
Edit My Images
what is the difference between raw and jpeg

i understand that it is easier to edit images in raw forrmat and then save to jpeg for web use?

any info would be thanked =]
A raw file is effectively a digital negative. It is the image exactly as captured by your camera's sensor and is totally unprocessed, leaving you free to process in software such as photoshop. A jpg is "processed" in camera using your preset preferences.
Not easier Kayleigh - just better. The RAW file is the data as the sensor recorded it. You can do a certain amount of adjustments and processing to the RAW file without loosing quality. JPEG is a file that the camera has converted for you and it applies some sharpenning and contrast etc - basically it takes some of the control away from you so if you want to correct things later you cant do it witohut introducing noise and reducing the quality. RAW files are bigger . Thats the only thing to remember. You won't get so many on the memory card but it is worth doing. You need software to process and convert the RAW files but you shoulod have got something with your camera that will do it. Otherwise there are plenty to choose from