Photography Gear

Philip Procter
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Best place to but photography gear?
What are you after, new or used? Concerned about unofficial imports?

We need a little more to chew on to be helpful:)
A used dealer ( business ) who has no quibbles 30 day money back even if you have no valid reason other than you don't like it.

That has saved me so many times from making mistakes such as foolishly buying a d800 and finding out I don't really like what they have done to certain controls.
Thanks all this was a great help
Your profile suggests you have a Canon 80D. and kit 18-55 and 55-250 lenses.
Other postings about studio back-grounds, suggest you have some more specialized purposes in mind.

Answer "Both", to Question "New, Used, or Official" is sort of like my missus saying "Yes!" when asked what she'd like for tea!
Sorry, but get a grip on your keyboard, and be a bit more revealing here!
What are you interested in buying?

A different camera? - what's wrong with one you got? what's right with it, what doesn't it do or do well, you'd like another to do better??
Another lens? Likewise; what's wrong with what you got; what's right with it, what would you like another lens to do that ones you got cant?
Or are we onto the studio equipment, and what there are you thinking about? Back-Drops? Reflectors? Lighting? Seating? Props? Camera cases, maybe?

I'd suggest that 99% of all camera paraphernalia can be improvised with common house-hold objects and a little common sense; for instance I never bought dedicated 'developing' trays to make black-and white prints; I bought three washing up bowls off the market; I didn't buy dedicated lens hoods... I shaded lens with my hand, or used a bit of card-board or cut a hole in a shoe'box..... all added fun of the pursuit.... and saved money. Lighting? Use angle-poise desk lamps; even cobbled something up from a standard lamp bulb holder and a baked bean tin to go on a spare tripod as a lighting stack, once!

CAMERAS! Even there; I made a pin-hole camera from card-board... even more fun... DIY you can make a simple box camera from a shoe-box and a kids' toy "Sherlock Homes" magnifying glass; getting a little more involved, you can make a plate camera from ply-wood from an old set of draws or tea-crate, or the DIY store, and an old lens from a junk shop camera; even make your own focal plane shutter for it from an old baked bean can, or if you want something a little more plush, buy a 'kit'.

Anything and everything you might want to BUY for photography, can, as in the days of the pioneers be home made, and or easily improvised, with enough imagination and ingenuity...
Best place to but photography gear?
So there's a few ideas for you; Local market, cheap shop. hardware store, DIY emporium, even the rubbish bin, or your attic! Maybe the local stationers, chemists, artists shop, or heaven forbid high-street camera shop, or even more heaven forbid, the evil-bay!

It ALL depends exactly what you want really! More what you want it for!

"Photography Gear" DOESN'T narrow it down an awful lot, really! Does it?

That could be the coat you wear when taking photographs! In which case, Marks and Sparks best anorack is probably as good a suggestion, as anything in any of the dedicated camera shops!


Oh I dont know, the OP has created quite a thread here AND increased his post count by some.
Your profile suggests you have a Canon 80D. and kit 18-55 and 55-250 lenses.
Other postings about studio back-grounds, suggest you have some more specialized purposes in mind.

Answer "Both", to Question "New, Used, or Official" is sort of like my missus saying "Yes!" when asked what she'd like for tea!
Sorry, but get a grip on your keyboard, and be a bit more revealing here!
What are you interested in buying?

A different camera? - what's wrong with one you got? what's right with it, what doesn't it do or do well, you'd like another to do better??
Another lens? Likewise; what's wrong with what you got; what's right with it, what would you like another lens to do that ones you got cant?
Or are we onto the studio equipment, and what there are you thinking about? Back-Drops? Reflectors? Lighting? Seating? Props? Camera cases, maybe?

I'd suggest that 99% of all camera paraphernalia can be improvised with common house-hold objects and a little common sense; for instance I never bought dedicated 'developing' trays to make black-and white prints; I bought three washing up bowls off the market; I didn't buy dedicated lens hoods... I shaded lens with my hand, or used a bit of card-board or cut a hole in a shoe'box..... all added fun of the pursuit.... and saved money. Lighting? Use angle-poise desk lamps; even cobbled something up from a standard lamp bulb holder and a baked bean tin to go on a spare tripod as a lighting stack, once!

CAMERAS! Even there; I made a pin-hole camera from card-board... even more fun... DIY you can make a simple box camera from a shoe-box and a kids' toy "Sherlock Homes" magnifying glass; getting a little more involved, you can make a plate camera from ply-wood from an old set of draws or tea-crate, or the DIY store, and an old lens from a junk shop camera; even make your own focal plane shutter for it from an old baked bean can, or if you want something a little more plush, buy a 'kit'.

Anything and everything you might want to BUY for photography, can, as in the days of the pioneers be home made, and or easily improvised, with enough imagination and ingenuity...

So there's a few ideas for you; Local market, cheap shop. hardware store, DIY emporium, even the rubbish bin, or your attic! Maybe the local stationers, chemists, artists shop, or heaven forbid high-street camera shop, or even more heaven forbid, the evil-bay!

It ALL depends exactly what you want really! More what you want it for!

"Photography Gear" DOESN'T narrow it down an awful lot, really! Does it?

That could be the coat you wear when taking photographs! In which case, Marks and Sparks best anorack is probably as good a suggestion, as anything in any of the dedicated camera shops!


Thanks mike I will try and narrow and to the point. Thing like pros.
Thanks mike I will try and narrow and to the point. Thing like pros.
Ah! Well, they do tend to keep those kind of shops a bit secret; but I am informed, possibly not that reliably, that "Gabinet masażu" Means 'Massage Parlor" in polish.... and is a good place to find 'pros'.