Show us yer film shots then!

Hi, first post in here.


shot with a minolta x-300 on acros
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"The dog's trying to hump your canon"
the dog one is good ,,but i wished you had used f4 on number7 ( bloody light sucking f1. -2 thing ) oh and i give up where is chris in number 8 ??:D
or is it really an empty alley ?
The weather's been getting better over here so I decided to take my Rolleiflex out for a few walks.



Mile End, London


I took three shots of this girl, the first two were of her looking into the distance, but they were very out of focus. This is the very last frame I shot of her, and all the elements just fell into place.


@fruitflakes - how do you get such lovely candid shots? The girl on the train is looking straight at you - did she not mind you snapping away? I'm so shy of taking pictures of people in public! I always think they're going to come over and start having a go.
She didn't mind at all, I had already prefocused and precomposed, and had my finger on the shutter when she looked at my camera so it didn't look too obvious that I was taking photographs. Most people don't mind if I take photos of them (I've been standing right next to them with a 35mm the last few times I went out), a positive attitude and a smile goes a long way to diffuse any confrontations.
I recently took part in a "Film swap" on Flickr. This is where you contact somebody else via a Flickr group preferably in another country to give a variety of shots. You both expose a film then when finished swap the films through the post and then reshoot each others film. This obviously double exposes the film. It's a bit hit and miss but can give some interesting results. The person I swapped with lives in Singapore and we both had F3's so we agreed to shoot both rolls on them, here are some of the results.

Film swap with Min Chu Tan by paul139, on Flickr

Film swap with Min Chu Tan by paul139, on Flickr

Film swap with Min Chu Tan by paul139, on Flickr
It's "AH" time.... no exhibition shots just erm well "Ah" ones

My tame Robin, if hungry he lets me know by watching me on my computer (in the morning) until I open the window and give him some cheese. How do I know it's a "he" ? Well he has a girlfriend who is less tame and might be pregnant as he is feeding her for bonding.

All Flek and superia 200 and dirty window


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superb ! I too want a pet robin ! all I have is too many cats walking around like they own the place, bats, some other flying things and occasional fox, the usual city stuff :D
Hello. New here and figured I'd share what I tend to focus on when shooting film.
Both taken with Bronica SQ and scanned with Epson V500.
Look forward to meeting everyone.

Crud.. can't seem to get it to post.. Sorry
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Timreeves, the flower shot for me, nice shallow dof and looks pin sharp to me.

Andychrome really like the colours and composition in the leaf shots.
Some Nice work. Love your beardly fellow, Onform. Nice intimate portrait. Also, disturbingly, like looking a few decades in to the future.

Fruitflakes, I love your skateboard girl shot.

Been busy myself...

First 3 : Olympus Trip 35, Portra 160

Untitled by the matt1, on Flickr

Message for felix by the matt1, on Flickr

Untitled by the matt1, on Flickr

Coronet Consul, Lomo slide 200, cross processed

Untitled by the matt1, on Flickr
Hmm... there's something about the first and third Trip shots. Might just be the setting, but they look really dated. Love it :)
Hmm... there's something about the first and third Trip shots. Might just be the setting, but they look really dated. Love it :)

Paired with the right film The Trip does have that uncanny knack of turning the clock back to 1977.
That, young Edward, is delightful....(y)
zeroeseight said:
Pentax 67II, 105mm, Provia 400x. Posted the rest elsewhere.

Love that shot, where're the others?
As I haven't shot anything properly in nearly 2 months, here's an oldie from last year - Woodsy and David waiting for light at Ogwen bridge on the February TP meet up, shot on XP2 from the OM2 with my old Tokina 25-50mm.

Waiting for light by R. Alan Jones, on Flickr
Hmmmm...The effects of a out of date roll of film, snappy snaps processing, opening the back cover mid way through rewinding the film and forgetting to change the batteries in the light meter.


Already posted in the film photographs forum, but I thought I'd post a few up in here as well. I'd decided to shoot more film this year, and I think I've already shot more on my F100 this year than my D700! Loving it, apart from the cost!

Dinorwic by The View From The North, on Flickr

Dinorwic Australia Level by The View From The North, on Flickr

Dinorwic by The View From The North, on Flickr

All above taken on a Nikon F80 and Nikkor 28-105mm, Kodak Ektar 100

Dinorwic by The View From The North, on Flickr

Dinorwic by The View From The North, on Flickr

All above taken on a Nikon F100 and Nikkor 20mm, Kodak BW400CN
Excellent work from Dinorwic, I particularly like your black and white work.

I've got some work in North Wales at the end of May so this will be added to my list of places to go.