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Watson with Tigger...


Tigger and Holly



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Sadly we hat to have Bailey (our chocolate point siamese) put to sleep last December, he was only 4 :(


A couple of months later we stupidly got these two nutcases.

Snoop - he's a Red Oriental Siamese:

and Stella - she's a Chocolate Point Tortie Siamese (and a cheeky little minx):

"No photos please" :LOL:

Reading up on how to be a good cat:

My Whippet Tye at 8 weeks old


and now at a year old, with an OCD about chasing balls


One of two dogs, this is the portable one :D.

Some of my whippet, Zoe. She's a cross-breed whippet that we got from Bolton Animal Shelter about eight years ago.

Taken with a Canon 1000D and a Tamron 17-50mm


Yes, she can sleep standing up! :D



Considering chasing a bee that flew past her a few seconds earlier. The fact that she's been stung by bees multiple times in the past is irrlevant, apparently

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i have posted these p[ics on the site before but this is my 8st bundle of joy.....


Haven't been around for a while but Wow this thread is still going. Some great pets on here now, thanks for contributing.

Heres some photos of my dog Rouge.

Most Recent

Dinner Time

Going for a walk

Great Thread Guys!
I am collecting my new rescued tri-coloured King Charles Cavalier (Milly) on friday. Only a couple od days left before she was going to be put to sleep. We haven't even seen her yet as my Daughter(who is a vet nurse) picked her for us and has her at her house (70 miles away). She has had her neutered, and she needs a couple of days of T.L.C. before we bring her home. Really looking forward to getting her. I will post a pic as soon as my camera comes back from Canon (A/F fix and oil clean up).

We have now had her for 3 weeks, and have re-named her. She is now called Molly. Apparently she spent all her life (5 years) living in a cage, and used as a breeding (Money making) machine. Once she was no good for breeding, she was turfed out onto the street. Her back end was caked in diarrhoea, and she was almost skeletal when my Daughter aquired her for us. She had very wasted legs with no muscle formation at all due to lack of exercise. My Daughter shaved Mollys rear quarters, and cleaned and bathed her. She has a few minor health problems, but nothing that cannot be controlled. When we first got her, she wouldn't settle at all, and was so afraid. She was terrified of anything and everything. We quickly realised that she still had to have a cage as a safe refuge. She wouldn't eat unless the food was in her cage. We slowly moved her food away from the cage, but she would take one piece of food at a time into her cage to eat it, then repeat the process until the food was all eaten. Thankfully, she has shed her dependency on the cage, and is now a firm part of the family, but still very nervous, and has a long way to go yet. All she wants to do is be near us, have a bit of love and attention, and please us. We love her to bits.




Aww poor wee thing, what a terrible life she must have had, I am sure she will soon overcome her nervous nature and respond to all the love and kindness you can give her, something she has missed in her first 5 years.

Good on you for giving her a home(y)

Toby, my avatar was a "rescue" dog, in as much as we rescued him from his next fate had we not been the only one to respond to an ad in the vets for a home for him. He was not very attractive in the ad as he was shorn for the convenience of the owner who also said he was not good with children, which has proved not to be the case, he is the most gentle dog I have ever had and loves being made a fuss of by kids.
The owner was about to have him put to sleep had we not taken him on:eek:, a bargain in a way as we got him for free:D.
In 4 years his coat has never been trimmed and has now grown to a magnificent length and is a real head turner now.
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We have now had her for 3 weeks, and have re-named her. She is now called Molly. Apparently she spent all her life (5 years) living in a cage, and used as a breeding (Money making) machine. Once she was no good for breeding, she was turfed out onto the street. Her back end was caked in diarrhoea, and she was almost skeletal when my Daughter aquired her for us. She had very wasted legs with no muscle formation at all due to lack of exercise. My Daughter shaved Mollys rear quarters, and cleaned and bathed her. She has a few minor health problems, but nothing that cannot be controlled. When we first got her, she wouldn't settle at all, and was so afraid. She was terrified of anything and everything. We quickly realised that she still had to have a cage as a safe refuge. She wouldn't eat unless the food was in her cage. We slowly moved her food away from the cage, but she would take one piece of food at a time into her cage to eat it, then repeat the process until the food was all eaten. Thankfully, she has shed her dependency on the cage, and is now a firm part of the family, but still very nervous, and has a long way to go yet. All she wants to do is be near us, have a bit of love and attention, and please us. We love her to bits.

It is so sad that this kind of thing happens so very, very often. :annoyed: Its only because of people like you and Mal that some, the lucky ones, find a loving home in which to live out the rest of their lives. She looks like a lovely girl and I'm sure she will settle very quickly. Its amazing how loving they can be, even after being treated so shamefully. :)
Education is the key. Prospective owners need to know how to identify puppy farmers and avoid them like the plague. Thankfully, there is some progress now and albeit slowly, things will improve. Those Cavalier breeders, who have in the past refused to recognise the need for all the health checks on sire and dam are now being hit where it hurts most - in the pocket.
The Cavalier is such a wonderful breed and totally addictive.
You are doing a great job. (y)
Good luck and give her a little hug from me.
Here is Betty, she was a puppy machine before we got her. When we got her she need over £200 spending on removing the most of her terrible teeth.

I introduced her to the pleasure of the belly Rub which was so alien to her
she sees me now and rolls over and gestures with her paws to rub her belly she is about 6 years now but very small and is often mistaken for a much younger one and even a pup:LOL:

Im afraid its the money driven world of a quick buck that a lot of people bread the show breads for money only.
There are some very caring and considerate breaders out there but more are simply buy a dog and see it as a money printing machine.

Glad some are lucky to find caring homes.
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This is Holly, our 16 1/2 year old Westie. Having a bad hair day, with what is left of it !!!!

I was just playing about with my sons new D40, did'nt realise he had left it on 1600 ISO. Still came out OK.

ok - here's one of mine at a day old . . .
Hi Rockkeeper. I like the python. Would I be right in thinking he is a Royal Python. I used to have a Burmese. He was about 17 feet long when he died over ten years ago now. I still miss him.
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Hi Rockkeeper. I like the python. Would I be right in thinking he is a Royal Python. I used to have a Burmese. He was about 17 feet long when he died over ten years ago now. I still miss him.
hi yes thats the other name for them .
shame on the burm,ever think about getting another ?
I would love another, quite fancy another Burmese, or an Albino Boa Constrictor, but her who must be obeyed is extremely opposed to any sort of snake entering our house now. She used to tolerate the snakes I have owned in the past, but has finally put her foot down once and for all. Final answer. No turning back. She also keeps reminding me that one of the conditions for me being allowed to buy my present camera equipment was NO MORE SNAKES. I guess you can see the sort of opposition I am up against :) What age is your Python. Lokks sort of youngish to me. Am I correct ? I shall have to try to find some photos of mine, but I think they all got lost.
Being photographed is soooooo scary - (the spaniels)
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Weapon of mass destruction sleeping on the job.