Rudder's 52 - Week 14 - Shoot... loaded :)

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Well this is my first 52(and by my calculations only my third post (or so) on here!) I've been keeping up my own private 365 since first seeing the idea on here, I'm up to day 69 on that but thought I'd prefer to start something more structured... I'm going to keep up the 365 but won't feel too guilty if I drop the odd day...

Well this is my first 52(and by my calculations only my third post (or so) on here!) I've been keeping up my own private 365 since first seeing the idea on here, I'm up to day 69 on that but thought I'd prefer to start something more structured... I'm going to keep up the 365 but won't feel too guilty if I drop the odd day...

My two submissions for Curved this week are...

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Very much like the first one.
The moon and clouds are great.

I really must get into this 52 lark.
I think I prefer the first of your two shots. The snow's a little blue in the second one too.
I like both of these. Agree that the snow scene is a little blue - maybe a bit of WB correction would fix this, however I still prefer this one purely for its theme.
Welcome to the site and to the 52 Dave.

Of those 2 I think the first is the better image.
Very strong composition with the curve of the building.
Have you combined the sky and building from 2 separate photos? There's an eerie, disconnected feel to it that makes you want to keep looking.
Cheers for the comments peeps!

I can't believe until I read them I didn't notice how blue the bridge photo is!

I've tried a quick edit... is the following any better (I can't seem to keep any "blueness" in the sky)

SarahLee said:
Have you combined the sky and building from 2 separate photos?

No the photo's pretty much as shot, I did use a filter from Color Efex (I can't remember which one!) there's not too much difference from the original shot.

The building was lit by a very orange street light at the time...
I really like the first one, good composition, and the strong colours in the buildings have really worked well. The curve works perfectly for the theme, and the Lunar Corona has come out really well too, making a second curve in the clouds. The snowy bridge works for the theme, but the blue is a bit intense.. not sure on the edit. What about making it a very contrasty mono ?
Could you not get into the river or by the side and take a photo of the bridge with the water running under it, it would make a really interesting photo and maybe the river is frozen so you stand on the ice, good luck.
Could you not get into the river or by the side and take a photo of the bridge with the water running under it, it would make a really interesting photo and maybe the river is frozen so you stand on the ice, good luck.

Sadly the bridge goes over the East Lancs road, a dual carriageway, a view from the top...

I am thinking the only way to get rid of the blue properly is to go back and do a retake, colour-wise my photo's from earlier on the walk look OK, it's only the last few that have the strong blue tint to them once it had started to cloud over, ho hum...
First one just jumps out and bites you, such a strong image. Nice start.
As per daddy day care's post I've decided to go back to the historical layout for this thread... and not keep updating the first post with my latest photo, I think it could get very confusing :LOL:

I did get really confused though as the poetry shot is now on your first post of the thread. This is followed by the comments about your curved shots. Or perhaps it's just me being simple :LOL:
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Week 2 Poem / Poetry

I used as my inspiration the Poem "A Book" by Emily Dickinson

There is no frigate like a book
To take us lands away,
Nor any coursers like a page
Of prancing poetry.
This traverse may the poorest take
Without oppress of toll;
How frugal is the chariot
That bears a human soul!

I've always enjoyed reading and the vast majority of my books are stories of "lands away" and I've tried to capture that in this image...

Larger version
I like the tones and feel of the poetry shot, and the composition. My only slight niggle is that it looks like you have added some softness/blur around the edges as a kind of vignette? That kind of distracts me as it doesn't look like depth of field blur.

Was admiring your bridge photo wishing I lived out in the country with beautiful views - then spotted you were from St Helens. I recognise the buildings and the bridge but had never considered them for this theme so that is one lesson learned already!
an excellent take on the theme Dave.

I like the fact that you got the props together to suit the words. The sepia tones suit the props really well.

I did get really confused though as the poetry shot is now on your first post of the thread. This is followed by the comments about your curved shots. Or perhaps it's just me being simple :LOL:
Nice composition, liking the monotone too, suits the subject well.

I really like this!
Love the monotone used, really adds to the theme.
The layout and composition is spot on also.
Cant decide whether I like the blur round the edges, but over all that is a really great attempt!
Well Done!
Very nice composition, lighting and PP. (y) It fits the poem perfectly and as a bookworm myself I can definitely identify with it!
I like this one too and the processing. I have to say I knew this week there would be loads of shots of literature and lines of poems, I find it so cliched and unoriginal, but I really like this one, nice work ;)
I really try to stay away from just saying "Great Shot", but this one really is :clap:
Beautiful composition - I love the map that you've used as a backdrop and the old books really add to the mood of it.
PP is spot on for the feel of the image, although the blur on the RHS is just a tiny bit too much for me.

That's 2 really accomplished shots from you in weeks 1 and 2. Can't wait to see what week 3 brings.
Week 3 Chopped

Like other people I groaned on hearing this as I wanted to go for something less obvious however for now I'm going for chopped with a slight twist (I am hoping to get something better I can swap it for:thinking:)

I'm not really keen on this pic, I don't think there's really anything to attract the eye into it, but at least it's a picture for now...
Certainly a different take on the theme - it's good!(y) I like the way it fades off into shadow in the background. Personally I think it might be improved with a bit more contrast, though.
Outstanding start to the year.

The fist two weeks are great shots. You certainly seem to have composition nailed!

As to chopped, I think it's a great idea, and well composed too. It does look a bit flat to me, and as Tracer said, upping the contrast might work better.

It's a good idea, but the problem is the light doesn't enhance it and the angle is too high to really feel engaged with the shot.
Cheers for the comments everyone, as I said, I wasn't happy with my first submission for Chopped, as has been said It's just too flat and uninvolving.

Here's my second take on chopped (I'd like to point out I haven't got a thing against carrots!)

Really like that image.

Its hard to tell whether its a small toy axe or added in with pp.

The colours are quite cool, staying clear of showing the bright orange colour has paid off and given the image a nice feel.

Well done,

Dave, what a brilliant second chopped image. Wasn't keen on your first but this made me chuckle once it sank in what was going on. Probably one of my favourite shots of this week. Bally well done (y)
Cheers for the comments folks.

The axe was a model one that came with a Marv from Sin City figure, I was actually looking for a tiny samurai sword that came with a different figure when I found it, obviously I decided it was much more appropriate! :)

When processing the photo I just ran it through a few different colorefx filters and decided I liked the effect of the bleach bypass one...