Shauns 52-week 14 Shoot

Edit My Images
Hi thought I would try and take part in this years 52 but could do with a little help to get started, I have been a photographer for a few years and move to a digital SLR about 2 years ago,I have managed to copy my first picture into my gallery now all I have to do is post it into this thread any help would be fantastic I am sure I will be ok once I have posted my first picture everything else should be straight forward I hope.

Week 1~Curved
Week 2~Poetry
Week 3~Chopped
Week 4~Street
Week 5~ Speed
Week 6~Present
Week 7~people
Week 8~Mechanical
Week 9~Play
Week 10~Chemistry
Week 11~Candid
Week 12~Produce
Week 13~Quad
Week 14~shoot
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Just take the link from the picture in the gallery and copy/paste into your post.
As simple as that :)

EDIT: You want the linked image code, not linked thumbnail.

Sorry you want to copy the code from your gallery and place it inside [ IMG] [ /IMG] BRACKETS (without the spaces of course)
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Did you put it inside the[ IMG] [ /IMG] tags? See my edit on my original post.
In fact im not sure what you are copying.
Copy the code from "Linked Image:" Found under your picture in your galler.
Should look like this

[ url=][ img][ /img [ /url]
[ IMG][ /IMG]

copy the code and paste into your post what I have highlighted above
that god Finally got it uploaded thought i was going mad for a minute thanks for your help rikki :)
here you go Shaun

It's the copy image part when you have the photo on full size the 2'nd of the 2 codes. Just copy and paste the whole code in that box.

*Edit* i See you got it as i was posting.

I like the composition. The only thing i think i would change is to straighted the horizon.
Where was it shot looks a nice place.
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thanks for help, I had straightened horizon on one of my pics must have posted wrong one never mind, the photo was taken in Iceland in Nov, I was getting ready early for all the bad weather and snow in England.
Lovely image.
A friend at work went to Iceland a couple of years ago and she has a shot of that sculpture as her screensaver.
I've always thought that it was a beautiful and elegant piece of art (and full of curves too) so I'm pleasantly surprised to see it appear in the 52 (y)

Very good composition, but as already said you could do with straightening the horizon up.

Horizon straightened up, Hope its improved the picture just getting to grips with Photoshop I have not had much practice in editing software so its all new,bit of a steep learning curve for me but enjoying it most of the times but would rather get it right in camera if possible. Thanks for input

Horizon straightened up, Hope its improved the picture just getting to grips with Photoshop I have not had much practice in editing software so its all new,bit of a steep learning curve for me but enjoying it most of the times but would rather get it right in camera if possible. Thanks for input

Really like this image - can't decide if a slight saturation boost would improve it further, but lovely as-is!

Good luck with the next 51!
The sculpture is on the seafront at Reyjavik in iceland its by Jon Gunnar amasons called the sun it represents a viking ship and it was around -10 when i took the picture.
Shaun, now that's lovely. Some wonderful curves, really well composed and I like the darkness of most of the sculpture with just the mast tops peeking into the sunlight, against the hills...(y) much better straightened too ;)
Stunning shot mate :) Foreground a little dark for me but that's possibly adding to the picture infact, now I've confused myself hehe! :)
ohh, that a fabulous sculpture.. like the dark forground and that part of it is in silhouette.. well worth the effort in posting it.. thanks! :)
Thanks for all the comments so far, it was around Three O'clock in the afternoon and the sun was just setting behind houses at the back of me, it gets dark early in Iceland in the winter,only visited for 4 days hoping to see the northern lights but they did not show but its a great place for photographers and would like to go back someday.
Amazing how a simple straighten can improve things. :)

I think the problem for me though is that the foreground is just to dark and the exposure has been correct for the background. With that sort of exposure it might have been better to select a detail and go for a silhouette?
I agree that the original exposure looks like it was more for the background, but for some reason that doesn't ruin this shot. I like it as it is.
Scotch Drink

Gie him strong drink until he wink,
That's sinking in despair;
An' liquor guid to fire his bluid,
That's prest wi' grief and care:
There let him bouse, an' deep carouse,
Wi' bumpers flowing o'er,
Till he forgets his loves or debts,
An' minds his griefs no more.
Let other poets raise a fracas
"Bout vines, an' wines, an' drucken Bacchus,
An' crabbit names an'stories wrack us,
An' grate our lug:
I sing the juice Scotch bear can mak us,
In glass or jug.
O thou, my muse! guid auld Scotch drink!
Whether thro' wimplin worms thou jink,
Or, richly brown, ream owre the brink,
In glorious faem,
Inspire me, till I lisp an' wink,
To sing thy name!
Let husky wheat the haughs adorn,
An' aits set up their awnie horn,
An' pease and beans, at e'en or morn,
Perfume the plain:
Leeze me on thee, John Barleycorn,
Thou king o' grain!

Trying to get to grips with posting pics to the site as well as trying to improve my photography, I use the raw format and find it difficult to resize to post without it effecting the quality of the picture, found the poetry week hard as I have been very busy in work and home life but its all about new challenges so looking forward to week 3. My whisky poem had to be cut to a few verses as it was extremely long, my whisky photo was taken in near darkness with a 10sec shutter speed, F8 Aperture, with lighting via two hand held torches.
Curved, love it! What a cracking photo, and it's someplace I've been meaning to visit for a while now.

Poetry, nice peom with a great shot to suit! The only criticism I have is that it's not a scotch whiskey in the photo :p Not that it really matters, that's just me being pedantic! :LOL:

Great start to your 52 (y)
Curved, love it! What a cracking photo, and it's someplace I've been meaning to visit for a while now.

Poetry, nice peom with a great shot to suit! The only criticism I have is that it's not a scotch whiskey in the photo :p Not that it really matters, that's just me being pedantic! :LOL:

Great start to your 52 (y)

Doh, well spotted with the whisky bottle but I have Irish family roots so it just had to be done,cant get away with much on here without being found out lol
Had me stumped for a while and was going to play a joker but far to early in the year so here goes, not sure if I should have left the pic in full colour or just colour the wood in the end left it nearer to full B&W

another good photo, 3 excellent photos to start your 52 keep up the good work
Hi Shaun,

Week 1 - Great curves and backdrop. Much better straightened :)

Week 2 - I like the distortion of the wide angle but think it's taken just a little high. Nice lighting though and good irish whiskey :)

Week 3 - Good job you didn't play a joker. Nice idea and pretty well put together. Why the narrow crop? Be nice to see it slightly larger and with the ends of your fingers in shot :)

Great start to your year.
Hi Shaun,

Week 1 - Great curves and backdrop. Much better straightened :)

Week 2 - I like the distortion of the wide angle but think it's taken just a little high. Nice lighting though and good irish whiskey :)

Week 3 - Good job you didn't play a joker. Nice idea and pretty well put together. Why the narrow crop? Be nice to see it slightly larger and with the ends of your fingers in shot :)

Great start to your year.

Thanks for c&c both week 2 and 3 taken using hand held torch as the lighting effect much easier with the whiskey as it was stationary while chopped was a little more hit and miss lighting hand after each slight movement, while not knowing exactly what was in shot. I used my 50mm f1.4 on the chopped shot
and I would have liked it to be wider I needed to capture movement from the top of the frame while keeping my dark backdrop in the picture.
Hi Shaun,

Sorry I missed your week 2. Too many shots in here at the moment to keep up with every thread, every week :)

Really nice take on the theme and good lighting to spotlight the bottle and glass. I'm undecided about the angle. It's unusual and gives a bit of a disorienting feel which goes with the boozy theme . . . but I think I might have preferred a lower perspective.

Chopped : (y) My favourite interpretation of the theme so far and I think you were right to keep it in B&W.
I agree that it could do with being a bit wider though. More I think to give the wood a bit more prominence. With the motion in the rest of the shot, I feel like I want to see a stationary focal point to anchor it.
Loving the chopped, but not the crop... too err, chopped off?

Week one is awesome, what a sculpture, and a great pic concentrating on it alone. Nice.

Week two is OK, nice to see a different angle on the subject! Do we really have so many odes to alcohol... that is a scary thought, especially for someone that is not allowed the stuff :(
