Show us yer film shots then!

some nice pics lately

here are some snaps from my last roll of fuji pro800z of some friends at uni






this last one i thought looked better in b+w although shot on colour film.. it felt wrong converting it..
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Fuji 800ProZ film that I likely will never use again.

Why not? I really like the colours, I've got some rolls of this in the fridge I may have to try it this weekend.
Not posted in here for a while so here are a couple:

Yashica 124 + Ektar film (need to scan a couple more)


Canon EOS 1 + Delta 400


Fuji 690 + FP4

Well, I am coming back to the bright side and here is a family shot from 1980, so 30 years old, taken with my canon AT-1 and f1.8 lens, sadly now sold and I think at the time a Kodak 100 Asa film?
Now this is not posted for artistic merit, but after 30 years and being scan on a HP 4400c, I think there is some:LOL:. Merit. Enjoy.

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Well, I am coming back to the bright side and here is a family shot from 1980, so 30 years old, taken with my canon AT-1 and f1.8 lens, sadly now sold and I think at the time a Kodak 100 Asa film?
Now this is not posted for artistic merit, but after 30 years and being scan on a HP 4400c, I think there is some:LOL:. Merit. Enjoy.


That's a great photograph, reminds me of the fashions that were around as I was growing up, I found pictures of my Father and Step Mothers wedding the other day, I shall have to try and scan them in and post them up, the fashions were again so very different (1971) and I was tiny!
Why not? I really like the colours, I've got some rolls of this in the fridge I may have to try it this weekend.

Nothing against the film really. What it comes down to plain and simple is this. Seldom do I need an 800 speed film and secondly I get the exact same if not better results from 99 cents film. The Fuji 800pro film cost nearly $8.00.
I really like that shot too Medwaygreen. It has a great composition, interesting characters and a kind of washed out period look that's almost American midwest but is presumably, British?

If I saw that 16 x 12" on a gallery wall by a named photographer I'd be thinking good photo. Sometimes we really need to look through our back catalogue with fresh eyes.
Nice shot. Did you do any post-processing?

Sorry for the delay in answering. Only PP was a quick play about with curves,just to boost the saturation and contrast a bit. Then framed and resized for web.
Well - thought it was about time to post a few from my new toy...Canon A-1

Did I mention the f1/1.8 lens :)


And a couple from the day before - this time from the EOS-3 (same reel of film though - I swapped camera's mid roll, because I'm tight - okay ?

This Way up ?

Spring is on it's way

I really love what you did with these two. (y)

Thanks - they were just test shots really, just to make sure the new lens worked well at wide open aperture, but I couldn't resist trying to make 'em a bit more worthwhile than just a calibration chart :)
I scan with an Epson V500 flatbed. Turn of the thumbnail feature when previewing and manually draw the mask with the mouse. I'm using the Epson scanning software which was provided. Dead easy and no stitching.

I tried stitching when Asda cut my xpan frames in half once. It didn't work well!!

Thanks, my friend just got the V700, so I borrowed it for some scans!


Big boat


then a little later when it was darker...
Finally got the film scanned that dropped out of the Elan same time as the back door catch packed it in... first off let's get the obligatory daffodil shot out of the way :D


Right, now I got that off my mind, here's a few from the same film. Rollei Retro ISO400 BW, developed ID-11, scanned Vehu.

Duck pond in the woods...


Making tracks - Ancient and Modern


Whatchoo lookin at? (or "Hey Daisy, I can see your shed from here...")

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Glad you'd got the film rewound before hte latch packed in Arthur - I really like those. I can see I need to up my game on the daffodil front - maybe getting mine in focus this time would be a start :LOL:

There's a real sense of calm around the Duckpond shot, like it a lot.

Can't tell you the number of times i've tried to get something similar to the Making Tracks shot... usually without success. The sad thing is, I spent the first 5 minutes trying to work out what tyres they were using (Anyone from Singletrackworld will understand...)

Is it just me that's a hopeless old hippy, and thought of the classic Camel Album when I read the sub-caption for "Whatchoo lookin at?" :naughty:


All in all, a nice set Arthur, there's some good strong tones, and that Rollei Retro 400 seems to have a nice smooth tonal range - especially for 400iso film(y)
Well, I am coming back to the bright side and here is a family shot from 1980, so 30 years old, taken with my canon AT-1 and f1.8 lens, sadly now sold and I think at the time a Kodak 100 Asa film?
Now this is not posted for artistic merit, but after 30 years and being scan on a HP 4400c, I think there is some:LOL:. Merit. Enjoy.


That has really evoked some memories for me. Ahhhh, happy days.

Thank you

That has really evoked some memories for me. Ahhhh, happy days.

Thank you


And that people, is the one reason I love photography :)
A few more - decided to try a roll of Ektar this time. Have to say, I'm pretty impressed - not one for the grain lovers, this, but lovely smooth colours... wish my photography did it justice...

Bit Tough, this Pumpkin

Sharp (unlike the focus!!)

More from the Garden Centre..
What, no daffodils? Damned phillistines...

These the A1 again? Looking nice, loving the colour variation in pic 1... earthenware?


PS - Tetenal on the way, currently got 5 films waiting for it. I may cop out and drop four of them off at Tesco and then just cook the Radix one :D
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What, no daffodils? Damned phillistines...

These the A1 again? Looking nice, loving the colour variation in pic 1... earthenware?


PS - Tetenal on the way, currently got 5 films waiting for it. I may cop out and drop four of them off at Tesco and then just cook the Radix one :D

Sadly, no Daffs this time Arthur, plenty of other colourful flowers, but the photo's of them I took were profoundly uninspiring - I was just making sure that the 28mm lens for the A-1 I'd found in the loft was working okay :shrug:

And it gets worse, a further rummage in the loft has unearthed another empty FD lens box... 70-210mm f4. Now, I'm pretty much sure that I only claimed for the camera and single lens on the insurance, so somewhere there may well be another toy... Dread to think where though - it'll have been through something like 6 house moves since I last saw it. Still - it's better than watching the telly of an evening, I suppose - and i've now got at least 2 car-loads of things for the recycling centre.

Update: The big zoom turned up. It was embalmed in 3 layers of bubble wrap, and with a UV filter on the end, in lieu of a lens cap. Still, it looks clean and tidy, zoom is nice and smooth, and I suppose I'm going to have to run another film through now :)
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Canada 1967...Canon A1 ..scanned from 35mm slide
Wow! Lovely shot :clap:

Isn't it just... nowt like that scene in Norfolk :( I have just got a roll of Velvia 100 coming - just have to decide which bloody camera to use it in now!

Anyway, today had to go to Gt Yarmouth for the dreaded risk assessment to see if I am going to be allowed to go back to work. Went well actually and with any luck I will be doing a couple of days a week for a couple of weeks and if that goes OK I can slowly build up to proper working :D

Whatever, as the sun was out and I had three cameras with part-used film (Vitomatic IIa, Radix and X-700) I took them with me and had a wander down Regent Street after leaving the workshop. The Radix and X-700 had colour film so that's now sitting on the desk waiting for the Tetenal along with the other rolls - the Voigtlander had a roll of the Rollei Retro 400 and it's that roll I developed tonight. Usually I use ID-11 at 3:1 because it allows more room for error at the tail end of things but as today was a nice *bright* spring day and knowing the shots I had I decided to go for something a bit harsher. This then ID-11 at 1:1 so only cooked for maybe 11 minutes, scanned and uploaded so about as straight form camera to screen as one can get. Note the first few in the album sequence from the farm are a bit oddly-processed - but different day, different light - you gotta do what you can!

The only way this one could have been better would have been for the guy to be walking the other way! Loving the mirror of him and the wall - and I nearly missed it!



Album here if you wanna go look :D

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:D Right, got to lower the standard.
In my defence, these are straight scans from the positive prints. Not that its an excuse, its a rather a lame explanation.
Go soft on me, 28 days without a ciggy







Oh; and the X Pan has arrived. Yahooo
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decided to crop 2 of the images ( to my eternal shame)..oh the joys of using prime lens



and one from a few months back; this one scanned from the negative

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Outstanding. What film was it? Was the Canon A1 available in 1967??!?!

Thanks for the comment
it was actually 1966 cos that was my fiance
i "thought" it was the A1 as that's the only camera i remember.[ still have it !]
but you're right...:)...didn't come out till 1978

I found the slide - its Kodachrome 64 - which I used a lot i recall
Nice pics Ujjwal - wall crop is nice despite a dull sky!

Get the new camera out there!
I think the Crops work Ujjwal - sometimes the old 2 footed zoom can't do everything - cropping is no different to selective printing in t'darkroom, imho. I'm no Cartier-Bresson - I'll crop if needed for the composition. Obviously, I try and get it as right as I can in the camera, but sometimes needs must.

Just promise not to crop the Xpan shots too much - I'll sulk if we get square format images from that Hasselblad :LOL:
From KA "What, no daffodils?"

Hey I couldn't see your B/W daffs as they were bleached out.
A couple of shots from a trip up to Skye last weekend. These are from the Xpan using Velvia 50..




These were straight out the scanner with no more than a spotting of dust and a crop to get rid of the sprockets. A good example of the 'Velvia Effect'!!!

Incidentally, it was a trip to Sgurr na Stri which is a hill with an oustanding view over the Black Cuillin.
Very good

Right thats it time ot blow the dust off my XPan ~goes off to see if I have any 35mm slide film~