Serious Photoshop troubles...PLEASE HELP!

Edit My Images
I have just done a mini-shoot with my very first clients (a rock band), and for some reason when I import my photos from my NikonD90 they have a pixelated break in them when I view them to enhance in Photoshop CS4. I haven't had this problem yet, and when I open them in Adobe Bridge they look great! But for some reason they look awful in photoshop. I don't know enough about computers to sure if I have messed up a setting or not...please help me. Does anyone have any suggestions? I will try anything!
Import them from the card to your computer again, you still have the images on the card right?
Yes, I still have them and I have tried that three times now. I have also tried uninstalling and reinstalling my photoshop program. The pictures come out better looking in Bridge than they do in PS. Then, if I bear with it and try to do some enhancement in PS, save it, and open it in comes out looking pretty good. What I don't understand is why it looks so pixelated in the first place. I have never had this problem before. I have reformatted my memory card between shoots, but the pictures I took before the band's photos (on the same card at the same time) came out amazing with no weird choppy lines to it. Does a low battery on the camera contribute to this? Or maybe can reformatting the card too many times have anything to do with it? I have only reformatted twice now, but I am wondering if it might be the problem....thanks for any help you can manage.
Have you tried viewing the images at 100% rather than fitted to the screen view.

I have had it before with Photoshop where it doesn't display accurately on a greatly reduced image size.
Are you shooting RAW or jpeg? Also what is the file size when you open the images in Photoshop. Additionaly what ISO were you shooting at?
I wonder if you are on windows with Vista? There is a known problem of the files getting corrupted. I believe it has something to do with the InfraRed devices.
I'd suggest it's the OpenGL features in CS4 causing the problem when displaying the image. Try turning that off and see if things improve.
I'd suggest it's the OpenGL features in CS4 causing the problem when displaying the image. Try turning that off and see if things improve.

Actually you might be onto something here, it seems to cause all sorts of problems. Wayne