Show us yer film shots then!

Fairlie seafront looking south from the the end of Pier Road on a rather damp day with the clouds down on the hills behind the village. The three blocks of modern flats (church tower behind left-most block) date from the 1980s and are built on the site of the former Fyfe boatyard (1803-1939) where some 900 yachts were designed and built by three generations of the Fife family, including two America’s Cup challengers for Sir Thomas Lipton - ‘Shamrock I’ and ‘Shamrock III’. During WWII the yard was requisitioned by the Admiralty and became the Royal Navy's Anti-submarine Experimental Establishment and the base for 6 years of highly confidential world-leading research on the acoustic detection of submarines by Asdic, now known as Sonar.IMG_2023-7-17-173441.jpeg
Exeter Pan XX 400
Ilford Microphen 8mins @ 20°C
Zuiko 50mm f1.8
Olympus OM2SP

I'm getting a lot more random scratches with this bulk loaded cassette than the first two I did - my working assumption is that the loader is fine and the scratches are down to random dirt in the velvet light traps of the individual cassettes (ex Soviet stock purchased from Ukraine) which either need cleaning (I'm told running the sticky part of a post-it note through the velvet does the trick) or the velvet replacing.
By the way I didn't mean that rudely, I'm just saying that i have a better chance of taking a great shot by accident rather than deliberately.
A couple on a 'Gift' MINOLTA DYNAX 4 bought for 10 Quids in a Car Boot Sale by a friend now-deceased who gave it to me . I used up some outdated Kodak Gold 200 and home-processed in Fuji Hunt C41 , scanner was Plustek Opticfilm 7200 + Vuescan Pro + FastStone Image Viewer
Irishmans Grave.jpgWedding Bus and The Traffic Warden.jpg
Using up last few frames on my last Outdated FOMAPAN 100 found in Fridge in my 1978 Hasselblad 500CM processed in Home-Made Pyrocat HD .
Couple with the old 80mm f2.8 CT Planar T* + extension tube and Window Light
500CM Fomapan 100 06 by Peter Elgar, on Flickr
500CM Fomapan 100 07 by Peter Elgar, on Flickr
BORING shot of SOUTHEND-on-SEA ESSEX Tide out BUT I wanted to see HOW the Zeiss 120mm f4 CF Makro-Planar performed at 'INFINITY' and f5.6
500CM Fomapan 100 03 by Peter Elgar, on Flickr
Using up last few frames on my last Outdated FOMAPAN 100 found in Fridge in my 1978 Hasselblad 500CM processed in Home-Made Pyrocat HD .
Couple with the old 80mm f2.8 CT Planar T* + extension tube and Window Light
500CM Fomapan 100 06 by Peter Elgar, on Flickr
500CM Fomapan 100 07 by Peter Elgar, on Flickr
BORING shot of SOUTHEND-on-SEA ESSEX Tide out BUT I wanted to see HOW the Zeiss 120mm f4 CF Makro-Planar performed at 'INFINITY' and f5.6
500CM Fomapan 100 03 by Peter Elgar, on Flickr
Love the Chinese cat.
Don't nock the 80mm, it's my best lens.
Another top tip for silverfast users.
Don't include the border if you are using negafix. It doesn't like it.
I waited over 40 years before I got a 'Hasselblad' then like the 498 Bus to ROMFORD -- 2 came along at once ! So I have my 2002 bought 501CM and the 1978 500CM
I waited over 40 years before I got a 'Hasselblad' then like the 498 Bus to ROMFORD -- 2 came along at once ! So I have my 2002 bought 501CM and the 1978 500CM
I too waited a long time to get my first Hasselblad, 42 years young for my 501C.
I absolutely adore my Hasselblad, and the only way It's going is when it can be prized from my cold dead hands.
Of your listing, I so want a 501cm. I have a 503cw but there is something about the 501 series sets them apart.
Off topic, I don't like my 150mm cfi and my 50mm cfi is hit and miss regards sharpness.
My 80CFE is a gem of an optic and never fails.

Do you have similar lenses?
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Mr Soupdragon --- ( Fan of 'The CLANGERS? !! ) YEs my 50mm f4 CFi Distagon is ALSO sometimes 'Hit and Miss ' in sharpness -- I got it new from David S.H. Leung of Goodmayes Essex when I got my 501CM in 2002 and there was £50 off. Luckily it was Tax Deductible as I was using it for Work but Revenue do not allow all the Deductions at once -- over SEVERAL YEARS ! I also got second hand from MIFSUDS a 'bargain' new 180mm f4 CFi Sonnar then got the 120mm f4 CF Makro-Planar for £250 quids from the 92 year old camera club member who then rang me up and asked if I would like his 'Blad -- so I said my Wife would Divorce me if she found out I was PAYING for MORE Camera RUBBISH ( I had 'Smuggled in ' the 120mm f4 CF lens) But he said it was FREE ---- so I rushed there and he also gave me his Beat up Mamiya C330 and NIKON FM and a FE body and stuff as they were moving to Northern Ireland to be nearer Son --- maybe he has 'GONE' now as not heard from him in years -- I DID send him RESULTS of all the Great Gifts to show him I was USING it all .
Hasselblad 500CM + 120mmf4CF Makro-Planar.jpgHasselblad 501CM  Group.jpg
Mr Soupdragon --- ( Fan of 'The CLANGERS? !! ) YEs my 50mm f4 CFi Distagon is ALSO sometimes 'Hit and Miss ' in sharpness -- I got it new from David S.H. Leung of Goodmayes Essex when I got my 501CM in 2002 and there was £50 off. Luckily it was Tax Deductible as I was using it for Work but Revenue do not allow all the Deductions at once -- over SEVERAL YEARS ! I also got second hand from MIFSUDS a 'bargain' new 180mm f4 CFi Sonnar then got the 120mm f4 CF Makro-Planar for £250 quids from the 92 year old camera club member who then rang me up and asked if I would like his 'Blad -- so I said my Wife would Divorce me if she found out I was PAYING for MORE Camera RUBBISH ( I had 'Smuggled in ' the 120mm f4 CF lens) But he said it was FREE ---- so I rushed there and he also gave me his Beat up Mamiya C330 and NIKON FM and a FE body and stuff as they were moving to Northern Ireland to be nearer Son --- maybe he has 'GONE' now as not heard from him in years -- I DID send him RESULTS of all the Great Gifts to show him I was USING it all .
View attachment 396101View attachment 396102
I have the PME45 but don't get on with it. I can't nail critical focus when needed.
This year I'll be offloading a number items I do not get on with namely, 150cfi, pme45, A16 645 back possibly my 50cfi and probably my winder CW.
Olympus OM-1N
G-Zuiko Auto-W 35mm f/2.8
Ilford HP5+
Ilfotec DD-X 1+9 @ 20° 15mins 45secs

Beside the seaside, beside the sea by fishyfish_arcade, on Flickr
I am liking the inclement weather beach set, this one in particular though I saw it as a square crop as I scrolled down the page, thinking "oh I like that", then, "are there is more ! " Almost two very different photographs for the price of one exposure, works both ways for me.
Horseman L45, Nikkor 150mm lens, old Kodabrome paper exosed at EI 6.
The bellows were at 450mm extension, requiring three extra stops of exposure to compensate - resulting in a 45minute exposure. I was fortunate that the pepper didn't fall over during the exposure, which happened on another attempt.

Paper pepper
by Kevin Allan, on Flickr
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Dragon Boat (ish)
Hasselblad 503cw, 80mm CFE, A12 back, Kodak Ektar, 1/250s f8.0. Souped in Cinestill C41 powdered chemistry, fluid mount scanned with Epson V850 plus corrections in Canon Dpp
View attachment 396570

I like funfairs and seaside structures as photographic subjects. I'm hopefully going to get the opportunity to photograph some myself this weekend. Really nice colours on these.
Earlier in the week I finished a roll of 2012 dated APX400 in the Olympus XA, it had been hanging around in the camera too long so an excuse to take some local urban architecture.
Bell Green 2023-07-26-0033 by Keith Hudson, on Flickr

Bell Green 2023-07-26-0030 by Keith Hudson, on Flickr

Developed in DDX curves and holding back the sky in PS, a bit grim and gritty but so is Bell Green.
Nikon FE
Nikkor AI-s 50mm f/2
Fomapan 100 in ID11 1:1
Negative scan

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