OMG... I'm going!!!!!!!!

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Emigrating to Canada, that is! I have just found out that I have passed my Canadian midwifery exams, so it's all systems go from here on :eek:

I have to return to Vancouver in 2 weeks to do some further midwifery related stuff (no exams this thime though!!), then on my return, the house will go on the market, then that's it!

Thanks to those of you who wished me well throughout my exams. This is the scary part now :help:

Oh, and keep an eye on the 'for sale' forum as we need to sell loads of stuff before we go.
Well done! I know this has meant a lot to you and it is very gratifying to see someone follow their dreams.

Best of luck for the future!

well done, take me with you :D
Well done min, and a huge amount of good luck to ya!
well done minimeeze, :woot: i bet your getting excited.
Well done Min! Congratulations to you. Furry boots should NOT be sold!
Any room in your suitcase for me?

Good luck with it all Min, and congrats on the exam passes (y)
Don't bother asking to join her, I was first in the queue about 2 years ago, and I got nowhere :p
Well done, what wonderful prospects you now have for the future.
I have a friend who left for the land of opportunity in the 70's he has never looked back and now runs his own accountancy business and owns lots of property.
Just promise us not to call good old England now that you are definitely on your way.
Extremely Jealous !!

Well done, and I'll be there as soon as I can !!
:clap: congratulations Min (y)
well done Min, I remember when you first mentioned you wanted to go, great to see you've achieved it :)
Congratulations Min, it's good to hear your hard work has paid off.
Well done Cheryl :clap: I'm dead chuffed for you (y)

Oh and I agree with Kev (hypnotic), we need a get together before you go. Your round first ;)
Wow - thanks everyone. I'm really touched by the number of responses :)

Yes, we'll definitely have to have a local curry night of some sort before we head off - I'll let you know nearer the time :)
Well done Chez,

Met some very nice people from canada on holiday. They moved there from Scotland 10 years ago and they reckoned it's the best place on the face of the planet and haven't looked back.

Good luck!