Sarah's 52 for 2010 - Pt2 - THE END - Final reshoots added

Gotta say Sarah, you've done a grand job on flying insects over the summer, and this one, might be the last of this summer (did we have one ?? I thought it was in May ;)) but it's by far and away the best of them that I've seen. Well done on doing such a cracking job on it.

I'm gonna go along with the comments about the first one being best, there's a much better sense of scale to it. But... the second shows what a stunning image can be achieved with some hard work and effort with even the standard kit lens.

Thank you John.
A definite sense of achievement in getting something that I set out to do, although I'll try and build on this some more next Summer (if we get one)

Don't forget to add a very big stubborn streak to the hard work and effort. Somebody told me at the start of Summer (not on this forum) that it would be impossible to catch an insect in flight with the kit lens . . . I hate being told what I can and can't do :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
Finally catching up...

Light - I prefer #2 because it conveys the idea of lightness better to me. I think that is down to the horizontal 'pose', though - #1 looks to me as if it is falling fast to the ground. It is quite a close call, however. Are they two separate shots or have you just used different processing on a single one?

Project - sorry you have been under the weather but it gives you an excellent excuse for reusing this one. You have done well to catch it as they move so fast. The composition is spot on and I really like the sense of space in the first version. (y)
:puke: Not a particularly inspiring theme for me.
I considered cling film or a film of dust, but couldn't think of anything interesting to shoot for either. In the end I resorted to the obvious :shrug:

The first shot is the original version. Technically OK, but a little bit flat and uninteresting. The second was an attempt to spice it up a bit by cropping and cross-processing - can't say I particularly like this version either.
And no.3 was sheer photoshop madness !!! Got a bit carried away with trying to do something interesting with it :shrug:

Eventually, after all of that I still prefer the original even if it is boring (Is there a yawn smiley anywhere?)
Let's hope for a better theme this week :LOL:

Week 37 Film

love the reflections in the first two. The first one is my favourite. Can't quite get my head round the third one !
Very good Sarah... I can't decide between the first two... the cracking effect in the film, I do like... As for number 3 that's very effective.
I do like the reflection in the first two but not keen on the lighting in the first or the PP of the second.

I have no idea what is going on in the third yet, but that's what makes it my favourite. Abstractness at its best for me (y) I could look at that for hours and may have to come back to it :)
It amazes me how so many people this week have chosen a topic related to film and cameras. I know I am not particpating in the themes, but when I saw it my first reaction was, what an easy theme. To me film means "movie" and almost any subject could be crowbarred into a movie title. I am surprised so few people have done that.

Anyway, having said that, I love your first one, especially the lighting and reflection. The second is slightly spoilt by the canister not being particularly sharp. The third one is a great abstract and I only know what it is because of the theme. I don't know if it is my monitor, but the light coloured markings in the middle on the right look like dust on the lens. I wanted to clone them out. But on closer inspection I found they are the ratchet holes in the film!

You might have found the theme frustrating, Sarah, but as always you've managed to interpret it with flair. :)

I like the first version - the reflection and accent of light make it stylish and lift it out of the ordinary. The cross-processed version is, imho, weaker, but I really love the abstract version. (y)

I started scrolling up from #3 and thought it was some kind of building until I got to #2. But when you look carefully you can see the film cannister and then the sprocket holes are also obvious. Very clever. :clap::clap::clap:

I think number three wins it for me, its a different take on the film and it holds my attention while trying to get the perspective and feel of it. Its a curious image and looks quite futuristic, i keep tilting my head round as it works quite well on several different angles. Im not sure how you did it but well done.(y)
Number three for me too - a very imaginative shot of an otherwise rather dull film canister. It looks like something out of a sci-fi movie. (y)
#1 for me Sarah, I particularly like the reflection in the photograph, its a clean, sharp image that would work well as a product shot. Iain
love the reflections in the first two. The first one is my favourite. Can't quite get my head round the third one !

Thanks JL. Not too sure about the 3rd one myself :LOL:

Very good Sarah... I can't decide between the first two... the cracking effect in the film, I do like... As for number 3 that's very effective.

Thank you John.
Really not that happy with any of them. Just found this whole theme a bit :puke:
Can't say that I like this week's much more either!

I do like the reflection in the first two but not keen on the lighting in the first or the PP of the second.

I have no idea what is going on in the third yet, but that's what makes it my favourite. Abstractness at its best for me (y) I could look at that for hours and may have to come back to it :)

Thank you Darren. I'm surprised that you like no.3 !
I almost didn't post it, but since it was there I thought I'd shove it in. Glad that I did now.

It amazes me how so many people this week have chosen a topic related to film and cameras. I know I am not particpating in the themes, but when I saw it my first reaction was, what an easy theme. To me film means "movie" and almost any subject could be crowbarred into a movie title. I am surprised so few people have done that.

Anyway, having said that, I love your first one, especially the lighting and reflection. The second is slightly spoilt by the canister not being particularly sharp. The third one is a great abstract and I only know what it is because of the theme. I don't know if it is my monitor, but the light coloured markings in the middle on the right look like dust on the lens. I wanted to clone them out. But on closer inspection I found they are the ratchet holes in the film!


Hindsight is a wonderful thing :LOL: The "movie" interpretation seems so obvious now.
I'll have a go and see if I can tone down the PP in number 2 to bring some sharpness back. (it's exactly the same image as no.1 so the detail is still there under the PP layers)
I hadn't noticed that the markings resembled dust (probably because I knew exactly what they were) but I see what you mean with those.
You might have found the theme frustrating, Sarah, but as always you've managed to interpret it with flair. :)

I like the first version - the reflection and accent of light make it stylish and lift it out of the ordinary. The cross-processed version is, imho, weaker, but I really love the abstract version. (y)

I started scrolling up from #3 and thought it was some kind of building until I got to #2. But when you look carefully you can see the film cannister and then the sprocket holes are also obvious. Very clever. :clap::clap::clap:


Thank you Jean.
I'm surprised at all the positive comments this week, since I didn't particularly like any of them!
Agree with you on number 2 (but secretly I find no.1 a bit boring and no.3 a bit OTT :LOL:)

I think number three wins it for me, its a different take on the film and it holds my attention while trying to get the perspective and feel of it. Its a curious image and looks quite futuristic, i keep tilting my head round as it works quite well on several different angles. Im not sure how you did it but well done.(y)

Thank you Chris - just a bit of stretching and distorting in CS4 on no.3.
It's a strange effect, but I'm surprised that it's generated as much interest as it has this week.

Number three for me too - a very imaginative shot of an otherwise rather dull film canister. It looks like something out of a sci-fi movie. (y)

Thank you Tracer.
Another vote for no.3 :LOL:

I really love number one Sarah. The red tone and the reflection make the shot for me. Simple but effective.

Thanks Sue. That was my favourite too, even if I didn't find it very exciting.

#1 for me Sarah, I particularly like the reflection in the photograph, its a clean, sharp image that would work well as a product shot. Iain

Thank you Iain.
Just hoping that I find something that inspires me more for next week.
Well done on the film shots - I like all three - the third is the one that drags me in most, but all of them are good.

It amazes me how so many people this week have chosen a topic related to film and cameras. I know I am not particpating in the themes, but when I saw it my first reaction was, what an easy theme. To me film means "movie" and almost any subject could be crowbarred into a movie title. I am surprised so few people have done that.


My first thought was a movie title but I couldn't think of anything feasible! Though after I'd submitted my entry I noticed some folk with umbrellas in a torrential downpour and thought they might have done for "Singing in the Rain" - they didn't look like singing, though! :D
Well done on the film shots - I like all three - the third is the one that drags me in most, but all of them are good.


Thank you Phil

My first thought was a movie title but I couldn't think of anything feasible! Though after I'd submitted my entry I noticed some folk with umbrellas in a torrential downpour and thought they might have done for "Singing in the Rain" - they didn't look like singing, though! :D

:LOL: :LOL: I bet they didn't !!!!
Aaaaarrrrrggghhhh !!!!!
Struggled with this one, and to top it all off I lost my broadband connection last night, so I'm a day late.

Really not my favourite theme (too much like grunge), but I have 2 potential offerings.

No.1 Blowfly on Sedum - and if you'd seen what it was buzzing around before settling on the plant you wouldn't need to ask why it fits for dirty :puke:

No.2 - Ugly, dirty, slimy and they give you warts if you touch them :LOL:
(Actually I rather like frogs and I found this handsome chap out on the deck last night when I let the dog out. He froze when the halogen lights came on and made a very accommodating model)

I'm working away again this week, so won't have much time on here - I'll try to get around all the 52s as soon as I can though.

Dirty No.1

Dirty No.2

Brighter Edit Added

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Can't believe I've taken so long to look at your 52 Sarah. The third attempt at film may be photoshop madness, but it has a fantastic feel to it. I think it's the standout shot of the three, it's obviously film but presented in a really interesting way.. superb:clap:(y)

Ps I got nowhere with the eyelid flutter:crying:
And then you go and post week 38 whilst I'm typing, ok whilst I'm here....:rules:.

1. To be truly dirty we needed the shot of the fly on the thing he had been buzzing around, the flower makes it much less dirty.

2. Looks a little dark to me, I know it was dark when you took it. The area around his eyes have blocked out a bit.

Both shots are great and this was a tough theme, glad I didn't have to think of what to shoot.;)
I think the crowbar has well and truly been exhausted this week Sarah :) Two cracking shots though. I am absolutely amazed that these were both taken with the kit lens. How close did you get to that frog?
Can't believe I've taken so long to look at your 52 Sarah. The third attempt at film may be photoshop madness, but it has a fantastic feel to it. I think it's the standout shot of the three, it's obviously film but presented in a really interesting way.. superb:clap:(y)

Ps I got nowhere with the eyelid flutter:crying:

And then you go and post week 38 whilst I'm typing, ok whilst I'm here....:rules:.

1. To be truly dirty we needed the shot of the fly on the thing he had been buzzing around, the flower makes it much less dirty.

2. Looks a little dark to me, I know it was dark when you took it. The area around his eyes have blocked out a bit.

Both shots are great and this was a tough theme, glad I didn't have to think of what to shoot.;)

Thanks Mark.
Believe me you wouldn't have wanted to see what that fly was buzzing around :puke: :LOL:
Lighter froggy added in the original post. This monitor tends to be a bit too bright, so it's hard to judge sometimes. There are some harsh shadows there though, due to the outdoor halogen lights. I tried to tone them down with some fill flash but couldn't eliminate them completely.

I think the crowbar has well and truly been exhausted this week Sarah :) Two cracking shots though. I am absolutely amazed that these were both taken with the kit lens. How close did you get to that frog?

Thank you Darren . . . I think this theme was made for crowbars !!!
There's a bit of a crop, but the end of the lens was probably about 3 or 4 inches away from froggy's face in the second one :LOL:
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#1 gets my vote Sarah, if one applys a little imagination, I can guess what it was buzzing about on before the flower. I think by their very nature, flys are dirty. So a wee bit of a crowbar but nothing major. You handle these close-ups well with your kit lens. The colours in the fly image are very vibrant, the dirty fly on the flower is a good contrast. Iain
I think #1 fits the theme better - good contrast between the dirty fly and the lovely colour of the flower. The frog looks as if he is grinning at you!
Sarah, I can't believe you have called that lovely little frog dirty :shake: He must be absolutely devastated. In spite of that, it is a lovely photo and I prefer the lighter edit. It is really tricky to take wildlife photos at night, so very well done :clap::clap::clap:

Flies are IMO horrible dirty things so your first one is bang on theme. However, the dirtiness is sort of offset by the prettiness of the flower. You are doing really well with that kit lens (y)

I have a sneaking suspicion that you are starting to enjoy wildlife photography - keep it up.

Sarah I've just read through this thread and absolutely love the stuff you are pulling out.

No crits and nothing much constructive to say but love it.
The fly and flower look much too pretty, but I know that these flies are disgusting really so it fits the theme.

The frog is my favourite, though - it's gorgeous. I agree with Jean that it's not dirty at all. You could make a lovely greetings card out of this - you have captured a wonderful expression and the focus is spot on.

The first is a good image of that fly with the kit lens again... that stubborn streak added to hard work, and effort :D... has really paid off. The image itself doesn't really shout out dirt, not with those flowers but...

The frog is a great shot, especially lightened... but again, I'm afraid it doesn't quite hit the dirty nail... I really like the image though.
#1 gets my vote Sarah, if one applys a little imagination, I can guess what it was buzzing about on before the flower. I think by their very nature, flys are dirty. So a wee bit of a crowbar but nothing major. You handle these close-ups well with your kit lens. The colours in the fly image are very vibrant, the dirty fly on the flower is a good contrast. Iain

Thanks Iain . . . the something it was buzzing around isn't too far removed from what I was letting the dog out to do when I spotted the frog, so not a huge stretch of the imagination :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

I think #1 fits the theme better - good contrast between the dirty fly and the lovely colour of the flower. The frog looks as if he is grinning at you!

Thanks JL. Not sure about the frog grinning, more like he was frozen in fright! That's why I didn't fire off too many shots. I didn't want to freak him out too much.

Sarah, I can't believe you have called that lovely little frog dirty :shake: He must be absolutely devastated. In spite of that, it is a lovely photo and I prefer the lighter edit. It is really tricky to take wildlife photos at night, so very well done :clap::clap::clap:

Flies are IMO horrible dirty things so your first one is bang on theme. However, the dirtiness is sort of offset by the prettiness of the flower. You are doing really well with that kit lens (y)

I have a sneaking suspicion that you are starting to enjoy wildlife photography - keep it up.


Thanks Jenny.
You're right, wildlife at night isn't easy and the main reason for the B&W conversion was the horrible wb in this one. The combination of outdoor halogen lights and fill flash wasn't a good effect and B&W seemed an easier option than faffing about too much in pp.

I am really starting to enjoy woldlife photography and your thread is largely responsible for inspiring me - so thank you again for that.

Definitely the fly for this week Sarah. The frog is much too cute and flies are disgusting things.No crowbar needed and a lovely clear photo of the fly.

Thank you Sue.
Sarah I've just read through this thread and absolutely love the stuff you are pulling out.

No crits and nothing much constructive to say but love it.

Thank you Emma. I really appreciate you dropping in to comment.

The fly and flower look much too pretty, but I know that these flies are disgusting really so it fits the theme.

The frog is my favourite, though - it's gorgeous. I agree with Jean that it's not dirty at all. You could make a lovely greetings card out of this - you have captured a wonderful expression and the focus is spot on.


Thanks Tracer . . . I know that frogs aren't dirty, but he was just too cute not to try to crowbar in.

The first is a good image of that fly with the kit lens again... that stubborn streak added to hard work, and effort :D... has really paid off. The image itself doesn't really shout out dirt, not with those flowers but...

The frog is a great shot, especially lightened... but again, I'm afraid it doesn't quite hit the dirty nail... I really like the image though.

Thanks John. And :razz: to last week's theme . . . I didn't like it any more than grunge, so it was definitely made for having a crowbar applied.
FILM: 2 wins for me, but i REALLY like the psychodelic stretch in the 3rd shot - very much a film noir / Alfred Hitchcock stylie image.

DIRTY: cool toad, great work as usual ;) - for all; the dirty part was Sarah licked the toad first, hence its grin ;)
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Don't know how I've managed to miss you shots for the past few weeks Sarah.

Film - I really like your PP on the third shot. Very interesting results. Looks like a cinematic advert to me.

Dirty - can't say I'd associate frogs/toads with being dirty - I find them quite pleasing, and your shot does the little fella justice. But the fly on the other hand - definitely dirty 'orrible bloomin' things. :D
Film - I may be in the minority but I love the first one. WEll composed, well lit and pin sharp. The reflection is superb. (y)

Dirty - Not sure on this one. Flies are certainly dirty but you've made it look so nice :LOL: Brilliant capture, especially with the kit lens. The frog must be dirty because it eats dirty flies :LOL:

I like the fly shot, even though it looks nice and clean!
- for all; the dirty part was Sarah licked the toad first, hence its grin ;)

:puke: :razz:

Don't know how I've managed to miss you shots for the past few weeks Sarah.

Film - I really like your PP on the third shot. Very interesting results. Looks like a cinematic advert to me.

Dirty - can't say I'd associate frogs/toads with being dirty - I find them quite pleasing, and your shot does the little fella justice. But the fly on the other hand - definitely dirty 'orrible bloomin' things. :D

Thanks Iain.
I'm a bit late catching up in here, but much appreciated.
(And I rather like frogs too . . . although I DON'T lick them, despite what Dade thinks :LOL:)

Film - I may be in the minority but I love the first one. WEll composed, well lit and pin sharp. The reflection is superb. (y)

Dirty - Not sure on this one. Flies are certainly dirty but you've made it look so nice :LOL: Brilliant capture, especially with the kit lens. The frog must be dirty because it eats dirty flies :LOL:


Thanks Andy . . . and I like your thinking for crowbarring the frog in.

I like the fly shot, even though it looks nice and clean!

Thank you Phil
Aaaarrrrggghhh . . . This 52 is so much harder this year.
Just so much going on at work and family stuff. But I'm determined to finish it.

Rage will be coming along soon, but for now here's console.
I could do with a hug right now to console me with this 52, but people or SPs are not really my thing so here's a hug in bronze instead.

This was a lot harder to light and shoot than I thought.
Lots of unwanted reflections and the textures made it really difficult to get any separation between the 2 figures.
Not particularly happy with these, but I'm unlikely to get anything else. There are 3 to choose from. First 2 have had very little PP, but I decided to try something different with textures in the third.

Now to catch up on all the threads that I've missed during the last few weeks.

I like the first one best, I can make out the figures the best in that one.

I am finding the 52 really hard work at the moment too - glad you are managing to keep going.

Fingers crossed this weeks theme is a bit easier.
I'm afraid the second (and therefore third) makes it look like they're snogging rather than consoling. Although I guess there might be some consoling in a good snog. I'm afraid the texture on the third isn't doing a lot for me either I'm afraid, it just seems out of place.

The first is the best of the bunch. The flash is a little harsh particularly on the arms though. A tripod and some natural diffused light might have helped control this a bit and allowed you to bring some crispness to the detail.