Show us yer film shots then!

Bought a few different B&W films to try out (for scientific comparison obviously, not because I'm addicted). Went to Stourhead Gardens to try out PanF+ with the C220. These are the best of the roll I think:

by Carl Hall Photography, on Flickr

by Carl Hall Photography, on Flickr

by Carl Hall Photography, on Flickr

by Carl Hall Photography, on Flickr

by Carl Hall Photography, on Flickr

by Carl Hall Photography, on Flickr

Got some nice autumn shots on some Portra 400 too, but I can't dev that at home so I have to wait until Wednesday to see them!

Nothing in this world infuriates me more than trying to get a roll of 120 onto a developing spool!!

I think photos two and four stand out for me.. I particularly like photos where the elements meander their way through the 6x6cm frame, as the tree and its branches do in number four.
View attachment 24226

A Free Miner in the Forest of Dean.
You could be forgiven for thinking this is a very old picture, but they mine the coal with jigger picks and coal tubs like this today. It looks like a scene from the Great Escape!

They are called Free Miners because there was an old law passed a long time ago that made these Forest Of Dean miners exempt from paying a levy to the government on the coal they produce and it's a loop hole that still stands today!
A fetching jacket too ...
View attachment 24226

A Free Miner in the Forest of Dean.
You could be forgiven for thinking this is a very old picture, but they mine the coal with jigger picks and coal tubs like this today. It looks like a scene from the Great Escape!

They are called Free Miners because there was an old law passed a long time ago that made these Forest Of Dean miners exempt from paying a levy to the government on the coal they produce and it's a loop hole that still stands today!

Another great shot with info to match.
Mart, you must be the 'go to' man for underground pictures. I hope you're making a decent living from it.
^^^WHS^^^ Brilliant record of an industry most of us surface dwellers know very little about. How you produce such excellent shots in what must be very challenging conditions is fantastic, keep them coming.
Love it, how many hours did you stand there...:D
Thanks Trevor, It wasn't too long, I don't keep a note of my exposure times but I think this was about 8 seconds.
Oh yes, really like that Nick.
Some shots from Coventry... expired BW400CN, commercial processing.

1) Frank Whittle, looking rather lost...

2) Footbridge over the inner bypass

3) Graffiti...

Been keeping these, thinking of the POTY street round, but chose something very different.

I like the graffiti one Chris.
Thanks Carol, and Adrian from a few days back.
Another great shot with info to match.
Mart, you must be the 'go to' man for underground pictures. I hope you're making a decent living from it.

I used to but all of the mines have shut down:(
Shooting more big commercial property and corporate press stuff these days!
I went to the Tower of London on the busiest day in their history, the day Tower Hill tube was closed, the day they were begging people not to come (we didn't get that memo). I paid £20 to sit on a bench in the courtyard for an hour, watching the crowds, unable to face any of the multiple queues to go inside any of the buildings.

On the plus side, I got to take photos. Pentax ME Super, HP5+, Rodinal.

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"Testing" (aka wasting) a roll of Rollei Retro 400s. 38 shots, 30 of them boring, low-contrast shots of trees that I've taken a bunch of times before. I need to listen to Robert Capa and get closer to stuff. Here are a few I liked.

Nikon f601, Nikkor 24mm f2.8, Rollei Retro 400s, Rodinal

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Really like the first Keith I was trying to find an interesting fern detail shot for my POTY. Gave up...
Me too, really pops.
seriously , it needs more than that :) I metered it at 8 seconds at f32. It was still underexposed at a minute!

Im tempted to bin the rest of it and go back to Ilford films. Im just too tight to waste whats left ;)

Experience with fomapan 100 film has seen me shoot it at 25 I don't think i've had one batch that hasn't needed at least a stop

Stil, it's cheap film and if you can handle the ASA being incorrect then it's got to be worth playing with.
Agfapan 100 01 by pentaxpete, on Flickr
Giving my 1961 ROLLEIFLEX 2.8F Planar an outing. loaded with 07/1991 dated AGFA PAN 100 ( NOT the 'APX' type) -- I downrated it to 64 ASA and processed in Rodinal 1+50 for 14 mins at 20oC and got some good negatives which I have scanned on my old Epson 1650 flatbed + Vuescan Pro + PhotoShop 7
These are all taken in CHELMSFORD, Essex ( England) and I used mostly a wide aperture of f4, except the one of the lady feeding ducks ( f11) I Metered with the Rollei camera meter with the Incident Light attachment and found it was accurate, in agreement with my Weston Master meter even after 53 years !
Agfapan 100 05 by pentaxpete, on Flickr
Agfapan 100 04 by pentaxpete, on Flickr
A fine set Pete, lovely exposure and composition.

Agfapan 100 01 by pentaxpete, on Flickr
Giving my 1961 ROLLEIFLEX 2.8F Planar an outing. loaded with 07/1991 dated AGFA PAN 100 ( NOT the 'APX' type) -- I downrated it to 64 ASA and processed in Rodinal 1+50 for 14 mins at 20oC and got some good negatives which I have scanned on my old Epson 1650 flatbed + Vuescan Pro + PhotoShop 7
These are all taken in CHELMSFORD, Essex ( England) and I used mostly a wide aperture of f4, except the one of the lady feeding ducks ( f11) I Metered with the Rollei camera meter with the Incident Light attachment and found it was accurate, in agreement with my Weston Master meter even after 53 years !
Agfapan 100 05 by pentaxpete, on Flickr

Hi Peter love this, great use of the bridge to frame the rest of the scene.
Thanks to all my 'Fans' -- will get doing some 'traditional darkroom prints' sometime for my Club !
seriously , it needs more than that :) I metered it at 8 seconds at f32. It was still underexposed at a minute!

Im tempted to bin the rest of it and go back to Ilford films. Im just too tight to waste whats left ;)

Experience with fomapan 100 film has seen me shoot it at 25 I don't think i've had one batch that hasn't needed at least a stop

Stil, it's cheap film and if you can handle the ASA being incorrect then it's got to be worth playing with.

Its the reciprocity that kills it for me. Your 8 second exposure ends up at nearly a minute, a thirty second exposure ends up at about 6 minutes. At less than 1 second its fine (ish) though I've been using Fomadon recently which does seem to eek out the rest of the rating.
Its the reciprocity that kills it for me. Your 8 second exposure ends up at nearly a minute, a thirty second exposure ends up at about 6 minutes. At less than 1 second its fine (ish) though I've been using Fomadon recently which does seem to eek out the rest of the rating.

Yeah but that reciprocity can actually work very will if you want movement in a long exposure
I did a Ferris wheelshot that worked out a treat
i dont mind the look of the stuff, there's a couple of shots i posted here somewhere that look as rough as a badgers arse but it still kinda suited things :) its just the randomness of the exposure times! I wouldn't now use it for anything important. As said, i spot metered the subject for 8 seconds and i remember someone mentioning this reciprocity thing on the film, so i did one at 30 seconds thinking that would be enough, the 60 second exposure i just did for a laugh and that came out the best! I'll have to dig out Ansels book again as he explained how to work out an accurate exposure with reciprocity quite well i seem to remember.
Only taken a week or so back overlooking Sospel ( where i live)

After today, i suspect there will be a considerable difference in colour to the mountains ( snowy white!) as the storms are upon us ...It hasn't stopped raining / thunder, lightning for best part of 24 hours.

In fact I have an ornamental garden atm which includes a fabulous waterfall! :D

Nikon F2 with 20mm UD F/3.5 lens

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View attachment 24226

A Free Miner in the Forest of Dean.
You could be forgiven for thinking this is a very old picture, but they mine the coal with jigger picks and coal tubs like this today. It looks like a scene from the Great Escape!

They are called Free Miners because there was an old law passed a long time ago that made these Forest Of Dean miners exempt from paying a levy to the government on the coal they produce and it's a loop hole that still stands today!
Mart, I thoroughly enjoy seeing all your images, they really are an view into some different worlds!
This whole thread is a terrible time waster.

If I go looking for something shot in the past, I end up going through 50 pages even if I found it straight sucks you in..

wassall that about ??
When Asha came to stay with me,he brought with him two rolls of a film called Efke 20 Asa,very OOD. We shot a roll each which Asha took home to develop here is an example of my results taken on my Fuji GSW690II 60mm.


When I went to Barcelona recently, I accidentally left my box of film in the suitcase which then went through the x-ray machine at the airport. After doing a bit of reading on t'internet about how the x-ray machines can fog film, I decided to buy more film there, just in case.

I went to Stourhead Gardens on Friday with the possibly ruined film to see if they were actually dead. Got the film back today from the Darkroom UK and scanned it in. It looks as if some of the films have foggy patches in the corners, but most are usable. Here are some of the better ones from the outing. Now that Autumns here I think I'll be going back there again this weekend!

All were shot on Portra 400 with a Mamiya C220 and 80mm f/2.8 lens.

by Carl Hall Photography, on Flickr

by Carl Hall Photography, on Flickr

by Carl Hall Photography, on Flickr

by Carl Hall Photography, on Flickr
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Shot on Nikon F100 With 85mm F2 Fuji Velvia 50 Slide fim



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