the OM-1 to be on par/better than the A9-II

It'll also be interesting to see if the top camera lug position will cause problems or not.
DP review says:
With 80 million individual photodiodes to read out, it's perhaps not surprising that Stacked CMOS design only delivers a readout speed twice as fast as that of its predecessor. We've measured the rate at around 1/125th seconds, which is twice as long as the fastest full-frame stacked CMOS chips take, despite the smaller size.

Very positive review on Amateur photographer site
DP review says:
With 80 million individual photodiodes to read out, it's perhaps not surprising that Stacked CMOS design only delivers a readout speed twice as fast as that of its predecessor. We've measured the rate at around 1/125th seconds, which is twice as long as the fastest full-frame stacked CMOS chips take, despite the smaller size.

Very positive review on Amateur photographer site
Thanks, only a fraction behind the A9 then so rolling shutter shouldn’t be an issue. Makes the A1 look more impressive then with its 1/260 readout on a 50mp camera :eek:
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Robin, I think you mean Good News for all you Capture One 22 Users.

I upgraded to CO 21 in October, I wonder if they will update that one...
Robin, I think you mean Good News for all you Capture One 22 Users.

I upgraded to CO 21 in October, I wonder if they will update that one...
.... Thanks for pointing that out :) I have now edited my original post accordingly.

I don't know if CO 21 will be updated to support the OM-1. Their user forum might have an answer but do developers continue developing a previous version when it's an upgrade rather than a dot update? I would doubt it but don't know.

Have you pre-ordered the OM-1? Or seriously considering it?
Depends how the Olympus Photodiodes are read out, it could be 80mp a time, then software processed to generate 20mp image
It is the number of photodiodes that they say causes the slower readout time (which is still impressive) but the Sony is still twice as fast which is impressive (y)
Good. It does seem as if OM Systems didn't rush this new camera release and they seem to have got most things right.
.... I think so too. Afterall it's the first camera from OM Systems, pays homage to the original OM-1 of 50 years ago (launched on exactly the same date even) and it has the kind of technical developments which their reputation cannot afford to get wrong.
.... Thanks for pointing that out :) I have now edited my original post accordingly.

I don't know if CO 21 will be updated to support the OM-1. Their user forum might have an answer but do developers continue developing a previous version when it's an upgrade rather than a dot update? I would doubt it but don't know.

Have you pre-ordered the OM-1? Or seriously considering it?
My first camera was an OM-1…
I also had an original om1
having recently splashed out on a Z5 don’t think I’ll be returning to Olympus anytime soon
RedRobin, re Fast RawViewer. Are there any good youtube videos showing how to just view and mark these for importing into LR.? The only ones I have come across go far too deep for my current requirements.
.... Hi again Gordon - Here is an overview of how I use FRV which I hope you will find helpful.

After *downloading images from my camera card onto either an external hard drive, laptop, or desktop, I then view them in FRV.

* I download into folders which are already existing or which I create. These folders usually are titled either by subject or date or both but whatever suits your storage hierarchy.

FRV lets you decide how much titling you want on each image. In FRV you can view in several layouts and also switch to and fro between them on the fly. I usually have the strip along the bottom displayed with each selected image displayed large above and run through from left to right colour coding and/or star rating as I decide.

It's of interest to mention here that a new feature of the OM-1 is the option to star rate each image (blue star icon button on body) while still in the camera and I hope that FRV will carry that matching info forward when displaying the images after downloading the card's contents. If not, it would be a good idea to give them the feedback suggesting they do. I think it would be integrated into the metadata.

As I run through a session's images coding/rating I also cull to delete any absolute shockers not worth keeping or trying to rescue. FRV saves your deleted image files to a 'Rejected' folder which you can destructively delete later (it will ask you).

Having run through viewing in FRV I then tick to select the individual image files I want to send to a particular folder in my RAW editor's library (I use Capture One Pro 22 and it now supports OM-1). I then send them accordingly and they can be viewed and edited in my usual post-processing workflow to my taste.


I have FRV also installed (the licence allows it) on my laptop so I can do the same culling and colour coding etc and by having all my unprocessed images on an external portable drive (LaCie Rugged Pro with SD card reader built-in), when I am back home I connect the portable drive to my desktop Mac and view them again already coded in FRV installed on my desktop computer. And then I move selected image files to Capture One 22 and continue as above.

FRV offers all sorts of extras but I don't feel the need to use them, preferring to convert the RAW and view better when in Capture One and edit there.

I hope this helps.
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I also had an original om1
having recently splashed out on a Z5 don’t think I’ll be returning to Olympus anytime soon
I still have an OM1 :clap:
Why are they dropping the Olympus name?
RedRobin. Thank you for that run down of how you use FRV it is exactly what I was looking for. I have updated to version 2 and will play in the next few days. I have ordered the OM 1 and hopefully the rating button will make life easier.
As an aside, we nearly met! I think we were both booked to go on the same bear workshop before covid struck. I haven't re booked yet but probably will.
Thanks for your help.
Why are they dropping the Olympus name?
.... I think that's a good question but the new masters at OM Systems have decided that will be their way forward.

This is pure speculation when I suggest that it might possibly have something to do with the final deal which was agreed between the OM and Olympus companies.

As someone who specialised in corporate identity and branding before I retired, I don't understand the justification from a branding point of view. An established brand and its mark has a definable value and dropping it should not be undertaken lightly. In terms of branding, OM Systems run the risk of appearing to be a new kid on the block, a player with absolutely no experience and consequently having to win the hearts of customers from scratch. They have thrown away all the established major reputation which the Olympus named brand has built up literally over a century. It's not as if the actual Olympus brand had failed or fallen into disrepute.

But I believe that the Olympus name will continue in their microscope business, A friend of mine has just moved from their cameras division to microscopes and we were talking about her move this morning on the phone.
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RedRobin. Thank you for that run down of how you use FRV it is exactly what I was looking for. I have updated to version 2 and will play in the next few days. I have ordered the OM 1 and hopefully the rating button will make life easier.
As an aside, we nearly met! I think we were both booked to go on the same bear workshop before covid struck. I haven't re booked yet but probably will.
Thanks for your help.
.... Aaaah! Bear Photo in Finland with Harry and Kyle! Yes I went on their mid summer midnight sun workshop and was booked to go again in the autumn when covid struck. Great couple of guys and Harry Read is a brilliant photographer (Canon shooter). They have asked me to write a review and I keep forgetting! Job # 432!
Just noticed - no inbuilt GPS :(
.... I think there is a workaround involving your mobile phone(?) but I don't remember what it is because personally I have no use for GPS in a camera and it drinks battery juice like an alcoholic. One of the first things I do with a new camera is switch off any GPS which is usually switched on by default.

Out of interest, why do you want GPS in a camera please? Is it a deal breaker for you?
Not a deal breaker for me.
Just something I find useful.
.... I'll keep an eye out and if I come across the workaround I think I saw, I'll post it here. But don't hold your breath please!

Are you going for a OM-1?
@Chris_911 Here you go! p.260 of the OM-1 Manual says you can connect the camera to a smartphone by Wireless/Bluetooth and then :

"Addition of GPS tags to camera images :
Using the smartphone’s GPS function, you can add position information when taking pictures with the camera."
If it had GPS I'd switch it off. I know I can export images without bits of EXIF but I'd rather not have locations included. I can add it if necessary.

I agree with Robin, the branding change seems odd. It is nice to know that the endoscope they used last month is Olypmus, but not critical to me - I trust hte clinicians to use good equipment.

Camera names, on the other hand, are really important branding. Why else is this beast called the OM-1? Why else does it have OLYMPUS across the pentaprism?
.... I'll keep an eye out and if I come across the workaround I think I saw, I'll post it here. But don't hold your breath please!

Are you going for a OM-1?
Yes - I am apparently #1 in the queue from the supplier I placed my order with.
However I am probably going to cancel that order as the p/x offer from Park for my E-M1X is significantly higher.
Nobody has gone for my E-M1X ad on here (and elsewhere) so I think I'm going to package it up and send it off to Park asap and then get my order in with them.
I'm not bothered about being first in the queue - a lower cost to change is more important to me.

I have a big project happening in the US this summer and I am swayed by the IP-53 protection of the new camera and the promise of higher image quality. The project is likely a one-off for me, and I don't want to travel with my heavy Nikon gear, so I decide the OM-1 is worth a punt.

The full IP53 rating only applies when used with specific lenses..... .and think I saw reference that the original 12-40 lens when used would not yield that IP53. The same bit I think said that the other Pro lenses (40-150 f2.8, 300f4 & 150-400) were ok?
I was considering a move to canon R6 + the 100-500, apart from the extra cost how do you think the R6 combo compares to the OM-1 + 300 f4 ?
In terms of IQ I'd say it would be similar, the R6 will have better IQ than the OM-1 but the 300mm f4 arguably has better IQ than the 100-500mm, plus 100mm more effective reach. I dare say the OM-1 will be a better performing camera but we'll have to wait for full reviews.
In terms of IQ I'd say it would be similar, the R6 will have better IQ than the OM-1 but the 300mm f4 arguably has better IQ than the 100-500mm, plus 100mm more effective reach. I dare say the OM-1 will be a better performing camera but we'll have to wait for full reviews.

Thanks for the reply they do seem to be very similar, I have preordered the OM-1 but as you say with full reviews and more images hopefully the decision will become clearer.
Yes - I am apparently #1 in the queue from the supplier I placed my order with.
However I am probably going to cancel that order as the p/x offer from Park for my E-M1X is significantly higher.
Nobody has gone for my E-M1X ad on here (and elsewhere) so I think I'm going to package it up and send it off to Park asap and then get my order in with them.
I'm not bothered about being first in the queue - a lower cost to change is more important to me.

I have a big project happening in the US this summer and I am swayed by the IP-53 protection of the new camera and the promise of higher image quality. The project is likely a one-off for me, and I don't want to travel with my heavy Nikon gear, so I decide the OM-1 is worth a punt.
As I posted in am earlier post, one pre-production reviewer used it on live paying/earning commissions......though the only one so far but immensely positive.

I believe the spin off of the camera division was predicated on retention of the Olympus name for the scientific etc divisions that were retained and thus the need for a new camera business name that had some connection with the past but was not olympus
I believe the spin off of the camera division was predicated on retention of the Olympus name for the scientific etc divisions that were retained and thus the need for a new camera business name that had some connection with the past but was not olympus
And the name "Olympus" was used one last time on the OM-1 in homage to the camera being launched on the same day 50 years ago as the original film (remember that stuff?) camera. Which was one of my all-time favourites in the day, and I still hanker after my OM-2n.