Royal car attacked

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We're not the 51st state just yet.... Realise is the preferred English spelling.....

(stones & glass houses me thinks....) ;)


Sorry, you are incorrect. My 1972 edition of the Oxford Dictionary only lists "realize," not "realise." More recently "realise" has in fact become officially acceptable, being listed as an alternative to "realize" in the Collins English Dictionary. I won't be too hard on you, however, because what you say is a common misconception. :)
It's a bunch of kids - hardly a heavily armed IRA level threat against the armed protection the Royals have plus the reinforced car. If the armed police drew their weapons the "tough" trouble makers would most likely run like gazelles on steriods.

It wouldn't surprise me in the least and Charles would probably be up for it anyway! lol

Didnt look like kids to me unless you think 18-20 year old are children!

Stick em in the army LOL
Agree, no need for mindless violence and to say you would drive the royals through a protest on purpose is crazy!

Just shows the complete lack of respect that todays younger generation have and the acceptance of wanting something for nothing.

Lazy so and so's should get a job rather than toss it off getting a degree and ending up on a till in some supermarket somewhere!


I'm glad to see you don't generalize ("z" marked in bold for Jelster's benefit) about groups of people whilst speaking from a position of absolutely no authority.
Oh right, so we'll have to have a General Election for every major decision will we ??

I think you are missing the point, this is not just a "major decision," it's a question of how the country is going to be governed for the next five years, which policies are going to be implimented to reduce the deficit, and on which groups the burden is going to fall heaviest. It's a point fundemental to our democracy for which you appear to have a scant regard, so long as the policies in which you believe are adopted. Personally, I'd like to see policies where people like you were taxed until the pips squeak, but I'd never want that implimented without the endorsement of the electorate. That's why we have General Elections in the first place!
Could someone explain to me why I should pay for a student to spend three years at a so called "university" getting a degree in media studies.

It seems quite reasonable for such students to be expected to carry the cost of such areas of study.
Sorry, you are incorrect. My 1972 edition of the Oxford Dictionary only lists "realize," not "realise." More recently "realise" has in fact become officially acceptable, being listed as an alternative to "realize" in the Collins English Dictionary. I won't be too hard on you, however, because what you say is a common misconception. :)

I can back you up on that as I just checked my 1969 "The Little Oxford Dictionary" also only lists realize :)
Age isn't the only factor which would make someone a kid. Mentality also contributes :D

I personally don't trust one political party over another, however, there's a hell of a mess to be cleaned up and I don't think that there's any way the Tory's can do it that will make them popular. All these years of open doors and money thrown at everyone and anyone who doesn't give a hoot about the country is going to take time to rectify.

And the sooner we tell the European Court of Human Rights and all these little self-made/self justifying departments where to go the better. Load of nonsense in my opinion, causing unnecessary rules and regulations that helps nobody.

It's getting a little political in
I thought "z" was from Greek origins and "s" was from Latin origins with "s" being the more modern use? Both are acceptable I believe and it's a pretty petty and trivial point surely?
Could someone explain to me why I should pay for a student to spend three years at a so called "university" getting a degree in media studies.

It seems quite reasonable for such students to be expected to carry the cost of such areas of study.

How about a student studying for a medical degree, so that one day he can save your life? Or a teaching degree, to educate your children?

Or a Modern History degree, so he can continue the destruction of the economy that his predecessor started? :D

Or Philosophy, Politics and Economics, so that he can prevent future generations enjoying the privileges he had? :D
I thought "z" was from Greek origins and "s" was from Latin origins with "s" being the more modern use? Both are acceptable I believe and it's a pretty petty and trivial point surely?

Which begs the question, why did Jelster raise it? :shrug:
Could someone explain to me why I should pay for a student to spend three years at a so called "university" getting a degree in media studies.

It seems quite reasonable for such students to be expected to carry the cost of such areas of study.

I must admit I agree on this point, even though I have a similarly "mickey mouse" degree myself :LOL:

The fee structure should be tiered, if you want to study media studies or ahem, marketing, it should be the full £9k. On the other hand if you want to do a degree in something useful, like engineering, or train to be a teacher or nurse then it should be free, with all the other subjects rated on the contribution to society that the resulting graduate could reasonably be expected to make.
I must admit I agree on this point, even though I have a similarly "mickey mouse" degree myself :LOL:

The fee structure should be tiered, if you want to study media studies or ahem, marketing, it should be the full £9k. On the other hand if you want to do a degree in something useful, like engineering, or train to be a teacher or nurse then it should be free, with all the other subjects rated on the contribution to society that the resulting graduate could reasonably be expected to make.

Sounds fair to me. :)
Getting back on topic, you know what really saddened me about this incident?

It's a lovely old Rolls Royce, didn't deserve to get covered in paint like that :nono:
Getting back on topic, you know what really saddened me about this incident?

It's a lovely old Rolls Royce, didn't deserve to get covered in paint like that :nono:

Sad I know, but hardly the important point in this story.

Anyway, I'm sure the royals know a good bodyshop who can give the Rolls a quick blow over.
I agree. It's such a shame that Charles of all people has had his super economical car tarnished ;)
How about a student studying for a medical degree, so that one day he can save your life? Or a teaching degree, to educate your children?

Or a Modern History degree, so he can continue the destruction of the economy that his predecessor started? :D

Or Philosophy, Politics and Economics, so that he can prevent future generations enjoying the privileges he had? :D

Do you think that that was why I was selective in picking out the "mickey mouse" subjects?

Seems a somewhat cynical plan to turn every corner shop learning establishment into a university and then fill them up with students studying Mickey Mouse subjects; a strategy that does little for the country other than articially reducing the unemployment statistics.
Sad I know, but hardly the important point in this story.

Anyway, I'm sure the royals know a good bodyshop who can give the Rolls a quick blow over. The only Rolls Royce approved accident repair centre in the UK. 400 yards from where I live, Charlie can pop in for a cuppa while he waits. :)
I agree. It's such a shame that Charles of all people has had his super economical car tarnished ;)

I'm not sure about that particular car (as I don't know if it's one of Charles' fleet) but all of the PoW's vehicles, including his Aston Martin, have been converted to run on biofuel....
Most interesting I find is that these people can find the time and effort to go out and protest but I don't see masses of people going out and helping shovel the snow and ice to help those less capable. Perhaps that isn't as much fun for them.

Do you?
The fee structure should be tiered, if you want to study media studies or ahem, marketing, it should be the full £9k. On the other hand if you want to do a degree in something useful, like engineering, or train to be a teacher or nurse then it should be free, with all the other subjects rated on the contribution to society that the resulting graduate could reasonably be expected to make.

I agree with this in principle, however, the problem is those who will claim that art is just as important as say engineering. Who decides what is important and what isn't? To most it's bleeding obvious, but then it seems the minority rule in this country and common sense rarely prevails.

Nursing is a disaster. I know literally first hand why and most of it is due to masses of [useless] middle management. They get paid a low wage for long hours and here's the best part, if a doctor on shift prescribes a dosage and the then nurse goes and administers it to the patient, if it turns out to be incorrect guess who is liable? Yep, the nurse. Go figure that one out! lol

My brother is a Maths teacher and he managed to make it into his school yesterday. He phones the principle to let her know and do you know what happened? He got a bol*ocking with her saying "you are going to make us all look bad" because her along with others hadn't bothered their backside to go in. So are teachers really worth the cost? I'm hearing endless reports from various teachers about the number of other teachers who take ridiculous amounts of time off for all sorts of reaons.

Maybe it's just me but I feel that we seemed to have stopped inventing anything great unlike in the past. Maybe that's a reflection on the engineering level being taught now? Who knows. But the majority of people I work with are pretty thick to be honest and not only do they have no drive to work they also can't seem to think for themselves or work things out. Simple things as well!

Too many kids have sod all respect these days because they know they can't be touched because some stupid department has brought in some stupid rule which give them too much protection even from their own parents. A good slap never did me any harm, hell I got the belt and even the rolling pin on one occasion! Did me good in fact! :D
Do you think that that was why I was selective in picking out the "mickey mouse" subjects?

Seems a somewhat cynical plan to turn every corner shop learning establishment into a university and then fill them up with students studying Mickey Mouse subjects; a strategy that does little for the country other than articially reducing the unemployment statistics.

Yes, that's exactly what happened with the Polytechnics. Higher education has been mismanaged for decades by governments of all persuasions.

It's ridiculous that some moderately paid, but essential jobs like nursing require a degree (or will do from 2013). Will these students be subjected to the tuition fees? If so, I can predict a severe shortage of nurses in future.
Yes, that's exactly what happened with the Polytechnics. Higher education has been mismanaged for decades by governments of all persuasions.

It's ridiculous that some moderately paid, but essential jobs like nursing require a degree (or will do from 2013). Will these students be subjected to the tuition fees? If so, I can predict a severe shortage of nurses in future.

Read my above post...

Yes, I bloody do. I've got a shovel in the boot and many bottles of sceenwash that goes to -23 (helps get to the ice under the tyres) and I've been stopping and helping stuck people every day.

The entire front of my house and the neighbour's house is completely clear because I got the shovel out and I don't want my pregnant wife slipping nor my elderly neighbour slipping. I couldn't give a monkey that everyone else seems to just drive on without helping - that's their comeuppance and karma will get them in the end.

Gut feeling tells me I bet you don't bother your backside though. ;)
By the way, Nursing is free... It's sponsored by the NHS.

Ha! You answered my question before I posted it! Does this mean the NHS has to pay the tuition fees out of their budget? What happens if they sponsor a nurse who, once qualified, chooses to work abroad?
By the way, Nursing is free... It's sponsored by the NHS.


It doesn't matter, it's the pay, working conditions and other negatives that are putting people off from choosing it as a career. Did you read my post? :wacky:

Oh, and guess who pays the NHS btw?
Yes, I bloody do. I've got a shovel in the boot and many bottles of sceenwash that goes to -23 (helps get to the ice under the tyres) and I've been stopping and helping stuck people every day.

The entire front of my house and the neighbour's house is completely clear because I got the shovel out and I don't want my pregnant wife slipping nor my elderly neighbour slipping. I couldn't give a monkey that everyone else seems to just drive on without helping - that's their comeuppance and karma will get them in the end.

Gut feeling tells me I bet you don't bother your backside though. ;)

Funny thing is, I don't have snow here. And I don't have elderly neighbours. Staff edit: Personal insult removed
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Ha! You answered my question before I posted it! Does this mean the NHS has to pay the tuition fees out of their budget? What happens if they sponsor a nurse who, once qualified, chooses to work abroad?

I'm not sure where the budget comes from. I just know a few people who did, or are doing nursing and they don't have to pay the tuition fee's off.
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