please help me buy a tlr camera

wow its a expensive way to shoot but love the results

It can be but you will probably find that you slow down and only take a shot if its really worth it.
yes i agree cc imaging do dev and scan for around a tenner so like you say will only shoot what i think will work
thanks for that good read am actually looking forward to it now got a poundland roll set aside for when its built
anyone still use theres ? sure my sons will enjoy helping me (well loosing all the parts as i build) lol
thanks for that good read am actually looking forward to it now got a poundland roll set aside for when its built
anyone still use theres ? sure my sons will enjoy helping me (well loosing all the parts as i build) lol
I only used mine once then gave it away, good fun challenge though.
Well it arrived today looks pretty clean but there is some sort of mark on the shutter
It seems to operate fine is this a issue ? Obviously wasn't mentioned in the item description
I've uploaded a pic hope you can see
Probably nothing to worry about, the glass looks good so I'd get a film in it and get shooting. :D
Looks like it's just a mark on the aperture blade. Probably a bit of old oil so nothing to worry about unless you leave it unused for a few years at which point it might clog the blades.

Otherwise, and Andy said, get out and shoot :0)
Well, I read that you won your next camera so I won't bother to recommend Mamiya TLR which have interchangeable lens sets. I didn't settle with TLR so can't say that I've cycled more than two dozen rolls through TLR.
What I will add is that the Shanghai GP3 has a reputation for being curly which I didn't understand before I tried using it. (That said someone'll probably say that was my bad luck and the reputation is richly undeserved.)
Have fun with whatever TLR you find yourself at home with. I never quite got the "discreet for candid street photography" thing with a brick raound my neck! hahaha!
Something I saw a couple of days ago:

Medium format - 12 exposures, 6 good.
35mm - 36 exposures, 6 good.
Digital - 30,000 exposures, 6 good.

Steve, I've no idea where you saw that but......Bloody hell! if I could get a 50% success rate with MF I'd be chuffed to bits, if I could get a 1 in 6 success rate with 35mm I'd still be chuffed to bits, 1 keeper out of 5,000 digit shots I'd like to think that one day I'll get that sort of success rate.
H'mm anyone that doesn't get a high success rate out of a good digi camera surely must be a poor photographer....if I used one I would take about 10-30 shots on every subject and know that one would be good :rolleyes: for the lighting, exposure or problems with highlights and shadows,composition and so on... is also the photographer's fault in not knowing their camera and the basics of photography.
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Have you never frequented the Talk Equipment section Brian? People can spend thousands on kit and still deliver awful, dull pictures. ;0)

Indeed and we all know it's the person behind the camera and Nick has won the challenge with a £1 throwaway camera (y)...probably a joke with the comment above... "Digital - 30,000 exposures, 6 good." :D
Steve, I've no idea where you saw that but......Bloody hell! if I could get a 50% success rate with MF I'd be chuffed to bits, if I could get a 1 in 6 success rate with 35mm I'd still be chuffed to bits, 1 keeper out of 5,000 digit shots I'd like to think that one day I'll get that sort of success rate.

Only take up one reply post off topic:- Nick did you bring your f100 at whipsnade as if you did, I completely forgot to look at it :(
Hi Matt, one other thing; while it's nice that it came with the case, I'd check the strap carefully and possibly replace it with a modern one. The old leather straps can get pretty brittle (I've had a few old cameras with the original straps falling to pieces) and it would be a shame to damage the camrea for want of a strap!
Hi Matt, one other thing; while it's nice that it came with the case, I'd check the strap carefully and possibly replace it with a modern one. The old leather straps can get pretty brittle (I've had a few old cameras with the original straps falling to pieces) and it would be a shame to damage the camrea for want of a strap!

Great advice. The Rolleiflex ones are particularly notorious for this - especially since the old leather straps are often extremely stylish and match the camera.