Run away - it's another 365!! :D

160409 : Mr. Perfect

And we all thought he didn't exist!


170409 : Dandelion


180409 : Beer!

More of this glorious weather please! Who'd have thought you could get a suntan in England.. in April!?!?!


190409 : Baby Ferguson

As it got hotter Ferguson had to borrow a hat from his cousin, and a very pretty hat it was too. He didn't look too bothered though!

thankyou :) I'd have liked a bit more sharpness on his face, but blimey these little guys can move can't they? First time I've photographed a rugrat, so hopefully will get better!

At least I can embarrass him when he gets older :LOL:
thanks Fabs :D

200409 : Niamh

Today, a shot of my beautiful, cheeky god-daughter.

220409 : Ivory

In tribute to little Ivory cat who passed away unexpectedly yesterday afternoon. She was about 8-12 weeks old when this photo was taken almost 2 years ago. A lovely little kitty may she rest in peace.

*big hugs* to my lovely friends Dee & Daz who adopted little Ivy x

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aye, beautiful little thing she was. :( Still, she was very, very loved and spoilt rotten during her short life, which I guess is all we could hope for :)
You always loved that picture :)

Thank you hun, Ive just had a good cry. I miss her so much xxx
thanks :D

240409 : Mr Bumble

It's that time of year (well, earlier than normal), when Mr Bee is making his presence known :)

Bit of catching up to do! Been a very busy week.

250409 : Cats


260409 : Just before you go into the cemetery where we walk Sally, there are some glorious flower beds. So full of rich and beautiful colours at this time of year.


270409 : More flowers from the cemetery grounds


280409 : I took this same photograph a year or two ago when I first got my 400D. I wanted to retake now I've learned a bit more and I'm pleased to say that I'm very happy with the improvement! If I remember, I'll dig out the original and post it for comparison.


290409 : Another of Niamh in the sunshine


300409 : Swarvoski roses I bought my Mum for her birthday.


010509 : Royal Court Theatre, Liverpool. Here to see Shirley Valentine, I snapped a quick mobile shot of the detail over the stage. I've always loved the design inside this theatre. So evocative of another age.


020509 : Made of Japan
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Went on a spontaneous few days away last week, so just catching up (it's all I ever seem to do!)

030509 : Topiary Deer


040509 : Hever Castle


050509 : 'Bleeding' Tree


060509 : Bottoms Up


070509 : Castle Gardens


080509 : Hever Boating Lake


090509 : Player at Hampton Court


100509 : Eavesdropper in the Long Gallery at Hampton Court

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110509 : 'Henry VIII' at Hampton Court


120509 :the Torture Tower at the Tower of London


130509 : Raven on Tower Green

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There are a million shots of the London eye, so in that respect it must be hard coming up with a fresh angle, but you have managed that, great :)
thanks guys. I umm'd and ahh'd over that one for quite a while. I liked it but wasn't sure if anyone else would (specially don't like that black cable but hey ho, it wouldn't stay up without it).

Here's another - this is the 'shot' everyone gets I guess ;D

150509 : More London Eye

I like that last London Eye picture, it's framed really nicely by the trees. I haven't seen it photographed from there before :)
thankyou all, I'm quite surprised that last one has had such a good response.

Today's is an older shot I found while sorting out some photos. Really liked this one which is from my fuji bridge days so thought i'd give it a space in the 365. I'd love to retake this now and see what's changed. Only a few months to wait and I can :D

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That last London Eye shot is so cool too, you really have an eye (haha) for composition on this one.