Perseids Meteor Shower tonight......12th Aug

Understood the best time to be about 2300hrs and clear skies are forecast for much of the area... :D


I'm too scared to go out in the middle of nowhere on my own so even if its fine tonight I will just go out in the back garden to see if I can see anything.

im taking my 9 year old daughter with me for protection lol, she is a budding photographer, she is taking her point and shoot kodak with tripod lol
currently cloudy in pembs nooooooooooooooo, sat24 shows it should clear up though

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It's mostly cloudy at the moment in the north west, I'm still going out later to see if I can see anything.
The only way I can get a clear view like that is from upstairs and the house tends to wobble on long exposures
Clear in South Wales so here's hoping.

So is it best to use a wide angle lens (10-20mm) with something in the foreground or stick my 70-200 on and try to grab one?
Just about reached full darkness now and the clouds are rolling in right on cue - rats !!!
For what it's worth, I use an 18-55 lens at 18mm, high iso 800+, tripod, timer shutter release set to 15 sec exposure every minute, and just press the shutter.
Make sure you focus on infinity and then switch to manual.
As you cannot predict where the meteors will show up it's really pot luck if you get one to appear where your camera is pointing. The only place in the sky not to point your camera is the radiant i.e. the constellation of Persius.
I intend looking out for the opportunity but I'm not making any deliberate effort; I won't be venturing further than the back garden here in Notts - the intention is there but so is the typical light pollution....

Not looking too promising here atm.
Got no clouds here in North Yorkshire :) 30 mins to go then itll just be me and my camera ..
oh dear my D70 dosent have mirror lock up or bulb without remote
cant find anything on my GF1 either

anyone one any tips?

ps thank you nikon i would be all right if you had sorted my D700
instead of breaking it.
As if ordered from the take-away menu, it started raining exactly at 10:30 :(

Was partly cloudy 20 minutes ago when I remembered to bring the washing in.
Hoping that it is going to be clear enough to see something tonight, after midnight should be best. (y)
Good luck to those with clear skies.

As I suspected when I posted a bit earlier, it's definitely a no go here in Notts; extensive low level broken cloud is resulting in heavy light pollution - very little other than orange with infrequent darker patches where the cloud occasionally breaks.
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Thin cloud overhead here in the West Midlands so litle chance of seeing any, Did see flashing red and green light going across the sky but that was an aircraft.:nuts::nuts::nuts:

Sky is perfectly clear here in S. Wales but action is a bit slow. Around 10 mins between streaks of <1 sec. Hopefully it speeds up a bit as it's not so warm loitering in the garden!
Not seen any meteors but had a go at setting it all up, I can either have under exposed but ok colour or ok exposure and a nice red tint. Not sure if this is colour shift or light pollution however being so close to London/Heathrow.

Using f3.5 18mm with a 25-30s shutter ISO 800.
At the moment the meteors are trying to catch the planet up but around 0:00-0:15 they will start crashing into us head on making them more frequent and brighter :)
It's pishing it down here ...... :shake:
wow, just saw one, a sight to behold. Amazing

Pitty my lens was pointing elsewhere.

Question, it lasted less than a second, so will it still show up on a 30 sec exposure (that's if I catch one)?
wow, just saw one, a sight to behold. Amazing

Pitty my lens was pointing elsewhere.

Question, it lasted less than a second, so will it still show up on a 30 sec exposure (that's if I catch one)?

Yes it will (y) Just make sure you have good focus, wide aperture and mid ISO.
wow, just saw one, a sight to behold. Amazing

Pitty my lens was pointing elsewhere.

Question, it lasted less than a second, so will it still show up on a 30 sec exposure (that's if I catch one)?

You should be ok with 30 secs, I'd expect about 15 to 30, possibly even slightly longer, it depends on conditions and frequency but that's a fair estimate.

Good luck. :)
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Nice and clear here, suerbly so. The milky way is clear overhead. I've seen 14 perseids and 5 other meteors in the past hour. If it's clear take a look.
horrible here and i have been waiting and waiting not even touched a drop of the 4 Bottles of Moet hubby got me... i'll wait a bit longer