Run away - it's another 365!! :D

In that case, you'll like this one too. I have about 5 with different limbs sticking out :LOL:

Thanks fabs :)

I need to spend some time catching up on everyone's 365s soon, hopefully get chance this weekend.
170609 : Race For Life

4th time I've run the RFL and it's a tremendously emotional occasion. I've raised £900 so far - if anyone wants to help me hit my target of £1k then please hit the button in my signature :)

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Well done! My girlfriend has done 4 as well, you've raised more money though, what's the secret?
Thanks :D Knackered but happy!

I registered as soon as they announced the date so got in first... that's probably all it is. I am also one of about 8 females in an otherwise male office of around 100..that might have something to do with it :p I also have great, supportive friends (y)
thanks very much :D . another from RFL (think the next few days will be from this set :))

180609 :

Been away from the PC for a few days, had a rotten week.

At around midnight Friday night on our way up to bed, my boyfriend went to lock the door, slipped, broke a panel in our 50's feature porch door with his elbow and then fell through it, severing the tendons in his wrist and damaging his nerves. Knew things were bad when I saw the blood but realised how bad when he couldn't move his hand at all. Luckily I am a first aider and despite panicking like I thought I would, I was able to patch him up and get him to the hospital quickly.

So we spent most of Friday night here:

190609 : A&E

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The next day went very slowly as we waited for 'emergency' surgery. 72 hours later on Monday night, a whole catalogue of neglectful errors later, he went in for his op. I saw lots of this over those 3 days.

200609 : Machine Tea


The operation was successful and 5 days later he's got some feeling back in his fingers although he still can't move them yet. He's been for a follow up and has to go back next week so he can have some idea how well it's healing. I will catch up over the next few days, just been a mental week!
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This post will seem silly to some but I think others will get where I'm coming from.

I've never posted a shot like this before. I'm very critical of my own work and I find it hard to believe that people aren't just being nice about my photos - it's a failing in me, I have very little self confidence in me or my ability. One of the reasons I took so long to post on here was because I was constantly floored and put off by the quality of some of the photographs and photographers on here. However, this year, and largely due to this 365 (and of course the wonderful, constructive comments the TP forum members have put on), I'm taking steps that would have terrified me before.

I sooo know where your coming from on this and could have written this myself!

Well done with the race for life and hope your bf is better now!
thanks :)

Few more to catch up with tonight. Taking them is easy, processing them and uploading them is another matter! Most of these taken on the iphone, not had time to fire up Dolly recently!

210609 : Remembered


220609 : Taken with my iphone - mural on the wall at Whiston Hospital!


230609 : Salad Days - summertime means nommy salad - peppers stuffed with feta!


240609 : Crown Princess visiting Liverpool. Snapped on my iphone


250609 : She left a bit of oil behind in the Mersey!


260609 : My cup at work. Think someone's trying to tell me something (I work in IT, there's a lot of competition! :LOL:)


270609 : Sangria & ice. Perfect for a June evening


280609 : Sweeties!

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Carrying on with the catchup!

Little factoid for you - I have no idea why but I'm terrified of these things! I think it's because you never see them go up - they just appear and they seem menacing. Maybe they're part of an alien plot to take over the world ;)

290609 : Wind Turbine


From the film 'The Last Mimzy' (watch it if you haven't - kids will love it!). My mum & I both have a Mimzy that speaks if you press her foot! She lives in my front room on the top shelf :)

300609 : Mimzy

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If any of you read the Liverpool Echo you might have seen this story about a trapped baby gosling. My friend and I went for a walk along the waterfront outside our office and saw the little guy trapped at lunchtime - He'd fallen 30ft or so and couldn't get himself out so we rang the RSPCA - they sent the Fire Brigade came out to rescue it! They took him off to the RSPCA to be fixed before returning him to his mum. Unfortunately when i went to check on the baby goose at around 5pm and see if anyone had come for it, I saw one of the other goslings attacked and killed by a swan :(

Before the Fire Brigade arrived, I snapped one of Mummy goose and the injured gosling's siblings. The little trapped one had fallen down over the drop to the left hand side of the photo.

010709 : Gosling Drama!

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Mobile shot of a warship at dusk at the Princes Dock landing stage

020709 : Warship


Remember Sam on top of the doorframe? This is his equally wacky brother, Jake. He's interested in everything you are doing, a really lovely little cat.

030709 : Jake


This was a covered walkway with a gravelled floor - I thought it would make an interesting picture - it certainly made an interesting mess on my clothes when I stood up covered in gravel dust from head to toe!

040709 : Walkway


This year we seem to be getting a proper summer. By the time I come home from work the heat of the sun has gone off the garden and it's cool enough to sit and relax without having to cover up in suntan lotion until dusk falls.

050709 : Summertime

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Haven't forgotten this, just been having a busy time with the patient. Back to hospital tomorrow for another op (tendon seems to have snapped again) so will catch up as soon as I can. Still snapping, just not finding time to upload *sigh*.
Jake looks awesome lol.
Hope everything goes well, we'll be waiting when you get the time :)
Thanks :)

Well thanks for waiting - The patient is much better now and is thankfully on the mend. So, I've finally gotten around to sorting out some photographs for this ruddy 365! Whose idea was this anyway? :p

Because we've recently bought a new (to us) mac mini, I'm now able to edit much more than I could on the web-book so I'm planning on learning a lot more about photoshop and lightroom and all the different things I can do with it. So watch this space!

060709 : Canal drama!

It's never short of drama around where I work. Unfortunately, it's not always good. This is the new canal link down the side of the Liver Buildings. The orange buoys were all in a straight guiding line until this guy hit them and got them wrapped around his rudder - eventually meaning that he had to cut through them to get free. It wasn't easy, as you can see, his canal boat almost hit the wall on the opposite side to where he should be!

Canal Drama!
365 - 070709

Another from in front of my workplace. I'm very lucky to have such beautiful scenery 5 minutes from my desk. Helps when you want to kill people ;)

365 - 090709

There were pirate ship family fun days down at the Albert Dock - these guys were here to drum up some interest.

Now when we moved all the photos over to the new mac, I realised when it was I fell in love with photography again. It was on our regular trip to San Francisco/Las Vegas to stay with my family a few years ago. Looking through the photos I saw the ones that really stirred my interest again and thought I'd post a few of them, to show what my inspiration was.


The first was this street sign in in Monterey, California.
365 - 110709

This was another. It was taken with a little point and shoot. The fountains at the Bellagio are incredible and I think it was when I took this that I started asking questions about what I could do with better equipment and an improved knowledge of how to take good photos.

365 - 120709

The next was this one, taken from our hotel window at Excalbur.

365 - 140709

This was taken from the plane heading back to San Francisco from Las Vegas. It's a nothing picture, but I like it :)

365 - 160709

One of my favourite subjects - Her Royal Kittyness, or Bella to her friends :)

365 - 170709


It might be a long, wet summer at the moment, but the fact that it's summer is all the encouragement I need!

Right!! Finally done some catching up - what with injuries and weddings and cats getting their ears bitten off (don't ask!) it's taken me a while to get up to speed - but I think I'm there. I'll get the pics posted up over the next few days to bring me up to date, then it's back to one a day (or 3 on a Monday :p).

Thanks for being patient, I hope you're still enjoying the photos. :)

180709 : Yum or Yuck?

I love Revels - it is in fact my family name, (Revill), but I can't stand the coffee ones. ♥ the orange ones though and the ones that are strangely similar to minstrels, but not quite.

190709 : I Love U!

Saw this written in the sand on a dune as we drove past. Very creative :)

200709 : Goose!

Back to the geese again - my friend Emma and I try to go and see them and the moorhens & coots with their eggs every day just down the road from our office -give them some bread & see how they're coming along.

210709 : The famous scar.

Did you know my boyfriend had been bitten by a Vampire? No, well here's the evidence.

220709 : Nana

Sorry for the crappy quality of this, took it on my iphone but there is a good reason it's today's photo. Today is my Nana's 93rd birthday. :D
