Post a picture of you taken by someone else..


My best friend takes better pictures with my camera than I do!

Are you sure you're not Kate Bush? ;) :D
Are you sure you're not Kate Bush? ;) :D

I can only wish that I could sing as well as she can! I sound like a dying goat when I try to reach those high notes. ;)

Thank you for being so sweet, Grendel, CScottMcQueen and flyingmonkeycorp. We have many good looking members on this forum!

I'm the small female in the middle.

I honestly have no idea who the other people in the picture are. It was when I was taking photos at a metal clubnight and someone decided they wanted to take my picture with my camera.

Me in a lift in Bangkok taken by my mate. This was taken over New Year 2008 so the tan never lasted long once i got back here!

Were you stuck in a time warp quantum singularity do da? (You look stretched out)

Taken as a test shot for a lighting setup, I kept it :D How sad.

The hat, well it's no more. I shave on occasion too :D

This was taken by someone (I don't know who) and I found it on a random car site, was taken at Silverstone iirc at Trax. Kinda freaky I don't know who took it though......
Cool thread, nice to put a picture to some names.

This is me, taken a few weekends ago by my mrs at the top of the light house in Whitby.

Me, taken by Paul Bigland. I was still using my S5600 at this time...
Me (Left) and a few explorers on the roof of the recently closed Shredded Wheat factory


and scaling the silos

One out of set of about 200 where we were clowning around, had to test the 6.5fps :p


BTW I'm the clown on the left of the image.

despite the title, this was taken by my best friend louise while testing the light in her sister's newly-empty room... i'm feeling borrowing it as a studio every now and again! :LOL:
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Here is a pic of me taken by a friend using my own camera whilst i was
playing with a Sigma 120-300
