Shauns 52-week 14 Shoot

Shaun, that image has worked very well indeed... I'd thought about trying something like that myself.

Thanks john was not sure the picture was going to be ok as it became very overcast and rain was in the air when the photograph was taken so I was working against the clock with the fading light and iffy weather and I would have like a little more time, thanks for comments.
:clap: That's worked really well Shaun.

Despite it being overcast the lighting's worked really well - none of the shadows are too harsh, but there's just the right amount of shadow contrast there to give everything some good depth.

Well done for getting this right with a prime lens too. Not something I've experimented with, but it can't be easy.

Generally not my favourite effect, but I think this type of image suits vignetting - it might give even more focus to the main elements in the shot.
A very, very good week for you though (y)
nice image , nice and sharp , nice colours and great lighting and composition

top stuff :D
Was thinking of using this picture for my street theme but decided time to use it for people. been playing around with the shot and not sure if I have overdone the editing part anyhow C&C welcome
I have to say, I'm not very keen on the beige vingetting! If you changed it to black, it would have a totally different feel, sort of spy-camera esque if that makes sense? I'd like to see that though (y)

well done for getting a shot for this theme, im struggling! i really like it but the bloke at the front is distorted and that kinda puts me off! Nice amount of people though!
I like it, but it think it could be improved with a rectangular crop across the centre (landscape) so that you only see part of the distorted head in the foreground.

well done for getting a shot for this theme, im struggling! i really like it but the bloke at the front is distorted and that kinda puts me off! Nice amount of people though!

He really did have a funny shaped head :LOL: honest, 26 people in picture at the last count, but one or two may have nipped into a shop for some hair restorer.
I like the fisheye effect, and also the re-vignetting with black.

I also tend to agree with Phil on the subject of a crop. Although the guy's head is quite comedic. :)

Well there are certainly plenty of people in that shot, where was it taken?

The vignetting in black is definitely better than the original version - a little bit too heavy for me though, could maybe be toned down a touch.

It's lacking a single strong focal point, but it actually really works for this particular image. It gets across the hustle and bustle of that narrow street.

Good strong colours and perfect point of view - just slightly above the people. Were you holding the camera above your head for this one? You've done a good job of framing it and if you couldn't see what you were doing then doubly well done (y)
Well there are certainly plenty of people in that shot, where was it taken?

The vignetting in black is definitely better than the original version - a little bit too heavy for me though, could maybe be toned down a touch.

It's lacking a single strong focal point, but it actually really works for this particular image. It gets across the hustle and bustle of that narrow street.

Good strong colours and perfect point of view - just slightly above the people. Were you holding the camera above your head for this one? You've done a good job of framing it and if you couldn't see what you were doing then doubly well done (y)

Thanks for comments
Have a lot to learn in the Photoshop arena, I know it all seems easy in the step by step guides but having time to put it into practice is another thing altogether so many effects filters and buttons :bang: found the theme of people hard so used a picture I have already taken so feel like I was slightly cheating but I don,t really mind as I am still think if people comment I will learn from past mistakes etc .
The photo I was trying to take was of the narrow street in Mijas Spain with not many people in it then all of a sudden all the people turned up so I just decided to fire the shot off from above my head and move on to the next street, I nearly deleted in but glad I kept it now:)
I love the sense of hustle and bustle you've created in this shot, Shaun. I'm not a fan of vignetting - probably because I can't use it properly :LOL: - but I can see the way it can enhance the concept of peering down a narrow street with the buildings converging on the crowd. Excellent idea, and certainly bang on theme. You've done well with a difficult situation. :)

The vignette certainly helps give it a claustrophobic feeling and works better in black. The distorted heads are a bit worrying :)
the vignette is defo better in black. The distortion on the heads doesn't really help much. I'm not sure the feel of the vignette works with the lovely sunny day, personally. A great idea and spot on for the theme.
I love the sense of hustle and bustle you've created in this shot, Shaun. I'm not a fan of vignetting - probably because I can't use it properly :LOL: - but I can see the way it can enhance the concept of peering down a narrow street with the buildings converging on the crowd. Excellent idea, and certainly bang on theme. You've done well with a difficult situation. :)


thanks Jean
Version 2 with black vignetting works much better i think. Brings the eyed in like a good border rather than the lighter version where i found myself looking at that rather than the image. :)
I like the busy feel to this picture, the atmosphere has been captured really well. I agree that the black vignetting works much better too. Great picture for the theme :)
Thought I would post my Mechanical picture little early for a change busy weekend coming up I have try to keep it simple and uncluttered hoping less means more :) Anyhow C&C welcome as ever.
This is very nice.

Well composed, well lit and well processed. One to be proud of (y)

Black and white makes the shot as well.
This is very nice.

Well composed, well lit and well processed. One to be proud of (y)

Black and white makes the shot as well.

Picture was taken at a pump house in work the chain block belongs to a 5ton overhead crane lighting was from large glass windows about 10ft away my only problem was I had to clone out lots of dark grubby hand marks on the wall behind the chain block which were very distracting
As others have said, I like the lines running through the shot.

Good take on the theme too.

Love the composition of this. Really strong verticals and the main focus smack bang where it needs to be. Agree with Karl it's a little dark but his is a little light. Somewhere in the middle would be just right (as Goldilocks would say) :)
Love the composition of this. Really strong verticals and the main focus smack bang where it needs to be. Agree with Karl it's a little dark but his is a little light. Somewhere in the middle would be just right (as Goldilocks would say) :)

Thanks for comments I think you have it with the goldilocks theory :LOL:

As others have said, I like the lines running through the shot.

Good take on the theme too.


Cheers Ian
Ooo, now that's a nice mechanical shot! Not sure what Karlos was trying to achieve, but the shot is far superior in it's original form!
I like it Shaun, the lines are excellent, so clearly mechanical, and I'm in the darker shot camp too.

I prefer your original. love all the lines running through the frame, this is a very clever shot in as much as I keep looking at it and I've no idea why but feel it's because of all those verticals :D

I prefer your original. love all the lines running through the frame, this is a very clever shot in as much as I keep looking at it and I've no idea why but feel it's because of all those verticals :D

Cheers Rob