Photoshop courses in London..?

Edit My Images
Anyone know anything about them ?
I believe there are a few places that do one or two day courses, and as a total beginner to photoshop, I am looking for an intensive course to get me started, and as I will be on crutches for the next few months, something to fill my days would be good - what do you know..?
Hi Steve,:wave:

I'm not sure that I would waste my money on one to be honest, although I haven't done one.

You can and will learn loads via the 'tinternet'.

I'd try youtube first, thats what I did and although I've only scratched the surface, I feel very confident in using PS and always get my pics to where I want them to be.

There are some great tutorials out there if you just search around.

Hope that helps:)

Crutches ? What you been up to ??
when i was sent on a training course in photoshop the magazine company i worked for sent us here

i have to say they were very competent, helpful and made sure you understood what they said before moving on. they were really nice people too. i would recommend them highly
I think that for me, going to attend a day/week long course would focus me more than sitting infront of the computer, plus the feedback from my questions would help me grasp the basics, and then I could learn from youtube or whatever.
As for crutches - I have just had my ankle fused, meaning it ain't going to move no more, but I won't suffer from the pain it has been giving me for the last few years as the joint has slowly crumbled to mush - moral of the story is that If you ride motorbikes, wear proper boots and make sure no drunken car driver drives into you. I now have the next 2-3 months hobbling about to enjoy - not as bad as when I had the accident, and spent just under 2 years on crutches though....
Bruja - reckon you could afford my rates then...?
Steve if you can get to stevenage "Digital Depot" have a course on the 29th november, in fact it's 2 courses one in the morning and one in the afternoon, £25 each, take a look at there imaging academy site.

EDIT Sorry link no longer available, as the company went into administration.
Hi Steve, I am new to Photoshop and Lightroom and have been struggling with it. I am going to a one-2-session on Monday with a company called The Trained Eye. They seem really good and I am looking forward to being able to get some great pointers in the right direction at last. Here is their website and I hope this helps you out -
Having tried learning through the various books and websites out there, I would say that working at your own pace really is the best bet; Photoshop is a huge program, and trying to learn the specifics of how to do photographer related activities in a couple of days (including lunch breaks) really isn't going to sink in.

I recently purchased this book for a friend as a christmas prezzie, and with the accompanying website, it really has helped her come along well, with a good selection of tasks and guides.

My local Waterstones had it for a very agreeable £25 if I remember rightly, a great deal given the cost of a course compared to the amount of raw information you'll learn (and you get a nifty DVD with it too, as well as the website support)
Honestly the best course to learn post processing is the CurveMeister online course -
well worth the money - but you'll have to wait until the next one starts
Alternatively, I've written my site as I have begun to learn PS and that may help you
Hope you can throw away the crutches soon
I quite like the training. You can buy individual titles or sign up to the site for $25/month and access the entire library.
Try A good range of topics from Photoshop and the rest of the Adobe family thru various photgraphic techniques etc etc. Around £14 a month though a but cheaper if you want a proportionately longer sub.