Prime Lens Portraits

Pentax K7 and Super Takumar 50mm f1.4

shoo fly! by dobinio, on Flickr

This was a runner up in PP magazine wasn't it? cracking shot - thought it should have won then when i saw it!
One from Friday.. 5D, 35/1.4L wide open


Summer cabin, just emerged from the sauna to cool off on the terrace.. The mirror broke off in my 5D classic about 20 minutes before (and apparently will be fixed for free) but I shot this anyway with no viewfinder image, no AF and no metering :shake: I was ****ed off I didn't bring a backup camera and tried to make the best of it.

Well 35/1.4L fortunately has a distance scale and I could work out the exposure with a quick test shot to see the histogram. Framing was "off the hip" to say the least :D And yes I know 1/30 seconds is too slow but the 5D can't do better...
one from yesterday - my little brother in a pub, the first time I've seen him since he got married. M9 / 35mm

Just thought I would share this one I took on saturday.... ;)


85mm Prime.

I like the way his head is framed by the bridge, a micron to the right would have been even better and you've chopped the top of his finger off. :LOL:
I like the way his head is framed by the bridge, a micron to the right would have been even better and you've chopped the top of his finger off. :LOL:

Cheers (y) This is a crop as I was trying to get the camera out the shot " :puke:" you know the ones... :LOL:

I've never spotted this thread before, some great inspiring photos in it! :clap:

Here's one of my girl, shot with a Canon nifty, and some PP in LR3

IMG_6920.jpg by mrdaveyoung, on Flickr
Posted elsewhere but thought that it would fit well in this thread..


Regards MD(y)
I seem to only get shots of my kids these days.:)

Sony A700 -- iso200 -- Sigma 85mm -- f/1.4 -- 1/4000sec
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Nice shot Wibbly, it's great to see inspiring results with similar kit to what i'm using.
Film shot from my H1, 150mm HC, 1/200 sec @ f5.6 Ilford Pan F


Almost all of the photographs I've taken have been with a prime lens, it's the only one I use!
Recently took my favourite photograph yet which was using a prime lens, though have posted it in another thread (The seasons - personified) so won't post again here!
These images of my Dad and Grandmother are probably my favourite portraits :)

Thought I would pop another in here.. :D

