Serious problem for a PC user

Thats a very sweeping statement... do you have examples?

I use photoshop cs4, lightroom, ms office, illustrator and premiere mainly for my work... why are these better on mac?

Oh... and the biggest accounting package in the world has no mac client... sage.

Adobe will transfer your PS lisence to mac, lightroom = Aperature or as before, MS office = iWork, Illustrator same as PS, Premiere either same or Apple Final Cut Studio.

The fact of the matter is, MACS DON'T CRASH!! Therefore never again will you lose your work!

I have the 27" iMac and the screen is the best i have ever seen.

*insert popcorn smiley here*
There are lots of sweeping statements on both sides of the fence and the thread is kind of going nowwhere.

I don't really give a $%$ who buys what, so long as they are happy with it in the end.

I do however think that some people on this forum ask questions when they've already made up there mind which never helps the situation and often leads to 'heated' debates.
There are lots of sweeping statements on both sides of the fence and the thread is kind of going nowwhere.

I don't really give a $%$ who buys what, so long as they are happy with it in the end.

I do however think that some people on this forum ask questions when they've already made up there mind which never helps the situation and often leads to 'heated' debates.

indeed. i have a condition where i have to reply to sweeping statements and incorrect facts though.. :D
Is this still going on? Way to get a thread locked I spose :D:D:D

It's not a proper thread until Neil calls someone a Fanboy and Gary locks it. It's kind of a tradition now and I think we should respect it :)
what happens if i call myself a fanboy? is it like typing "google" into google?

The world comes to an end. No biggie.
i'll mention that to the design dept and see how much they laugh..

i had a brand new MBP on my desk last week or the week before.. installed all 600MB of software updates and it crashed on me lol hadnt even installed any apps.. :D

Neil, I think you are the only person I've ever met who has so many issues with macs - does apple have it in for you or something and keep selling you duds?

for everyone else in the world, macs don't crash :) just for you
Neil, I think you are the only person I've ever met who has so many issues with macs - does apple have it in for you or something and keep selling you duds?

for everyone else in the world, macs don't crash :) just for you

lol :LOL:

even our design studio manager says that anyone who says macs dont crash is a "liar" (his words). i guess we just use them properly (i.e. - hammer the ass off them with illustrator, shadow tools, RDC sessions etc) :D
lol :LOL:

even our design studio manager says that anyone who says macs dont crash is a "liar" (his words). i guess we just use them properly (i.e. - hammer the ass off them with illustrator, shadow tools, RDC sessions etc) :D

well if he says it then it must be true! :D
Stick with what you know, as many have said on here, your time and money is way more important than a sleek white box. Go find a new PC case if thats the problem.

Also ... I've based my opinion on macs from my experience a few years ago whilst forced to do my video editing on them at college ... my acer laptop crashed less times and that's saying something. ANYONE who says they don't crash needs a reality check.
Stick with what you know, as many have said on here, your time and money is way more important than a sleek white box. Go find a new PC case if thats the problem.

Also ... I've based my opinion on macs from my experience a few years ago whilst forced to do my video editing on them at college ... my acer laptop crashed less times and that's saying something. ANYONE who says they don't crash needs a reality check.

can you tell me where to cash in that reality check as I've owned a macbook and an iMac now for 4 years and not experienced one crash. I run Final Cut Pro on the iMac at the same time as Photoshop and Illustrator. I spent 17 years before that with a number of PC's from dos and windows 95 to XP and if I went a week without a crash I was lucky.

I'm sure there are people that have had crashes but lets say it this way for every time a mac crashes a windows machine will have crashed 20 times. How's that?
Some people band fanboy around like it's an insult. I love being a mac fanboy it's not an insult at all!

Lock me Mods lock me!!!
Bleh, all computers crash. And its generally the fault of the thing at the opposite end of the keyboard and mouse.
Neil, I think you are the only person I've ever met who has so many issues with macs - does apple have it in for you or something and keep selling you duds?

for everyone else in the world, macs don't crash :) just for you

:D:D:D:D Our Design manager would respectfully disagree.

It all depends if you actually try to push them or not into doing something other than surfing the web....:bonk::bonk::bonk:
:D:D:D:D Our Design manager would respectfully disagree.

It all depends if you actually try to push them or not into doing something other than surfing the web....:bonk::bonk::bonk:

like perhaps encoding 1080p video in FCP like I do you mean? Or maybe using motion to create 3d transitions?

hmmmm still no crashes, I must just be the lucky one :cool:
MY Mac Pro does that well too......(different software though)

Running windows 7 :D:D:D

No MAC OSX on my MAC:D:D:D
MY Mac Pro does that well too......(different software though)

Running windows 7 :D:D:D

No MAC OSX on my MAC:D:D:D

you mean it does that well too ... so far. The difference is a year from now, if we compared crashes and performance I'll be better off :clap::clap::clap:
Build yourself a decent spec PC with plenty of memory, add Windows 7 64-bit and watch it fly. You can address more than 4Gb with the 64 bit version and PS4 is mind blowing. I've not had a jot of trouble with it using a quad core intel CPU and loads of memory. I don't fill it with loads of apps so can't comment on compatibility of many things outside of Office, PS and Photomatix. But drivers have been no issue and performance and stability is perfect.

I'm another well qualified IT nerd btw :)
Keep telling yourself that Joe :D:D:D:D

Be interesting to compare cost per crash later.

You can debate whether macs ceash or not quite rightly, I'm sure they do for some people. But you can't debate that windows crashes less than mac, that's just fact. It crashes more than mac and we all know it.

windows crashes, It's like death and taxes
Just to stick my oar in... ;)

I run two Vista (OMG!1!!) machines, a laptop and desktop, the laptop has never crashed in the almost 3 years I've had it and the desktop (home built) has crashed a grand total of twice in four years, restarted after both time and it worked perfectly. ;)

My parents also run a W7 machine which has never crashed, one of my sisters a vaio running W7, never crashed (in fairness it is only 3 months old). My other sister has a machine built by me three years ago, running Vista and as far as I know it's never crashed... (It has however had two problems, both caused by a pair of dodgey SATA cables that came with the mobo, replaced them with decent cables and away it went...)

So a grand total of over 10 years of vista usage and two crashes and almost a year of W7 and no crashes... ;)

As for looks, the new iMac is very nice, as for the Mac Pro, i'd rather get a nice Lian Li case, much better looking! :p

On the subject of breakages, my Microsoft wireless mouse has just broken :(... I dropped it on the floor and now the left click won't work. :(

Dammit! :p