Problems with vignetting correction PS2022.

woof woof

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I'm having problems correcting vignetting when using PS2022.

In CS5 this was simple, all I did as move the vignetting slider until the vignetting was corrected. With bad vignetting the slider needed to be moved far to the right and the numerical value of the correction would be 70% or more.

In PS2022 moving the slider to the far right creates white corners and the numerical value to get somewhere near where CS5 would be is something like 6 or 7. I've tried entering decimal point corrections like 6.5 but these don't work and only whole numbers seem to be permitted. With PS2022 whatever I do I can't get near the level of CS5 and the corners remain too dark or begin to be too light or I get variation from top to bottom and it just doesn't seem to be anywhere near as easy or good as CS5 and I'm finding CS5 much better for this basic adjustment which surprises and annoys me as PS2022 should be better, I hope.

Has anyone else seen this or know a quick way around it?

Going into "Calibration" in PS2022 and changing the version to an earlier one doesn't seem to work and CS5 still seems much better for this correction but I hope there's a way to get the newer version to better correct vignetting... Googling this hasn't helped so help needed from knowledgeable forumers :D
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This is the way the distortion control works to remove or introduce pincushion or barrel distortion allowing you to either crop or fill the blank as you see fit. Vignetting does not do this in my PS2023 Camera Raw, it behaves as you describe CS5 would.

Silly question but, are you sure you have the right slider? Or are you doing this somewhere else other than Camera Raw?
No. It's vignetting not distortion.

I'll get there somehow...
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Where are you in Photo Shop ? In Camera Raw or the Filter version of Camera Raw? Or somewhere else?

I'm using camera raw,

I've decided to give up. Sort of.

The problems I've been having have been with a TTArtisan 50mm f2 and a Mr Ding 50mm f1.1. These are both cheap Chinese lenses and I think I've come to the point now of accepting that these lenses present challenges which I'm just not going to be able to completely overcome. To put it mildly :D There's massive vignetting and mushy corners and uneven performance across the frame and just about every issue you can imagine and I think I've just been expecting too much. I do think that the different versions of PS seem to be giving different results but when it comes to corrections which are this extreme and causing me to fiddle with just about every slider and effect I think I'll have to accept I'm trying too hard and going too far.

Thanks for your help but I think I'll just lower my expectations :D
In Camera Raw go to create a new mask (over on the right) and create a radial gradient, invert the mask and play with the mask levels or size of gradient, create your own vignette tool. Adjust exposure or levels as desired, if you are happy with the result copy develop settings in Bridge and paste into other files with same lens.
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In Camera Raw go to create a new mask (over on the right) and create a radial gradient, invert the mask and play with the mask levels or size of gradient, create your own vignette tool. Adjust exposure or levels as desired, if you are happy with the result copy develop settings in Bridge and paste into other files with same lens.

Thanks but as above, I think I'm just expecting too much.

As the vignetting varies at different apertures and focus distances I think I'll need several custom corrections for each of the two lenses for example near, mid and far distance. If I decide I want as perfect a result as possible careful manual adjustment will be needed but mostly I'll settle for moving the vignetting slider for best effect or as the corners seem to be all different especially with the f1.1 lens another quick approach seems to be to brush on exposure compensation as required for each corner.

Thanks for helping :D
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