ScotlandTheScared's 52 - Week 12 - Poverty (delayed due to man flu!)

Now I don't think this is dull at all :) It combines (for me) two favourites - abstract/geometrical type stuff :): the centre square and the lines and people going about their day! Lots to look at, differing groups huddled around!

Its good, if I had to pick a nit I'd like to have seen more space above their heads!

But the lines shapes and people do it for me! And the fact that no-one is standing on or crossing the lighter pavement!

I like it :D
Thanks Darkstar - appreciated - I love geometry too (see my first photo 52 image!). The original photo had much more space above their heads but compositionally I felt it detracted from the crowds because there was too much grey washed out sky (minging weather here!). So I thought that by cropping like that I would get the crowds in the upper third and the geometric pavement in the lower 2/3rds and focus on the people by getting the pavement pointing to lead to them.
Love your take on special, great idea :clap:

The crowds fits the bill nicely and like you i like the paving stones :)
I love this shot, has a great arty feel to it. When I first looked at it, it made me think of the fairground with their strange mirrors and I found myself double checking that it wasn't a reflection shot.

I also like the black and white choice too, very nice.:clap::clap:

Angela xxx
I have to agree with everyone else, it's a good angle and timing is good too, I like the space between each 'group' of crowds

Oh, just seen DarkStar likes the same aspect as me!
I think I like this shot from you...there's lots to like, reflection works great and the angle of the pavement and the fantastic movement from the people...all good stuff...:clap:

Just can't help wanting that bit more space above the crowd, I know you wanted to crop out the boring sky...but it makes me want to sort of duck down while viewing it...sorry... But it's still a amazing shot...(y)
Great light off the wet paving! I have to agree that a little sky above the people's heads would have been better, but still a lovely shot for this week.
Now I don't think this is dull at all :) It combines (for me) two favourites - abstract/geometrical type stuff :): the centre square and the lines and people going about their day! Lots to look at, differing groups huddled around!

Its good, if I had to pick a nit I'd like to have seen more space above their heads!

But the lines shapes and people do it for me! And the fact that no-one is standing on or crossing the lighter pavement!

I like it :D

I'm sorry I havn't commented sooner - everything has been a bit manic this week. I completely agree with what Dark Star said. Mono treatment works brilliantly and has he said the geometric lines make it a really interesting shot :clap:
I don't know why you think this shot is dull. I think it's very neat composition with nobody on the geometrical shape in the foreground and the crowd in the background. The people at the front on the left look as though they are avoiding the geometric shape. Well captured. :)

The B&W work very well and it looks atmospheric - a typical February day. :clap::clap:

Thanks all - well - you've made me feel better about my abilities which I appreciate a lot :)

And so on to 'wealth' - hmmm - not a lot of that going about since I am currently unemployed. I do have the prospect of going to work in a gold mine in Suriname in a couple of months time (I kid ye not) - why didnt this topic come up then?!
It's a really good and interesting shot with a lot going on. I like it (y), but I've been beaten to it again and it's all been said (y)
I like the geometric foreground but I feel it overwhelms the crowd. That said I can't suggest how to increse the impact of the crowd without losong the lovely foreground.
It's all been said already. A very arty shot, and reminds me of when I used to work in the toon...... (y)

(and don't put yourself down - that's for us to do :naughty:)

And well done for getting out there anyway when you weren't feeling inspired :clap:
Sorry about the lateness of this one. Have been away over the weekend visiting my old home of Edinburgh. Had little time for photos but snapped this in the hope it would capture the wealth idea... Its the HQ of the Bank of Scotland on the Mound... all lit up like a Christmas tree - showing off and rubbing our noses in the credit crunch! It was actually a poor photo so I cropped it to a panoramic and did some PS processing. It looks a bit like HDR, but I promise it isn't...

Anyway - do your worst! I'll try to get a look at others photos soon - too busy!

wow! I really like this as a panoramic, for me it just has a large impact. A beautiful city too..

One thing about the picture is the bright light on the right hand side feels a little distracting. That's probably photoshopable out if you wanted to though :)

Good work. Don't worry about it only being a day late too, we have our life commitments, as long as you get it in eventually and keep doing it for the year :)
Thanks jamlid. I intentionally left the light in because it was the flash from another photographer - just thought it was funny that we captured at the same time! I might try toning the light down a bit, but I think it adds interest. But then again, my tastes are generally not to everyone's liking!
Like the lighting on the bank building it makes it stand out from the others (that can't afford all that electricity?) (y)
A good panoramic shot, not much money left in there though is there, or am I getting my banks muddled up?:thinking:

Not sure about the flash light, if it were further into the frame it would work better, but at the edge it does rather pull you away from the main subject.

tbh, the 'worst' I can say about this shot is - 'excellent'. :clap::clap:

It's a good interpretation of the theme and the panoramic and post-processing are lovely. I like the light on the right - it's an excellent starburst and you must have been perfectly sychronised with each other. I wonder what his/her shot was like??? :)

Firstly well done for getting your shot in after being away...:clap:

But more to the point well done on a great shot...

The panoramic makes it for me...and a good interpretation...

Not sure I like the extra flash from the other TOG...:thinking:

I'm a yes vote for the extra flash :) Adds something I feel!

Its a great panorama and I'd love to see a larger version of it!

Mind you do banks still equate to wealth these days :) Just kidding! Spot on!
Thanks for all the comments on Wealth - much appreciated! It was really a tourist snap though!
OK - so I am super busy this week so have had to slightly cheat. I was reviewing photos from Saturdays Rugby match at Murrayfield (Scotland Italy) and thought this got got the Scottish 'Identity' in a nutshell! Anyway - I know it was taken on Saturday (1 day before this weeks challenge should have started), but it'll have to make do for this week as I've no time to even do a reshoot of previous topics.

Obviously this is somewhat overprocessed - I had to make the best of a fuzzy picture. This guy came on after the final whistle - got the biggest cheer of the day :)

Hope this suffices - I think its quite fun at least - even if its technically totally rubbish!


What did I learn taking this photo?
1: panning is extremely difficult!
2: focusing properly when you cant zoom tightly into your subject is not going to happen when the subject is moving rapidly
3: I need a longer/nicer zoom
4: I need more time to do photography at the moment... must try harder for next week...
I'll let you off the day(y).

I think this fits the bill perfectly, I also like the processing, yes it's pushed quite hard, but the image can stand it I think. :clap:

Really like the idea for Identity and although I'm finding the processing of it a bit rough and ready I think you were right to colour pop the blue advertising board - helps with the composition. Loving the expressions of the crowd as well :D
I think the processing gives it a newsprint type feel but for me just the kilt in colour would work better. Nice angle on identitiy.(y)
Thanks for comments. And here it is without the blue - just the kilt... still a rediculously overprocessed image - but its only a bit of fun!

Fantasic capture of a spur of the moment event and it certainly meets the the identity theme very well. Personally I prefer the version with the Scotland banner colour popped however have you considered reducing the saturation of the blue so it's still in colour but not quite as dominant in the picture.

Very good effort :clap:
Fantasic capture of a spur of the moment event and it certainly meets the the identity theme very well. Personally I prefer the version with the Scotland banner colour popped however have you considered reducing the saturation of the blue so it's still in colour but not quite as dominant in the picture.

Very good effort :clap:

Completely agree, good capture mate.
That's a really good capture and I think the processing suits nicely. a big (y) from me
Wealth - Love that shot, not sure it screams "wealth" but that's not important it still a great panoramic shot.

Identity - Hmm, I'm not sure all Scots would appreciate this Identity image but you've done well to capture a fleeting moment :clap: I could easily see this on the back page of a news paper. I'm not a person who likes selective colouring so I love to see this in straight B&W.
i think i prefer the shot with the blue in, but no idea why, sorry :)

Great fun shot that really fits the theme.
I seem to be out of touch with everybody else but the shot with the blue is absolutely terrible...:eek:

But what a great fun shot...(y)

For me the colour pop of the guy on the pitch is spot on and that's all it needed.

It's a fabulous capture...and I love it...:love:

Thanks for all the comments folks. Well - I seemed to have caused consternation by colour popping in various ways. Blimey - spartacus really doesnt like it! I think I need to be somewhere between the 2 images - where the blue is only slightly popped and much more muted. Its just too bright really. Anyway - at least I managed to make some of you smile :) - fun is what its all about - its not a serious image and its not good quality either - just a snap...

Now - wisdom - getting thinking cap on now...
Love the panoramic and I like it with the starburst. It would look great blown up (the picture not the bank :LOL:)

Identity, I agree with your last comment, a slighter less hued blue would make it better. But for a chance capture, brilliant :clap::clap:
Sorry I am late - been super busy and literally had to catch up with wisdom this morning... its just a snap really - supposed to be silly more than a proper photo!

OK - so this is waaaay out of the box. What is wisdom? Its a tricky one. I wanted to photograph an old head on young shoulders, but didnt have either an old head or young shoulders easily available. Soooo - I thought more about what wisdom means... and this is the result:

To be wise is to understand the weight of reason. And yes - the readout does say 42...


What did I learn?
1) You can make an interesting image out of pretty much nothing.
2) Its difficult to find appropriate materials that add up to 42 grams...
3) I really really need to find more time from somewhere....