really grinds my gears!!!

Sometimes I'm quite glad I don't drive.

Incidentally, chaps with daughters, dad's taxi doesn't go away when they are older as mine found out when I moved back to Derbyshire.

Another thing. Kittens on my damn keyboard, I swear they aim for the caps lock.
Also teenagers, especially teenagers on the Internet with parents who don't have a damn clue what there little ******* is up to. My children's laptop is on a desk next to my desk and this ain't never changing.
Oh!! And people who drive with their f¥€£ing fog lights on when there's no bloody fog ...

Right I'm getting off here now ,getting carried away
Don't get me started - I drove the 7 1/2 miles from central-ish london to north london between about 10 and 10.30 this morning, and spent the entire journey constructing in my head the blog post I wanted to write about the incompetence witnessed on that journey, from other drivers, from local councils/highways and cyclists/ was a right old rant. However I had a wedding album to design so got busy on that instead, which didn't help my mood but did probably save me from myself :LOL:
Modern phrases

I 'heart' you
on trend

Anyone remember Frank Doberman - genius ;)

Drivers who don't say thank you when you let them through.
Not getting the clutch in far / fast enough or
"beating" the Syncromesh

get a straight cut dog engagement gearbox / transaxle then, no need for the clutch except to pull away in first and no synchromesh to beat ;)
people on this forum who cant take constructive critisism and take the huff:LOL:
Old people who join the bus queue last but get on first because they think they have rights and priviliges! GTF

People who don't say thank you when you hold a door open.

People who stand in doorways to chat

Cyclists who run red lights and cycle on the pavement

Smokers in bus shelters

Smokers outside pubs who block the pavement forcing you onto the road

People with headphones in but you can still hear their music
new posters who say

''please be gentle''

customers who book a cab [using their phone] then dont have the courtesy to phone back when they decide to cancel.......:razz:
at this moment in time...?

Strathclyde Police.............:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Selfish people. (The me me me brigade that are all too prevalent in today's society) :(
The answer to the op is simple :)........PEOPLE. :puke:
1 People tailgating me when I am doing 30 though villages

2 Men being the constant joke of adverts (where the men always do stupid stuff and the women corrects him etc etc....) its lame and old give it a rest

3 Finding a frog in my bog when I was about to sit on toilet (yep it happend and we dont have a frog :eek:)
Bad time keeping
Anyone who claims benefits they're not entitled to
ThomasCat depositing mice on my bed
Did I mention men?

I'm a woman trapped inside a man's body. Any use for me? :naughty:
The ridiculous Flymo strimmer feed thing

I found a replacement strimmer head thing on ebay a while ago. Just cut off a length of cord and feed it through a hole. It takes thicker cord too so it lasts for much longer. That's one irritation crossed off my long list.
stupid idiots who can dial a phone number incorrectley, next time i get a phone call at 3am for a taxi i am gonna do damage to some one.
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stupid idiots who can dial a phone number correctley next time i get a phone call at 3am for a taxi i am gonna do damage to some one.

I can dial correctly :) Let's talk tomorrow morning, then I'll report back here! :naughty:
People that don't comment or say thanks after you have taken the time
to help them (with) or comment on their images!


It's one reason why I don't often comment on pictures these days
Also the ones that reply to others but ignore your comments
and those that get upset when yiou actually have the cheek to say their
picture is less then perfect
People without Manners - Please and thankyou doesnt take much. I hold a door open or stop to let you cross the road - it doesnt hurt to say thankyou.

Managers who have no talent but "talk a good game" in management ********

People who try to "get at you" all the time
People that park in the parent and child bays at supermarkets that don't have kids with them.

People that have no concept of how to use lanes on roundabouts
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Nothing much, really. I enjoy my life, I'm pretty relaxed, and this sort of stuff is just nuisance value. Not worth getting in a strop about.
People that park on pavements so pedestrians have to walk out into the road
WTF do that just so anopther car can get past :bang::shrug:
Queueing to pay for petrol at 6 in the morning behind some dick who is paying off a couple of quid on each of his utility bills and council tax individually .

Use the bloody post office or direct debit
stupid idiots who can't dial a phone number correctley next time i get a phone call at 3am for a taxi i am gonna do damage to some one.

just take their details and tell them politely that the car will be with them in abour 25 minuites :LOL: then when you are tucked up nice and warm in bed they'll still be standing arround in the rain wondering where the **** their taxi is :LOL:
Insurance companies.
Bugs that fly off just as you've got the focus spot on.
People that decide to stand in front of you or smack bang in the middle of a shot your trying to take.
just take their details and tell them politely that the car will be with them in abour 25 minuites :LOL: then when you are tucked up nice and warm in bed they'll still be standing arround in the rain wondering where the **** their taxi is :LOL:

what like news years eve.. whne there was 2 foot of snow on the ground?? yep that is what i do just fed up with it now
Drivers who use mobiles, yes the law does apply to you too
get a straight cut dog engagement gearbox / transaxle then, no need for the clutch except to pull away in first and no synchromesh to beat ;)

It was more a rhetorical statement as my present car is an auto :LOL:

However I am talking about proper cars a few years ago when syncro was a novelty
and "crash boxes" were the norm! That separated the girlies from the men ;)
none of this modern day crap :D
Cobra said:
It was more a rhetorical statement as my present car is an auto :LOL:

However I am talking about proper cars a few years ago when syncro was a novelty
and "crash boxes" were the norm! That separated the girlies from the men ;)
none of this modern day crap :D

Hand bags at the ready!
In general PEOPLE. Especially the one's that let there pets roam the neighborhood. Dogs ******** on the front lawn, cats clawing at the pool screen to get to my cats (that I dont allow to roam) or sitting under the bushes by the bird feeder. The next one will get a 50 cal in the rear end
In general PEOPLE. Especially the one's that let there pets roam the neighborhood. Dogs ******** on the front lawn, cats clawing at the pool screen to get to my cats (that I dont allow to roam) or sitting under the bushes by the bird feeder. The next one will get a 50 cal in the rear end

50 Caliber is a tad extreme for a cat.............:D.......222 would do.
50 Caliber is a tad extreme for a cat.............:D.......222 would do.

So would a .22 rimmy
But there would be absolutley no evidence left with the "50" :D