Olympus OM-D E-M5, E-M1, E-M10 - Mk1, Mk2 & Mk3 Owners Thread


Had a trip into Nottingham today expecting massive amounts of people and although busy, it was pretty good.

Here's a few snaps

by David Raynham, on Flickr

by David Raynham, on Flickr

by David Raynham, on Flickr
Would be rude not to stop for a shed load of food half way around... The inside of Peachy Keens with the EZ kit lens at iso 3200!

by David Raynham, on Flickr

by David Raynham, on Flickr

by David Raynham, on Flickr
Funky lighting above us. Camera laid on its back and used the app to take the shot. :D

by David Raynham, on Flickr
Do you know at first I though it was an E-M1, I'm used to mine being silver.
haha, looks familiar - is that the Victoria Centre car park :)
Do they do that 40-150 in black as well? I really really really don't like silver lenses...
Nah, you'd need a Sony for that :)
Okay, a mini challenge for you menu gurus out there - how do I (on the E-M10):

a) Set the review time to 0 (EDIT: Its Spanner then Rec View)
b) Access the Noise Reduction (Menu E buts its greyed out - in all modes I tried - A, M, i-Auto)

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On the OM-D M5 there is a great feature called face/eye recognition. I know how to switch it on and off however what I can't figure out how to do is to stop it messing with the exposure. As soon as a face is detected it ramps up or down the exposure to ensure the face is properly exposed. Not a bad thing you might say but really annoying if say it's not picking up a face, you expose +1 EV to compensate, at the last second it detects the face and gives you an extra +1 EV =+2EV giving you a blown scene.

Any ideas how to have it switched on in P/A/S/M minus the exposure nonsense? Naturally there is M mode to give complete exposure control... however it does still mess with the exposure indicator (so the only viable way I can see to use it is in M mode with a histogram).

Okay, a mini challenge for you menu gurus out there - how do I (on the E-M10):

a) Set the review time to 0
b) Access the Noise Reduction (Menu E buts its greyed out - in all modes I tried - A, M, i-Auto)


So I think there are two things here, Nose Reduction (which is for long exposures, i.e. blanks the view for x seconds where x is the exposure time, removes nasty artefacts by essentially taking a 2nd exposure with the shutter closed, doing some magic with that and your first image, and spits out a clean image), & Noise Filter (which is general ISO noise reduction).

It makes some kind of logical sense that with review time at zero the camera thinks you don't want noise reduction enabled as this feature will lock your camera up for x seconds. That's my guess anyway.
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Sorry - I was just looking for two unrelated things, the review time was just to reduce the amount of "blackout" time when shooting in high sequence shooting (which I figured out and edited - thanks for the help though) , the other was just a menu item that was bugging me.
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On the E-M1 Review time, is 'Spanner', 'Rec View' set to OFF. Probably the same with the E-M10.
It was, thank you - lol, why is i just after asking I end up going back to edit because I find it... I could search for days before then :D
Also picked up the 40-150 R from Currys for £100! A real bargain imo!

I picked it up today too. Is there any difference between the one from Currys and the ones from Jessops etc that retail at £229?
I very much doubt it, there's the R version but generally they're the same price or thereabouts
Hahaha - David has a Julian Clary DVD for Christmas
Second hand, but mint- from MPB is as good as new, and no doubt better than the one I got from LCE, at least that one will have both lens caps - I had to buy mine!
Merry Christmas all :)
I'll be out with my new 100-300 :D
Had a wander out to the local park earlier on with all the family in tow, dogs 'n all! :D Got some nice flare into a few of the shots which was pretty coolio.

Tried to use all my lenses and must admit that the cheapo 40-150mm is an absolute beauty of a lens. If anyone doesn't own it, get yourself down to Curry's and pick one up. It is brill! Also gave the 45 a go and the results are very pleasing indeed, can see this being used a lot more!

So... a few pics to bore you all with! :D

by David Raynham, on Flickr

by David Raynham, on Flickr

by David Raynham, on Flickr

by David Raynham, on Flickr

by David Raynham, on Flickr

by David Raynham, on Flickr

by David Raynham, on Flickr

by David Raynham, on Flickr