Photo editing software

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I`m a complete novice in photography and I`m totally baffled with all the different software that is available for editing pictures.

I have a Kodak P880.

What software do you recommend that isnt too expensive.I have been looking a corel paintshop pro x.

Is it any good and what software are you using?

Paintshop Pro is good but you should also consider Photoshop Elements.
What Gfk said
Photoshop Elements is around £60 from amazon
Version 5 is the latest. There's no point in getting an older release IMO
There is loads of different versions of the same one.

Look here

Theres an upgrade and bundles etc.:thinking:

Is it the upgrade edition I need?

From that link the one you want it the one at the top...the upgrade edition is for peope with older versions of Elements :)

All the others look like they are bundled with other bits of software, that you probably won't need (unless you are into video editing - thats what Premier is)

EDIT - that top one will only work if you have Windows XP though. Might need to purchase an older version of elements if you have windows 2000 or 98 or ME or anything
If i were you i'd definately go for Adobe - Elements will certainly get you onto the ladder and the magazines that provide tutorials and guides to adobe are legion.
Elements is the way to go. IMHO.
You can do almost all things that you'd want to in Elements. For the noob it has lots of helper bits.

It is the little bro of PhotoShop 2 (soon to be 3) and if you decide to upgrade at some point (as I did) then the learning curve is not "quite" so steep.
It is however a BIG step from Elements to PS2 about 8x.