Show us yer film shots then!

A couple of shots taken with my Bronica ETRS with 50mm Zenzanon using some 8 year OOD Ilford SFX 200. I have never used this film before but was pleased with these. I processed it in LC29 (1-29)which I am finding a very versatile chemistry. I think SFX shows a little more in the IR range. I used a red filter on the camera and a hint of sharpening in LR 4 after the V500 scan. The film produces an interesting effect and I think I will get some fresh stock to try. The shots are quite dark but I quite like the effect and the sky is quite surreal in the first

1. Gothic Norwich

2. Princes Street
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A couple of shots taken with my Bronica ETRS with 50mm Zenzanon using some 8 year OOD Ilford SFX 200. I have never used this film before but was pleased with these. I processed it in LC29 (1-29)which I am finding a very versatile chemistry. I think SFX show a little more in the IR range. I used a red filter on the camera and a hint of sharpening in LR 4 after the V500 scan. The film produces and interesting effect and I ai think will will get sown fresh stock to try. The shots are quite dark but I quite like the effect and the sky is quite surreal in the first

1. Gothic Norwich

I like the dark skies, Adrian. I've always been interested in trying some IR-sensitive films stocks; perhaps one day...
Thanks RJ, I tried Kodak High Speed IR many years ago and didn't get on with it. I think the Ilford SFX emulsion is a much more muted effect and worth further exploration.
Turnberry Sunset. The sky was boring so I turned around and focused on the last of the light hitting the lighthouse. Unfortunately this shows up Velvia's lack of detail in the shadows. Bronica ETRS, 75mm and Velvia 100.

Turnberry Sunset. The sky was boring so I turned around and focused on the last of the light hitting the lighthouse. Unfortunately this shows up Velvia's lack of detail in the shadows. Bronica ETRS, 75mm and Velvia 100.

Very beautiful image, great colours!
Turnberry Sunset. The sky was boring so I turned around and focused on the last of the light hitting the lighthouse. Unfortunately this shows up Velvia's lack of detail in the shadows. Bronica ETRS, 75mm and Velvia 100.

Very nice - the colours are great and I really like the glow on the lighthouse. I don't think that the darkness in the shadows detracts from the picture at all.

Shot from the summit of Snowdon last Saturday, Nikon F100, Cosina 19-35mm @ 19mm, Fuji Reala 100 and an Asda Dev and scan, taken during my mountain fix away from the flatlands

Really nice image Adrian, lovely colours and nice light and I like the depth to it...

Shot from the summit of Snowdon last Saturday, Nikon F100, Cosina 19-35mm @ 19mm, Fuji Reala 100 and an Asda Dev and scan, taken during my mountain fix away from the flatlands
That's gorgeous, it's real challenge to get good landscape shots in conditions like those and you've cracked it (y)

Shot from the summit of Snowdon last Saturday, Nikon F100, Cosina 19-35mm @ 19mm, Fuji Reala 100 and an Asda Dev and scan, taken during my mountain fix away from the flatlands
Oh Boy. Just love it Adrian. Thanks for posting, I've been having negative (pun intended) thoughts about 35mm. My faith is restored. Onward...
Turnberry Sunset. The sky was boring so I turned around and focused on the last of the light hitting the lighthouse. Unfortunately this shows up Velvia's lack of detail in the shadows. Bronica ETRS, 75mm and Velvia 100.


Great shot. For me I love the transition from light to dark. Velvia here is perfect. Wouldn't change a thing.
A couple of shots taken with my Bronica ETRS with 50mm Zenzanon using some 8 year OOD Ilford SFX 200. I have never used this film before but was pleased with these. I processed it in LC29 (1-29)which I am finding a very versatile chemistry. I think SFX shows a little more in the IR range. I used a red filter on the camera and a hint of sharpening in LR 4 after the V500 scan. The film produces an interesting effect and I think I will get some fresh stock to try. The shots are quite dark but I quite like the effect and the sky is quite surreal in the first

1. Gothic Norwich

2. Princes Street

#1 is very Gothic. Nicely composed with an eerie House of a Hammer feel to it. Great use of contrast.
Excellent shot Adrian, really like that.
Very nice - the colours are great and I really like the glow on the lighthouse. I don't think that the darkness in the shadows detracts from the picture at all.

Thanks for the comment. I suppose the subject is lit properly. Maybe I have the digital mindset of always having detail in the shadows

Very beautiful image, great colours!


Great shot. For me I love the transition from light to dark. Velvia here is perfect. Wouldn't change a thing.

It looks like I should just let the shadows be and stop trying to force more detail out of them.

Shot from the summit of Snowdon last Saturday, Nikon F100, Cosina 19-35mm @ 19mm, Fuji Reala 100 and an Asda Dev and scan, taken during my mountain fix away from the flatlands

Those dark clouds really contribute to the feel of the image and help the eye towards the sun streaming on the mountains behind.

Shot from the summit of Snowdon last Saturday, Nikon F100, Cosina 19-35mm @ 19mm, Fuji Reala 100 and an Asda Dev and scan, taken during my mountain fix away from the flatlands

That is just so beautiful Adrian..
Sort of thing that wins the Monthly camera club competition. Now tell us what it is.
Trevor, I wish I knew then I could try and replicate it but I honestly have no idea :shrug:
Well seeing as i have still not sent my B&W film off to be developed and still haven't finished my agfa that's in the camera, i'm getting itchy feet to get out and/or see mess about with it all, so i have re visited my first roll and had a play seeing as i uploaded as is is one slightly enhanced:D

Pentax ME/ Ilford HP4 125 by Cg_Girl on Talk Photography
Well seeing as i have still not sent my B&W film off to be developed and still haven't finished my agfa that's in the camera, i'm getting itchy feet to get out and/or see mess about with it all, so i have re visited my first roll and had a play seeing as i uploaded as is is one slightly enhanced:D

Pentax ME/ Ilford HP4 125 by Cg_Girl on Talk Photography
I like this one... looks better for being 'enhanced' as you put it :LOL:
Haha thanks Lee! it sounded better than touched up!... it's amazing what a few tweaks make isn't it:D

Shot from the summit of Snowdon last Saturday, Nikon F100, Cosina 19-35mm @ 19mm, Fuji Reala 100 and an Asda Dev and scan, taken during my mountain fix away from the flatlands
That is just stunning
A few from Audley End house last weekend.

Leica M3, 50mm Summicron, Ilford FP4+ overdeveloped just a tad

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