Show us yer film shots then!

And finally... we recently found my wife's Olympus Stylus (US name for a mju 1) sitting in a drawer with a film in it and a dead battery. I bought this camera on 42nd St in New York, and was ripped off. It didn't work, the warranty was void, they had stuck a "no returns" label inside the box, and it turns out I did the maths wrong and paid MORE than I would have paid for a mju II at Dixons! It cost me another £40 to get it working again, but it did serve as a useful P&S pocket camera for a few years, replacing the amazing Mamiya U. Anyway, I thought I should finish the film and get it processed. It was Fuji Superia 200.

1) This was taken, as you can see, in late February 2006, in Wales celebrating a significant birthday. Shortly after this I bought my first digital camera, a Sony DSC-P200, oops, sorry to mention that. Anyway as a result this camera went into hibernation...

2) This was the second shot taken after a new battery was fitted. I didn't know the date setting was on, and was surprised to find the correct date... It's the river Avon in Stratford.

So, I'd always kept forgetting that pesky date setting. For the first few years it was always 11 years and a month or so out, which was even worse. Now I've got to remember to find the camera, put the battery back in, and set the date to off!

I was expecting the shots that have sat for more than 8 years in camera after being exposed to be dull, but I thought the newer shots would be reasonable. In fact the dullness quotient seems about the same (that's colour, not inspiration, dullness assumed for that!). The wind-on makes a dry squeaky noise that I really didn't like. I had been expecting some pretty dire light leaks that I've winessed in pre 2006 shots, but saw nothing. Perhaps that February was dark enough, and the drawer, not to cause problems!

Nevertheless I was pretty pleased that the camera was usable and the shots came out at all!
And finally... we recently found my wife's Olympus Stylus (US name for a mju 1) sitting in a drawer with a film in it and a dead battery. I bought this camera on 42nd St in New York, and was ripped off. It didn't work, the warranty was void, they had stuck a "no returns" label inside the box, and it turns out I did the maths wrong and paid MORE than I would have paid for a mju II at Dixons! It cost me another £40 to get it working again,

so ... I probably shouldn't mention that I only paid £3 for my fully working Mju I ....
Moncofa Spain. What's left of the Armada,maybe. :)

Nikon F100, 28-80mm Nikkor and Reala Asa 100.

I've just shot some paid portraits and decided to mix analogue and digital for a change. I shot on both a Fuji X100 and my Mamiya m645J with 80/110mm lenses and Portra 100. We went to Chester Zoo and it was a ridiculously bright day unfortunately. If I was shooting for myself I'd have used grads and a polariser but as I was chasing a 16 month old toddler who isn't a fan of smiling (as I was warned by her mum!) I decided not to add filters in :0)

I've had to share from Dropbox rather than upload to Flickr although I've just checked the links and as these images are downsized to 1024px I'm not happy with the quality so I might upload them to my website instead.

150mm F4 @F4

80mm F2.8 @2.8 (Didn't nail the focus unfortunately due to rushing the shot with the WLF but I like the shot anyway)

80mm F2.8 @2.8 (Converted in Lightroom)

The digital (X100) gallery is

My main priority is the client and she's made up so I've got 3 canvas orders in place, well worth sweating in the sun!

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Well done Steve, it can be tough when the little buggers don't look like they're enjoying themselves. Personally I prefer the b&w's to my colour blind eye they are far more pleasing than the colour shots.

If I have one criticism it would be that I'd like to see a little more separation between subject and background but then I know of very few parents that would agree to you super gluing their child's feet to the ground.
Thanks Nick. Having spent 7 years chasing after my own kids with various cameras you'd think I'd be psychic to their movements by now! My own kids see whichever camera I'm holding and instinctively stop/smile, I just need to train every other child accordingly!

Thanks for the comment regarding separation, I assume you mean the digital shots? Annoyingly, I forgot about the inbuilt ND filter on the X100 and as a result was maxing out the shutter speed before I got to F2.0 so had to stop down and compositionally I was having a bit of a battle trying to keep uncluttered backdrops in a busy zoo. They're my excuses for some duff compositions anyway ;0)

I've just shot some paid portraits and decided to mix analogue and digital for a change. I shot on both a Fuji X100 and my Mamiya m645J with 80/110mm lenses and Portra 100. We went to Chester Zoo and it was a ridiculously bright day unfortunately. If I was shooting for myself I'd have used grads and a polariser but as I was chasing a 16 month old toddler who isn't a fan of smiling (as I was warned by her mum!) I decided not to add filters in :0)

I've had to share from Dropbox rather than upload to Flickr although I've just checked the links and as these images are downsized to 1024px I'm not happy with the quality so I might upload them to my website instead.

150mm F4 @F4

80mm F2.8 @2.8 (Didn't nail the focus unfortunately due to rushing the shot with the WLF but I like the shot anyway)

80mm F2.8 @2.8 (Converted in Lightroom)

The digital (X100) gallery is

My main priority is the client and she's made up so I've got 3 canvas orders in place, well worth sweating in the sun!


What a beautiful little girl ...some cracking shots there Steve.

On the film, the b&w shot of her at the bench sort of saying " but i so want to get on here" is my favourite.

Missing the focus with yung uns is the norm is it not? lol....for me it doesn't matter so much as afterall they are memories of a time that can never be repeated.
Thanks Asha, she is a little cutie (my boss's daughter). I'm pleased with how well the Portra scans converted to B&W, certainly adds some additional flexibility.

And yes, I have my fair share of 'almost-nailed' shots of my kids on 120!

It was the first one that especially stood out for me, the yellows look great.

Interesting how we differ....I'm pulled towards the composition and amount of detail in the second one
colour theory, just keep a colour wheel to hand. Opposite colours give contrast, neighbouring colours compliment. So a bit of yellow card was a good backdrop for the purple element of the thistle.
Agreed, the first one really stood out for me. Not just the colours, but the composition...

Bronica SQ-A camera
Zenzanon PS 150mm f/4 lens and S-18 extension tube
Ilford HP5 Plus 120 film
Developed in FirstCall R09
Flickr link
Last one before I'm banned for spamming...


One Potato, Two Potato....
I like this one, as I caught that much-prized-by-candid-photographers "shocked moment". This was taken in Gdansk Poland, and the guys here were promoting the nearby Pyrabar restaurant.
Bronica SQ-A camera
Zenzanon PS 80mm f/2.8 lens
Ilford HP5 Plus medium format film
Home developed in ID11

Flickr link
Welcome to the best bit of the forum, that's a really interesting and varied set, I like them all but the dog is the stand out shot in the set.
Last one before I'm banned for spamming...


One Potato, Two Potato....
I like this one, as I caught that much-prized-by-candid-photographers "shocked moment". This was taken in Gdansk Poland, and the guys here were promoting the nearby Pyrabar restaurant.
Bronica SQ-A camera
Zenzanon PS 80mm f/2.8 lens
Ilford HP5 Plus medium format film
Home developed in ID11

Flickr link

Great shot Paul. Caught at the perfect moment.
Nikon F100, 28-80mm Nikkor and Reala Asa 100.

Thanks Trevor


Up the City
Norwich street.
Bronica SQ-A camera
Zenzanon PS 150mm f/4 lens
Ilford Delta Pro 400 120 film
Developed in FirstCall R09

Flickr link
Paul, welcome to the best bit of the forum. Some very nice work you have posted, love them all and recognise the location above, one of my own haunts in search of an image.
Here's one from last weekend on the Vista 400. It seems to have quite a blue cast which I can't do much about. It was taken very early on a sunny morning. The development is by Asda, the scanning by me using Vuescan(basic edition), Picasa and Gimp. I've never noticed what appears to be a huge amount of pin cushion distortion from the Olympus XA before; it's either that or several buildings in Liverpool are about to fall over.

I've never noticed what appears to be a huge amount of pin cushion distortion from the Olympus XA before; it's either that or several buildings in Liverpool are about to fall over.

Lack of film flatness during scanning (or even in camera) could be another possible explanation for the distortion.
Or maybe you had the camera pointed down? I've had to take lots of shots of my missus with 65 different combinations of wedding outfits, and I've discovered that the shorter lenses with a little bit of downward pointing leads to some very weird effects. :(
Here's one from last weekend on the Vista 400. It seems to have quite a blue cast which I can't do much about.

I'm no expert at post-processing but this is what I got by editing the image in GIMP and using the curves tool to edit the blue (add more yellow) and red (add more red) channels. I also used the perspective tool to slightly straighten the verticals but a more sustained efffort would be needed to do that properly, as the front bike wheel has become squashed.

View attachment 13421
I went to Wallington House in Northumberland on Saturday and managed a few infrared shots before the heavens opened.
Yashicamat 124G, Rollei IR400 film, Hoya R72 filter, stand developed in Rodinal 1:100 for 1 hour. The film was rated at ISO4 to allow for the filter factor and relative lack of sunlight.

Infrared view in the walled garden
by Kevin J Allan, on Flickr
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That's an excellent shot SJ, lovely composition, pin-sharp and exposed well.

^^^WHS^^^ cracking shot.