Pic(s) you took today - an open thread

It's getting harder to spot the little birds now with all the leaves and buds on the trees and bushes, but they're happy enough.
Heard the rat-a-tat on the tree from a woodpecker on my way back home.
Lovely to see some Lords and Ladies down the local river.

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Checked on a usual Kestrel nest site this evening, pleased to see they've got 5 eggs again this year :clap: ( very heavy crop taken for opposite side of quarry;) )

Kez eggs 26th April '23.jpg
Short walk with the FZ82 Bridge Camera today.

First one is just a comparison shot, just a month ago I would have seen just trees and the base of the slope.
Now there is so much green, amazing how this riverside changes so much each year.

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Another quick trip to the seaside for a walk.

Getting the word out there... It says "The only cure for litter is you."


Coffee and a snack.


Beauty under a bench.


Beauty out in the open.


Enjoying the blossoms.

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That blackcap is not looking very impressed!
Went to Winchester for a second vsit. My wife loves it, and I get to practice photos of things that don't have feathers!
Tried NDA filter. 1/4s, handheld. Camera's image stabalisation works flawlessly





Apparently, St. Swithin's bones were stolen hundreds of years ago.
I think that the Catheral staff haven't been looking hard enough... This was just a couple of hundred yards away!

Last year, my wife and I spent many evenings at a lake a few miles away getting to know some goslings. Today, we went back for the first time this year, and we were almost immediately rewarded by this family with 3 young ones who were about 150 yards away.
This is one of the absolutely lovely things that has come out of my photography. A year ago, I would never have dreamed that i could get so close to wild goslings. Now, I know that in a few days they will be happily running across my knees and sitting in my hands.


They soon arrived:-



After a while, they came ashore. One of the parents came and ate from hy hand. The other was a bit more shy. After a while, the youngsters almost became unaware of me.
I've discovered an issue with my focussing. The camera just doesn't want to focus anywhere on the head - even when the focus point is clearly placed on the beak, or eye. I've had my suspicions about the size of the autofocus box for a long time, but tonight appears to have confirmed the issue.


This chap ran past. They should rename thes "The Jesus Bird".
