Olympus OM-D E-M5, E-M1, E-M10 - Mk1, Mk2 & Mk3 Owners Thread

Too big and too expensive for me i bet, my guess would be £2500-£3000

The concensus of opinion on one of the other M43 forums is that it could be £5000+ !

It certainly is a serious lump of optics......................plus interesting that they have gone "white" for it.

I await to see just how sizeable a 'chunk of change' it will hit the UK shores @ ??? Also, the first real-world reviews :)

PS the first pictures are the mock up from a while back and have no switch markings, the last picture though is perhaps more recent. However, it does seem it might hit the market a tad earlier than many pundits suggested???

I don't think it's only going to be white. Park Cameras have it available for pre-order in black.
I'm not sure ETTR is necessary these days tbh, in fact the likes of Nikon are going the other way and tending to underexpose to save highlights knowing shadow recovery is so good. Shadow recovery on Olympus is pretty decent these days, I just try to get the correct exposure now.

Must admit that I'm firmly in the ETTR camp, using the histogram in the display plus the highlight / shadow clipping warnings. It's something (ETTR) I've done pretty much from getting my first digital camera. In my experience, and as decent as Olympus can be with shadow recovery, I've always had better results to my eye with ETTR than lifting shadows. If I don't ETTR, then I'll bracket and exposure blend - of course that's totally useless for action and wildlife photography. The biggest challenge I find with ETTR is not clipping the red channel, particularly at sunrise or sunset. The luminance histogram can look fine, but you can still have one or more (often the red) of the RGB channels clipped which can cause issues.

Always more than one way to skin a cat as they say!


I can't remember the last time I exposed to the right, these days I almost always shoot underexposed as I find shadow recovery better than highlight. I mostly shoot manual but I do switch to aperture priority often, and I can be at -1 on the exp comp a lot of that time
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Must admit that I'm firmly in the ETTR camp, using the histogram in the display plus the highlight / shadow clipping warnings. It's something (ETTR) I've done pretty much from getting my first digital camera. In my experience, and as decent as Olympus can be with shadow recovery, I've always had better results to my eye with ETTR than lifting shadows. If I don't ETTR, then I'll bracket and exposure blend - of course that's totally useless for action and wildlife photography. The biggest challenge I find with ETTR is not clipping the red channel, particularly at sunrise or sunset. The luminance histogram can look fine, but you can still have one or more (often the red) of the RGB channels clipped which can cause issues.

Always more than one way to skin a cat as they say!


Yep, whatever works. I find ETTR then adjusting doesn't seem to make the images pop as much, but maybe that's just in my head :LOL: As you say, for action etc it's not an ideal solution, plus where action is constantly changing I'd rather make sure that nothing's clipping. I can't remember then last time I underexposed an image and the blacks were clipped beyond recovery, but it's easy to do with the highlights. As already said though, it's whatever works for the individual, as long as they're getting the results they want that's what matters (y)
I maybe should add that I base all my exposure decisions on what I feel is important in the frame. This may of course mean deliberately over or under exposing parts of the frame. This is where the highlight and shadow warnings that Olympus can show via the EVF come into their own.
There is no right or wrong I think, the ettr rule hails from an era where push-pulling DR images in post was a lot more work. Most modern sensors now have incredibe detail still lurking in what appear to be blown or crushed areas. I've brought near black images back to live in post just pushing exp and shadow. I do try to get exp as close to perfect as possible while shooting, but we all know this doesn't always go acc to plan, especially using off cam flash or forgetting to switch your evf/lcd back to exposure preview
a touch of ETTR applied in this but I think a straight shot might have been better the main reason I looked into it was to eliminate noise at high i.s.o values and I don't think that's needed at lower values .. also ETTR in A/V mode will also have the effect of lowering your shutter speed , which can become a problem with a 400mm f6.3 lens plus lens only i.s . every persons gear and set up will have slight differences and that includes P/P facilities
sleep tight by jeff and jan cohen, on Flickr
I must be doing something right with the new Olympus rig just had this through via Flickr mail

mages for Autumnwatch

Dear Jeff & Jan Cohen,

Thank you for uploading your fantastic images to the Springwatch group!

Just to let you know we may be running some on our website and social media accounts with full credit to yourself, and potentially our press release! So keep your eyes peeled!

Many thanks and keep up the BRILLIANT work!

All the best

Hannah (The Watches Team)
Oooooooow! good for you to get recognised :)

Goes to look up the Flickr Springwatch Group?
FWIW I see they have these terms:-
Group Rules

If you agree to these rules, you can join the group.
(i)Submission guidelines:

•This is a group for all seasons, open to content of British wildlife taken only in the British Isles. It connects with Springwatch, Autumnwatch and Winterwatch.

•No people - this is just for nature, wildlife, animals, plants and landscapes.

•No farm or domesticated animals.

•If you’ve taken multiple photos of a similar subject matter, please submit your best, not all of your photos. You are welcome to post up to three photos per day.

•Only the creator of an image or video may submit to this group.

•Submissions are reactively moderated. Only photographs taken in the British Isles will be accepted into this group. Photographs taken outside the British Isles will be removed. Any member who repeatedly posts images not relevant to the group will be excluded from the BBC Springwatch Flickr group.

(ii)Use of photos and videos:

•You understand and agree that your photos and videos may appear in Springwatch, Autumnwatch and Winterwatch output and other BBC programmes and services across all media, together with third party digital platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

•You remain the owner of the copyright in your submissions. You grant to the BBC the non-exclusive right to use your submissions for the purposes set out above throughout the world in perpetuity and in all media known now or in the future.

•Where possible we will credit your photos and videos and link back to your original on Flickr.

•You consent to the BBC contacting you through FlickrMail to seek your consent for use of your submissions for purposes different to those permitted above.

Though looking at some of the posted images (linked?) there are ones of Brown Bear and last time I checked they were not UK indigenous species ;) So no idea how this element of moderation works "Only photographs taken in the British Isles will be accepted into this group. Photographs taken outside the British Isles will be removed"
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Yea to be honest there t&c are weighted in there favour .. but it gets your name out there , and you never know Olympus might offer me a new lens to test out on the back of it .. pigs might fly as well .. .
See what tomorrow does it’s the only decent day for the next week or so ,it’s wetter than a mermaids minge out there
I must be doing something right with the new Olympus rig just had this through via Flickr mail

mages for Autumnwatch

Dear Jeff & Jan Cohen,

Thank you for uploading your fantastic images to the Springwatch group!

Just to let you know we may be running some on our website and social media accounts with full credit to yourself, and potentially our press release! So keep your eyes peeled!

Many thanks and keep up the BRILLIANT work!

All the best

Hannah (The Watches Team)
Nice one, always nice to get some credit and that others appreciate your work (y)
Seems like we're on a roll here, I've just found out I've won another Olympus competition winning a VIP place at the Brands BTCC as well as the new Olympus Tough TC-6 Camera and some Power Maxed Racing Merchandise :banana:

Here's what the comp was if you're interested.

This was my winning shot. The judge informed me that there was a lot of deliberation as it's been obviously photoshopped but they decided that it's the final image that counts :)

by TDG-77, on Flickr
Well done nice feeling to win something
A question for other 1-mkii owners or mki owners , have any of you tried using four thirds lenses via adaptors with the camera ?
Allegedly you get all functions with these bodies
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A question for other 1-mkii owners or mki owners , have any of you tried using four thirds lenses via adaptors with the camera ?
Allegedly you get all functions with these bodies
sod it can't wait for replies , just bought a four thirds 50-200 SWM f 2.8 from wex .. plus MMF-3 adaptor will get the t.c's when more funds available
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A question for other 1-mkii owners or mki owners , have any of you tried using four thirds lenses via adaptors with the camera ?
Allegedly you get all functions with these bodies
I moved from 4/3 to m4/3 and I have a MMF3
I used to use a 12 to 60 f2.8-4 and it worked well until I got the 12-40.
Seems like we're on a roll here, I've just found out I've won another Olympus competition winning a VIP place at the Brands BTCC as well as the new Olympus Tough TC-6 Camera and some Power Maxed Racing Merchandise :banana:

Here's what the comp was if you're interested.

This was my winning shot. The judge informed me that there was a lot of deliberation as it's been obviously photoshopped but they decided that it's the final image that counts :)

by TDG-77, on Flickr
That is superb! Well done!
Thanks , it will be interesting to see which variant (black or white?) comes to market (UK?) first and at what price............not that I could afford it ?:(

I'm glad someone replied - I'm travelling down through France and Spain at the moment so only accessing the forum at irregular intervals!
I'm glad someone replied - I'm travelling down through France and Spain at the moment so only accessing the forum at irregular intervals!
Down to your yacht in the med no doubt LOL

I should be so lucky - hopefully some birding/photography in Extremadura and then some golf.

I look forward to seeing/hearing about what you think of Extremadura???

I should be so lucky - hopefully some birding/photography in Extremadura and then some golf.
I'm also very interested as in a few weeks time we are driving through Portugal to southern Spain. I'm hoping to get some bird photography in, but haven't researched it yet.
Seems like we're on a roll here, I've just found out I've won another Olympus competition winning a VIP place at the Brands BTCC as well as the new Olympus Tough TC-6 Camera and some Power Maxed Racing Merchandise :banana:

Here's what the comp was if you're interested.

This was my winning shot. The judge informed me that there was a lot of deliberation as it's been obviously photoshopped but they decided that it's the final image that counts :)

by TDG-77, on Flickr

Congrats Toby, if only I'd known we were allowed to photoshop our submissions I might have done the same. :D

Thing is, I don't think this is your best image, I like the one of JP hitching a ride with Collard, I thought that was more "on theme". :D
Congrats Toby, if only I'd known we were allowed to photoshop our submissions I might have done the same. :D

Thing is, I don't think this is your best image, I like the one of JP hitching a ride with Collard, I thought that was more "on theme". :D
Thanks. I agree, not my favourite from the day or the ones I submitted and this was more of an experiment, but I'm glad to have won either way (y)
Sat in all effing day waiting for a lens only for royal.fail parcelcock up division to attempt delivery to the wrong address fuming am I puttin* it mildly
Is there a way of converting the EM1 Mk 2 to back button focussing?
Yes, but......... I would need to look it up again to remind myself which "gear" menu section is ? :( Suffice to say I have allocated it to the L-fn button and only when using C-AF

Thanks. I'll keep a note of this guys website if I do decide to move over to Olympus.

Yes, but......... I would need to look it up again to remind myself which "gear" menu section is ? :( Suffice to say I have allocated it to the L-fn button and only when using C-AF

Yeah, the menus are a bit daunting aren't they? As I get older the less I want to delve into menus to be honest. Did you get any responses to your query about L-plates for the OM1.2. ?