Show us your Flickr

Mine is in my signature too. Would be interested in any comments fellow TP'ers have on the pictures. Content is mainly my #365 project which is shot predominately with my iphone (occasionally with my Canon S90) and always processed using iPhone.
Link in my sig. Would love some feedback, not really got the balls to post anything on here

Just seen this thread for the first time, so thought I'd add to the list.

Link to my Flickr in my signature, but here it is also, for chance it doesn't show:

I try to keep it organised by putting images into sets, but may have missed a few. Feel free to pop past and have a peek .... I cover a majority of subjects.

Also hosting my 365 project there (although it needs updating ... when I find the time. I seem to take more photos than I can keep up with posting :LOL:).

Will pop past and check out some others from this thread now that I know where to find them :D


Dawn :)
Just put mine in my signature.

Not a huge amount on my account yet. I'm too fussy and keep removing them once I have picked holes in them.

My Flickr is in my sig also.

I'm fairly new to photography, have a 500d with 18-55 EF-S IS kit lens - if you've got a similar camera, or are at a similar stage to me, check it out :)

Will :D.
Mine is in my sig (like everyone else's!), but its more a record of my family grow up/old than a work of art.
Just found this thread! (well found in 2 hours ago and been surfing through Flickr since)

Here is mine,
not many pics yet as Ive only just started. I am enjoying the inspiration gained from looking at others though. :)