Rudder's 52 - Week 14 - Shoot... loaded :)

Belated thanks for the comments everyone.

Here's my desperate attempt at Week 11 - Candid


Taken on my iphone in a very poorly lit stand at nearly 10 o'clock at night.

Here's the original photo

Processed to hide the shocking quality of the original photo (although Noise Ninja did an ok-ish job of getting rid of hideous amounts of noise)

Although I'm not at all keen on the photo it does commemorate a great result! :D
I really like Chemistry and a hazard tape border would really have worked like you said. Scary stuff that there's no orange in it.

I really do like your Candid shot too. Boing B&W was the way forward with that shot. It's gone from "blurred camera-phone nastiness" to "arty street shot". Lots of interesting detail despite the blurring. Really good stuff.

The PP has worked wonders with this IMO.
It's added a bit of interest to what was otherwise a blurry, noisy phone shot (I hope you don't mind me saying that)

I'm not sure that the end result is really my cup of tea, but it definitely has an arty feel and I can see the appeal of it.
It's a good memory shot of the evening too.
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Woah! That drink's nuclear!

I have to say I love your candid shot. It's got a real 'security camera' feel to it, and the guy at the bottom who's 'spied' you is priceless! Works very nicely for me. (y)
The PP has worked wonders on that shot. It's clearly Candid, except for being spotted at the bottom. and you know... the mono has not hidden the issues, but it's made them a part of them image rather than being flaws in them... (not sure that makes sense, even to me, I hope you get what I mean ;))
Cheers for the comments on Candid, It's not a shot I feel any pride in, it just ticks the candid box...

Still onto Week 12 - Produce


This was taken at Fountains Abbey near Ripon, in the mill they had a interactive "thingy" for measuring grain (produce?) that I thought had some nice textures...

C & C please!
:clap: :clap: :clap:
Definitely some great textures there.
It's kind of a study in brown (in a positive, warm, wooden way), but those contrasting textures really give you the necessary distinction between the elements. Very nicely handled IMO.
I also like the lighting and dark shadows - it gives some nice atmosphere.

The crop isn't quite there for me. A little tight at the bottom and I think you could lose a bit off the left to get rid of the electrical socket. However, those tones and textures are putting this amongst my favourite produce shots this week (y)
I really like this.

I had to look hard to find the socket that Sarah was talking about so I don't think it is a big issue.

I think a crop would lose the curve of the board that the grain is on.

When I saw the grain and textures my first thought was black and white (no surprise there :) ) But then I looked at it again and realised that it already a mono image just brown instead of black so don't change anything :LOL:

Well done (y)

The crop isn't quite there for me. A little tight at the bottom and I think you could lose a bit off the left to get rid of the electrical socket.

I really like this.

I had to look hard to find the socket that Sarah was talking about so I don't think it is a big issue.

I think a crop would lose the curve of the board that the grain is on.

Thanks for the comments I was pleased with how well the shot came out, especially as I quickly grabbed it while other visitors were coming and going

Unfortunately each of the four photo's I took of it were cropped very tightly at the bottom (my fault for rushing), I have cropped from the top and right of the image to remove some dead space and to move the tumbler from being slap bang in the middle of the image.

Looking at the photo again I would probably try to pp the socket out if I had another go at the image, It's nearly invisible on the original (apart from the white child safe plugs in there that I mostly managed to get rid of) but once I adjusted the levels I didn't notice how obvious it had became:bang:
Week 13 Quad

Here's my submission

I was originally looking for anything with four in, chimneys, legs etc or a quadrangle but when nothing stood out to me while I had my camera I decided to look back at the photo's taken that week and pick four that might go together for a quadtych (hey I just qoogled it and that's a real thing! :D)

I went on a walk on Saturday near John Lennon Airport and grabbed some photo's of planes coming in to land, I was disappointed that they all came in from the same direction and therefore I couldn't get some going the other way, ho hum!
Hi :0 I really like the atmosphere in your Candid shot and works very well in black and white!

Love the colours and subject for Produce, I think Sarah's crop suggestion would work well.

I too didn't get what I wanted to for Quad....but I think this one works well :)
I really love this take on quad, but feel completely underqualified to offer C&C. I wouldn't even know how to start with shooting a plane.

I do like the way that the framing's worked on these, I also really like the soft fluffy clouds in the blue sky.
As for the planes themselves, as I said I wouldn't know where to begin so I'm hugely impressed at you getting crisp, clean images of them in flight (and not just 1 but 4 of them!)
Produce I really like the tones and textures are superb. It's got the odd thing about it, already mentioned, but...

As for the planes, they are good clear crisp shots. It's a shame the top two aren't in the same strong sunlight as the bottom two, but not much you can do about that... The only thing is... for the prop engined planes, the shutter speed was too high, and it looks like the props aren't turning, ok the Cessna at least is probably idling, after all it's coming in to land, but the prop looks better if it's a bit blurred.
Really nice framing effect, mate. Like Sarah I have no idea how to shoot a plane so can't comment further.
Nice work with the quad. Personally I would have used a different border as it takes away from the shots a bit, I don't know why but, to me, it just seems untidy, (but that might be my structural ocd kicking in :LOL:)

The easyjet one is the best, nice lighting and good angle!
Cheers for the comments everyone

It's only when I put them together I noticed the difference in light on them, the little plane at bottom right would probably be better out of direct sunlight to reduce the shadow.

I had read that before about getting prop blur but completely forgot while I was there :bonk:

The best thing about being there was the sheer amount of air traffic giving plenty of opportunity to get some shots, unfortunately I was walking with a group of about 25 non photographers so I had to keep catching up with them:LOL:

This was my closest shot (not a crop)
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Week 14 Shoot
Here's my take on Shoot or as I like to think of it "headshot"


Mental note: replay Halo
I like the angle and perspective for shoot, it's similar to what I had in my head (which hasn't materialised to my camera yet :D ), but I can't quite tell what the thingy in focus actually is. I'm assuming another little man, but I can't quite tell (using my laptop and a small screen which doesn't help!)

I like the angle and perspective for shoot, it's similar to what I had in my head (which hasn't materialised to my camera yet :D ), but I can't quite tell what the thingy in focus actually is. I'm assuming another little man, but I can't quite tell (using my laptop and a small screen which doesn't help!)


Thanks for looking & commenting Chris, they're both figures from Halo an xbox360 game the "target" is a small alien known as a grunt, in the game they're very satisfying to kill! :D

I'm not sure the dof is working but it is how I pictured it with what the near figure's doing only just recognisable...
Very, nearly, almost for your shoot shot Dave.

I'm finding it hard to work out how it could be improved and the only thing I can think of is maybe bringing the two characters closer together so the dof could have more impact.

The furthest away character is a little too far away for me.

Great effort though and right on theme!
Hahahaha this reminds me of a shot I took at Christmas....I was taking pics of the tree decorations and when I uploaded them , there was Master Chief on lookout in the branches..... my son's idea of dressing the tree :D Excellent idea, wish I'd thought of it!
(y) Love this idea, and the composition / set up is perfect IMO.
I wouldn't change a thing with the way it's laid out, and the DoF really works well with it.

The only problem for me is that your "grunt" is merging into the grass just a little too much. OK I know that's the whole point of his camouflage, but photographically it makes it difficult for him to draw you in as the main focal point.

I wonder if selectively upping the contrast and saturation on him a touch would help him to stand out more.
Works great for me Dave, this is kinda what I was hoping with my shot 1 for shoot. I recognised master chief as I was scrolling down... does that mean I play games on the puter too much :D
Excellent idea for shoot.

As Sarah said, the grunt seems hard to identify. Other than that it works well.

Cheers for your comments everyone, I think I may have overdone the desaturation especially on the grunt as I agree, it does disappear into the background too much.

the only thing I can think of is maybe bringing the two characters closer together so the dof could have more impact.

The furthest away character is a little too far away for me.

I didn't want him too near as it wouldn't have fit with the sniper rifle as much, I think having the grunt stand out more as mentioned above might have accomplished the same:shrug:

Gotta love Master Chief though, almost as much as Marcus Fenix :cool: