Show us yer film shots then!

Goodwood Revival is on this weekend, and last thursday was testing day..luckily I am privileged to be allowed trackside and in the pits on various test and track days.. I was up there using my digital gear for the purpose ( usually shoot about 400 plus images a day and haven't got enough pockets to keep that much film in )

But whilst I was there I thought it would be rude to not get the mamiya 645 here is a few from the day.. All of the images were taken with Ektar 100 and home developed in tetenal ..

Thanks for looking, Steve.

If any of you are petrol heads there are some more photo's from the day on my flickr pages sorry they are digital images though ;)

This Austin is one car that I doubt will be out again this weekend, not only was it very fast it was being driven very fast, and sadly rolled half a dozen times before bursting into flames with in a few yards of where we were standing..( I did get some good photo's of it, but it would be frowned upon for me to upload them ) The main thing is the driver got out ok..:)

Now they are what I call "real" cars........Quality shots from the Mamiya Steve....good on ya catchin some of these beautiful machines on film (y)
Steve. Once again a great job. Film and old cars, what a match.
Asha. Fantastic result from the old Brilly. Super series.
Thanks to both Asha and Trevor for the comments... here are a couple more shots..

Thanks for looking, Steve.

Taken with Zeiss super Ikonta 530/2.. Kodak Ektar developed at home.

Taken with Pentax MX 35mm ... Kodak gold developed at home.

Well here's three from the last roll i shot, Ilford Pan 100 in Rodinal through the Praktica BCA. The scanner is not cooperating for a lot of the shots...

Not that pleased with some of the roll, but then that might just be that i lost a number of great shots not loading it correctly the first time. It's funny, one of the few shots from previous rolls that i keep coming back to is this:

Which i think on the face of it isn't terribly interesting, but the texture is somewhat mesmerising. It's something i could see myself using as a desktop background, but is that what i want from my pictures? Man, photography is confusing :D
Thanks to both Asha and Trevor for the comments... here are a couple more shots..

Thanks for looking, Steve.

Taken with Zeiss super Ikonta 530/2.. Kodak Ektar developed at home.

Taken with Pentax MX 35mm ... Kodak gold developed at home.

Just love that door in the first almost has a cartoon look to it.

Note to self, must go here!

Superewza said:
Which i think on the face of it isn't terribly interesting, but the texture is somewhat mesmerising. It's something i could see myself using as a desktop background,

I know exactly what you mean. Sometimes simple is best.
Well here's three from the last roll i shot, Ilford Pan 100 in Rodinal through the Praktica BCA. The scanner is not cooperating for a lot of the shots...

Not that pleased with some of the roll, but then that might just be that i lost a number of great shots not loading it correctly the first time. It's funny, one of the few shots from previous rolls that i keep coming back to is this:

Which i think on the face of it isn't terribly interesting, but the texture is somewhat mesmerising. It's something i could see myself using as a desktop background, but is that what i want from my pictures? Man, photography is confusing :D

That stood out for me straight away too, really nice.
Taken on a c.1910 - 1915 Kodak No2A Folding Pocket Brownie which originally used 116 film.
This shot of a local sculpture called "Arc de 115°5" was taken on 120 roll film (Adox CHS 100 ) hence the panoramic look about it.

I wasn't too sure wether the arc looks too central tbh so tried cropping it slightly more to the left in the 2nd version .....maybe neither work :shrug:

Week 32 of my 52 film challenge has another shot from the same roll along with a pic of the camera.


Shot at 2012-09-12


Shot at 2012-09-12

Personally I prefer the un-cropped shot Asha. I am becoming more and more enamoured with central compositions recently :) Great results by the way (y)
The wheat shot for me!

On the contrary, i love this kind of shot, flexes the mind and gets you thinking.
About what's making it tick with not much going on, then you really start to think about images, when the mind is free from cues or prompts to look there or here. Take this in and leave that, no, here you make it what it is.
Thanks Rob (y) I only shot one roll of b&w and now after scanning the negatives I am kicking myself for not shooting more! Shot seven rolls of clour though so I may break my own rule and convert a couple if I reckon they will suit it :)
For me, Architecture and Black and White go hand in hand, brings out the textures so much better than colour does. It also removes the distraction where colour is unnecessary :)
A few from the revival...candids, bikes and scooters.. This year I just took the film camera and spent most of the time watching what was going on off the track.. (Cluttered backgrounds, people everywhere and you have to be quick, but great fun..:) )

Too many to put up here , if you are interested to see a bit of what it's all about... I will be adding more as the days go on..all taken with the Mamiya 645 pro..colour films ..Ektar, B & W films.. Acros all developed at home..

Thanks for looking, Steve.

Great to see some film Revival pics I really like the first one, it's a weekend of great photo opportunities and it's also great to the Glamcab girls are still there :D I couldn't go this year due to work commitments but I went a few years ago when I was first getting back into film photography. I only took half a roll with my Nikkormat.

Ferrari, Goodwood Revival 2009 by Raglansurf, on Flickr[/IMG]

65320025 by Raglansurf, on Flickr[/IMG]

65320018 by Raglansurf, on Flickr[/IMG]
Steve. Great Revival set. Took a look at your Flickr stream. Really like the bike stuff.
Got a real sense of the day. Thanks.

Which i think on the face of it isn't terribly interesting, but the texture is somewhat mesmerising.

Not sure what would be considered an "interesting" shot by most tbh but I find this very appealing!
One from the Holga on Tri-x 400.

A time before supermarkets and commercial centers when obtaining groceries was much more tranquil, stress free and above all community driven......nice capture!
Nice shots of the Rivival Steve.....The scooter line up reminds me very much of everyday scenes down
Personally I prefer the un-cropped shot Asha. I am becoming more and more enamoured with central compositions recently :) Great results by the way (y)

Thanks Nick....Tbh I can't make my mind up which i prefer....I think the arc looks better to the left in the 2nd version but the wider original view gives a little more of a sense of location.
Really liking the goodwood revival ones, have a great look about them.

Thanks for looking and the reply, they were great subjects for film.

Great to see some film Revival pics I really like the first one, it's a weekend of great photo opportunities and it's also great to the Glamcab girls are still there :D I couldn't go this year due to work commitments but I went a few years ago when I was first getting back into film photography. I only took half a roll with my Nikkormat.

I love the revival, in fact I love goodwood all together... and living 5 mins away and being able to go trackside to photograph track / test days is a real bonus.

Steve. Great Revival set. Took a look at your Flickr stream. Really like the bike stuff.
Got a real sense of the day. Thanks.

Thanks for looking at the photostream Trevor..I like all motorsport/cars but bikes are my thing and the well ridden harleys really are my thing..probably because mine is well ridden.:)

Nice shots of the Rivival Steve.....The scooter line up reminds me very much of everyday scenes down

Thanks for looking Asha, if the scooters had all been lined up like that at brighton beach in the 60's they would have probably ended up in the drink...;)
Here are a couple from a roll I shot to test out colour developing at home using the Rollei Digibase C41 kit. Taken at Crummock Water using my OM2 and the 28mm f3.5 lens. They turned out OK, if a bit grainier than the same film I had developed at Peak Imaging last year. I've several more rolls lined up to process but think I'll switch to a finer grained film when I need to buy some more. Suggestions anyone?

Crummock Water by Simonx8123, on Flickr

Summer evening at Crummock by Simonx8123, on Flickr
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Taken with Nikon F3, Nikkor 28mm and Portra 160V, the sky is what God gave me.

Woodsy, I love the subtle nature that you have created in the first two photo's, it gives them a very English countryside feel if you know what I mean and #3 has a wonderful BIG sky. I like.

SimonX, I love the clean crispness you have on your photo's they must have been taken early morning if not then you have done an even better job and for home developing you have done a great job. PM me your address and charges please. :)

Freecom2, Great portrait and to think that is a stranger you have captured a very natural poise and expression, it,s a shame that because of the angle taken the bokeh is not consistent.
Thanks, Richard! These are actually evening shots, maybe half an hour before sunset. The developing was very experimental since the kit didn't come with any instructions and I had to rely on stuff found on the net. The Digibase kit has done a great job with colours, but next time I mustn't do a final wash - the stabiliser is supposed to dry on to the film and, I suppose, do the same job as a hardener in B&W devving.
@ Norters~ I really like that Berlin shot it really suites the angle and the wording on the building and I really shot try some XP2

@ Steve B ~ Goodwood seems to really suite the film you have used it has a very nostalgic feel to them.

@ Woodsy ~ cracking images there really capture the beuty of the English landscape.

@ SimonX ~ look good nice and sharp with lots of colour in them. Do you just a Jobo system to process your colour images?

@ Freecom2 ~ I love the simplisity of that portrait.
Thanks, Richard! These are actually evening shots, maybe half an hour before sunset. The developing was very experimental since the kit didn't come with any instructions and I had to rely on stuff found on the net. The Digibase kit has done a great job with colours, but next time I mustn't do a final wash - the stabiliser is supposed to dry on to the film and, I suppose, do the same job as a hardener in B&W devving.

No address then :)

#1. That golden side light on the foreground makes this shot sing. I've spent several minutes gazing into the Lanscape.

#2. It's all about the sky, unfortunately for me after #1 the foreground is a bit drab. Perhaps better as Landscape orientation.

#3. Gorgeous, nuff said...