Road accidents website

I bought a 125cc scooter, my plan was to learn how to ride a bike. Then move up to a bigger bike after I passed my test. I was 27 at the time, had a car from 17 so 10yrs road experience. I can you tell you after been on a bike that 10yrs was nothing, and another 10yrs in a car would also mean jack. You learn to read what car drivers are going to do before the driver knows what their going to do.

I used the bike for work every day, the Scoob became a weekend car. Every single day with out fail, I was cut up over taken for nothing, pulled out on. One white van driver a women I may add, cut me up taking the racing line on a round a bout at 15mph, and I went over the round a bout as in what round a bout and fell off.

This bike could do the speed limit and get to it quick, why did they just take the pee, kid on a scooter maybe.

She just drives on as though I was not Evan there, yes a was well peed off. The bike was fine and so was i, so I set off to have words. She dint stop when I was side by side piping horn, in the end she lost her right mirror as I knocked it off in anger. That's when I sold the bike and never ever will get another one, I thought i was learning to read the roads and other drivers but women are unpredictable.

In a nut shell I now give bikers the room they need, before I would not. I think I am now a better car driver after riding a bike

My brother got a bike when he was 17 passed on a 500cc means he could ride any size bike he wanted.

He bought a R6 brand new 3 months later 2 crashers later in hospital for 3 months, his fault getting his knee down at a round a bout. Bike comes under him slide into a lamp post, lands in a ditch with a stream head first. He was pulled out of the water by other road users (car). Saved his life.

When he was fit and well fixed his bike up, sold as a track bike and bought a GSXR750, yep crashed this twice as well. To fast round a corner, and went rallying. Second time pulling off his drive, right in front of me and the back wheel spun off he came. The road had just been re-surfaced, that was the last time he came off. He just used at weekends only, plus went to track days often in the summer. All in all had a bike for 3 yrs, but he was young, no fear, and mental. But he was a good rider, as you riders no all sports bikes nod at each other, well my bro made a few mates when he was riding. Think there was about 5 of them in total, used to go out ever weekend with out fail, well if dry. These mates had many many more yrs XP, and they said you can ride, but your mental. Keeps in contact with a few of them to this day.

Sold it when his partner got pregnant, but was thinking of it well before as other road users don't give. Some of them give the biker a hard time just for the fun of it, I seen it mi bro seen it.

Most are anti biker
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Was that your fist time being caught speeding or driving excessivily? many points do you have. ;) Can you guess my next question and answer? :D

'Lifes not fair' happens to everyone unless they're very lucky. Give us a break will you, will all have insurance and licences to look after, no ones above the law.
Ive been driving for 30 years and never had a point.
Agree as well
Been riding 30 years most bike fatalities are caused by other road users

Do also agree tho that new riders do need more training before they get on a bike
Not by the ones that feel they can overtake into on coming traffic then forcing you to swerve into the gutter, or the ones that ride up your backside expecting you to move over so they can pass.
Well there's always bad drivers with both vehicle types ... what's your point?

And anyway, what's wrong with coming up behind you and expecting you to move over? Like why wouldn't you move out of someone's way if they where travelling faster than you?

Ive been driving for 30 years and never had a point.

Well they don't send you on speed awareness courses for braking a 30 limit by such a small margin without other reasons.
Not by the ones that feel they can overtake into on coming traffic then forcing you to swerve into the gutter, or the ones that ride up your backside expecting you to move over so they can pass.

Really? The roads around Worcester are full of idiots in cars, overtaking round blind corners on the opposite side of the road etc.

Yes I might overtake on a bike, but not on a blind corner or going over the crest of a hill, to do that, to be totally blunt, just reinforces and puts Darwins Theory into practice.

If you want examples of idiots, try the ones in cars who will intentionally swerve in their lane to stop bikes filtering in traffic, or opening the car door suddenly to stop bikes filtering. Its those people who could cause a very serious accident and most of the time they dont even think its stupid or dangerous :bang:
faddius said:
Really? The roads around Worcester are full of idiots in cars, overtaking round blind corners on the opposite side of the road etc.

Yes I might overtake on a bike, but not on a blind corner or going over the crest of a hill, to do that, to be totally blunt, just reinforces and puts Darwins Theory into practice.

If you want examples of idiots, try the ones in cars who will intentionally swerve in their lane to stop bikes filtering in traffic, or opening the car door suddenly to stop bikes filtering. Its those people who could cause a very serious accident and most of the time they dont even think its stupid or dangerous :bang:

I can back that up, these are the anti bikers. But until they have been on a bike riding one they will not understand.
Well there's always bad drivers with both vehicle types ... what's your point?

And anyway, what's wrong with coming up behind you and expecting you to move over? Like why wouldn't you move out of someone's way if they where travelling faster than you?

Well they don't send you on speed awareness courses for braking a 30 limit by such a small margin without other reasons.
No they send you on a course to re-educate you about speed awareness, those doing higher speeds just get points and a fine, the tutors words not mine.
Really? The roads around Worcester are full of idiots in cars, overtaking round blind corners on the opposite side of the road etc.

Yes I might overtake on a bike, but not on a blind corner or going over the crest of a hill, to do that, to be totally blunt, just reinforces and puts Darwins Theory into practice.

If you want examples of idiots, try the ones in cars who will intentionally swerve in their lane to stop bikes filtering in traffic, or opening the car door suddenly to stop bikes filtering. Its those people who could cause a very serious accident and most of the time they dont even think its stupid or dangerous :bang:
Why should i move over, im doing the speed limit and you wouldnt expect me to move if you were in a car behind me, and as for the filtering crap im fed up of getting my mirrors knocked.
SAVA9E said:
So who caused that, the landy driving around the bend or the biker going too fast around the bend.

The biker....
Why should i move over, im doing the speed limit and you wouldnt expect me to move if you were in a car behind me, and as for the filtering crap im fed up of getting my mirrors knocked.

I never mentioned anything about moving over...
I dont expect cars to move over, I actually dont like it if they move over...
Why should i move over, im doing the speed limit and you wouldnt expect me to move if you were in a car behind me, and as for the filtering crap im fed up of getting my mirrors knocked.

Oh yes I would. ;)
Why wouldn't I pull over into anther lane if its safe, anything otherwise is just obstinance.

It is in fact dangerous and irresponsible to hog a lane just because your at the speed limit yet can pull over. The highway code states something like... (Along with the speed limits yes) ...that, for safety, one must aim to travel at a similar relative speed to the rest of the road users., travelling too fast or to SLOWLY to the relative speed of other road users is extremely dangerous.

We all know what the speed limits are, but its not up to you to police our actions and in doing so cause a hazard by hogging a lane just because you feel like being obstinate.

It seems to me that you are one of the dangers drivers we all have to put up with. ... Why can't we trust you to behave in a similar thoughtful and courteous manner than the rest of us (not counting the idiots we all despise, cars and bikes ..and cyclists)

...what have we done to you, that's so bad you think its ok to drive dangerously?

;) :)
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Is that because if they keep still you can pass them on the inside more safely? ;)

Warning, this is a trick question. :D

Hah :D

When overtaking or filtering im normally watching several cars ahead, so if a car moves over that im about to pass it distracts me due to the sudden movement ;)
Oh yes I know that, if they move over slowly I dont mind, it doesnt distract me, but if they swerve suddenly it makes me have a little panic as I think the driver has seen something Ive missed and for all I know Im about to pile headlong into a scary, angry mutant badger

Paranoia and imagination, probably the only two things that keep me in one piece (y)
Oh yes I know that, if they move over slowly I dont mind, it doesnt distract me, but if they swerve suddenly it makes me have a little panic as I think the driver has seen something Ive missed and for all I know Im about to pile headlong into a scary, angry mutant badger

Paranoia and imagination, probably the only two things that keep me in one piece ](y)

Ah yes i know that though. Gotcha soz.

Here here to that, it probably helps keeps us all safe er. (y)
I thought it was a 3+10% rule, can't see how they can prosecute if u were doing 32.

10% leeway is a good will guesture for most speed cameras, i.e. the camera wont take a lovely picture of your number plate if you are less than 10% over the speed limit.

So, 33 in a 30, 44 in a 40 etc.

However, its not the law and cameras can be set to the exact speed limit if they desire, same as police, if you're doing 33 in a 30, they will probably overlook it, but if they want they can pull you and give you points as the law says bang on 30.

Speed awareness courses are generally for people who have only broken the speed limit by a minor amount, and have otherwise had a clean driving licence for a fair amount of time. Its offered optionally instead of points but normally costs more than the £60 speeding fine, however you dont get any points (y)

Ive had this discussion with a bike cop before as I wanted clarification

And if you ever wanted to know, emergency services can only drive at 10mph more than the speed limit of which ever road they are on, and only when they have the blues on.

If they pass through a speed camera, they have to make an immediate written note of the road, time and reason and sign it. They then have to radio it into control asap for them to make note of it as well, and all of it has to be backed up with a emergency number or something (the number they assign to each call they get, so they can look up where and when the emergency was and which services responded). Failure to do this can lead to a ticket.

Police however are allowed to go more than 10mph over the limit if they are pursuing a suspect, but they are not allowed to go over 100mph without completing a specialist training course :)
I got 3 points back in may this yr, it was going to cost me £96 for the corse plus a day off work. So I opted for the points at a bargain price of £60, phones insurance to inform them I'm getting some nice shinny new points.

Was told thanks for letting us no, been done 3 times for speeding in 15yrs and got these after a 10 yr gap.
1st points 46 in a 40
2nd points 49 in a 30 looks bad but was 12:15am and now this road is a 40 but should be a 50, it's a mini dual carriage way.
3rd 48 in a 40 this yr
Thing is I had a Scoob turbo for 6 yrs in all I had 2, not once did I get any speeding points, and ever single point I got was in a diesel for some sort.
Ah hence the name. So you don't know if your insurance has gone up yet then scoob?

Funniest points I ever got.

I'm sitting at a set of red lights with lots of cars on a duel cartage way in London (A20)
The lights change and I zip away on my motorcycle clear ahead as usual.
10, 20, 30 mph ..Im in a 60 mph zone...I change gear casually...
40, 50 60 ..its a lovely sunny day, no traffic ahead..tum te tum...
change gear 70, 80 ... hmm lovely day...

Suddenly I hear THE siren, a police siren ...and some blue lights in my mirrors...its an unmarked police car...
I indicate and pull over.
An officer walks over and says, with a pause and a smile, Mate! Didn't you see us both at the lights admiring your bike, we're both bikers ourselves, but we just had to pull you over before you reached 90.

:( :bonk: :LOL:

However, its not the law and cameras can be set to the exact speed limit if they desire, same as police, if you're doing 33 in a 30, they will probably overlook it, but if they want they can pull you and give you points as the law says bang on 30.

Thought as much, It would be daft any other way.
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Forbiddenbiker said:
Ah hence the name. So you don't know if your insurance has gone up yet then scoob?

Funniest points I ever got.

I'm sitting at a set of red lights with lots of cars on a duel cartage way in London (A20)
The lights change and I zip away on my motorcycle clear ahead as usual.
10, 20, 30 mph ..Im in a 60 mph zone...I change gear casually...
40, 50 60 ..its a lovely sunny day, no traffic ahead..tum te tum...
change gear 70, 80 ... hmm lovely day...

Suddenly I hear THE siren, a police siren ...and some blue lights in my mirrors...its an unmarked police car...
I indicate and pull over.
An officer walks over and says, with a pause and a smile, Mate! Didn't you see us both at the lights admiring your bike, we're both bikers ourselves, but we just had to pull you over before you reached 90.

:( :bonk: :LOL:

Thought as much, It would be daft any other way.

Insurance as only ever got up once in my case, first 3 points went up £40 13 or so yrs ago. The next set of point was a yr after, but my insurance came down that yr
My insurance is renewed in OCT these new points dint affect my prems, I was always led to believe that SP points don't affect. In my case it's only affected me once, but was only driving a few yrs.

My go on age, car, insurance who knows my mates went up for speeding as soon as he told them.

I was with Directline line for a full 13yrs, and had the house with them for 7 yrs.

Not with them no more, they wanted £1400 for the X5 I now drive. Need this to transport mine and mi bros helis.
Ah gotcha, you chose the course over getting the points, is that right?
Yes i could have 3 points and a fine or £65 to do the course with no points but as i said you only get offered the course for doing a tad over the limit.
Oh yes I would. ;)
Why wouldn't I pull over into anther lane if its safe, anything otherwise is just obstinance.

It is in fact dangerous and irresponsible to hog a lane just because your at the speed limit yet can pull over. The highway code states something like... (Along with the speed limits yes) ...that, for safety, one must aim to travel at a similar relative speed to the rest of the road users., travelling too fast or to SLOWLY to the relative speed of other road users is extremely dangerous.

We all know what the speed limits are, but its not up to you to police our actions and in doing so cause a hazard by hogging a lane just because you feel like being obstinate.

It seems to me that you are one of the dangers drivers we all have to put up with. ... Why can't we trust you to behave in a similar thoughtful and courteous manner than the rest of us (not counting the idiots we all despise, cars and bikes ..and cyclists)

...what have we done to you, that's so bad you think its ok to drive dangerously?

;) :)
So lets get this right, im doing 50mph in a 50mph zone keeping up with all the other traffic and because your behind me on a bike and want to go faster you want me to move over even if your in your car and you are calling me a dangerous driver (y) clever.
I though something like that, dunno, at an officers discretion maybe...

Maybe he was in the fast lane at the time. lol
3 lane one way road, no fast or slow lane as they all filter off in different directions.
I got caught by a speed camera recently doing 51 in a 40 limit and got offered the course.
Must be to do with how many points you already have maybe or when you were last done for speeding
So lets get this right, im doing 50mph in a 50mph zone keeping up with all the other traffic and because your behind me on a bike and want to go faster you want me to move over even if your in your car and you are calling me a dangerous driver (y) clever.

:D Clevere than you think as it goes, as your actions are far more dangerous than mine. Your knowingly driving on roads in fast lanes where 80% of drivers exceed the speed limit a little?
... You know this is a fact, yet your happy to hog the lane and cause, (In heavier rush hour for example) potentially lethal shunts at the worst end and frustration and intolerance at your stubborn attitude at the easy wind up end.... However you continue to totally ignoring the dangers you might cause, from road rage, to someone dying in a shunt triggered by you.

Me on the other hand, say, just overtaking a 50 mph car in a 50 mph zone for the sake of gaining clear road in front again of me for a nice safe ride ...well I haven't endangered anyone have I....couple of flies have met their end sooner than later maybe.
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:D Clevere than you think as it goes, as your actions are far more dangerous than mine. Your knowingly driving on roads in fast lanes where 80% of drivers exceed the speed limit a little?
... You know this is a fact, yet your happy to hog the lane and cause, (In heavier rush hour for example) potentially lethal shunts at the worst end and frustration and intolerance at your stubborn attitude at the easy wind up end.... However you continue to totally ignoring the dangers you might cause, from road rage, to someone dying in a shunt triggered by you.

Me on the other hand, say, just overtaking a 50 mph car in a 50 mph zone for the sake of gaining clear road in front again of me for a nice safe ride ...well I haven't endangered anyone have I....couple of flies have met their end sooner than later maybe.
Can i ask where you get your facts from, you say i hog the outer lane, what the **** are you on.

I said it was a 3 lane one way road, i was in the middle lane as the road is only 100 yards long with the left lane turning left at the river and the middle and righthand lanes going right. So i was infact in the correct lane, i suggest specsavers .
Surpising number within 1 mile of my house. I didnt even realise there was 1. Crazy really as all the roads are 20 or 30MPH limit roads, and there are 4 schools within that raduis.

Same here. Just zoomed in to Rugby and it's outskirts (probably about two miles radius) and there are orange blobs everywhere. Most surprising are the number of deaths on slow (30mph) roads. Quite a few drivers died.

Very sobering....
Same here. Just zoomed in to Rugby and it's outskirts (probably about two miles radius) and there are orange blobs everywhere. Most surprising are the number of deaths on slow (30mph) roads. Quite a few drivers died.

Very sobering....

Quite near to the fosse way as well, that road is full of idiots, cars and bikes :(
Can i ask where you get your facts from, you say i hog the outer lane, what the **** are you on.

I said it was a 3 lane one way road, i was in the middle lane as the road is only 100 yards long with the left lane turning left at the river and the middle and righthand lanes going right. So i was infact in the correct lane, i suggest specsavers .

You did, where did you say that?

I'm on anti road hoggers mission, but if that aint you then fine I apologise, I was flowing your words about not moving over when either a car or bike wanted to pass?

Not by the ones that feel they can overtake into on coming traffic then forcing you to swerve into the gutter, or the ones that ride up your backside expecting you to move over so they can pass.
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