Simon's 52 in 2023

Managing some comment catch-up!

Snappers Choice - I like all your submissions, the Nature Reserve personally I would like more water at the right, it just feels a bit tight to the first reeds?? The first wider shot with signal box is my favourite with all the elements that point up.

Knobs - Somebody beat me to "up to 11" mention. Good range of tones with the guitar and the amp.

Letters - I always find it difficult showing someone else's art in an image but these are well captured. I like the colouring in the third one directly above the grass.

Kitchen - Nice contrast between the counter and food which looks appetising.
Managing some comment catch-up!

Snappers Choice - I like all your submissions, the Nature Reserve personally I would like more water at the right, it just feels a bit tight to the first reeds?? The first wider shot with signal box is my favourite with all the elements that point up.

Knobs - Somebody beat me to "up to 11" mention. Good range of tones with the guitar and the amp.

Letters - I always find it difficult showing someone else's art in an image but these are well captured. I like the colouring in the third one directly above the grass.

Kitchen - Nice contrast between the counter and food which looks appetising.
Thanks for taking the time to comment Stuart - much appreciated.
Week 9 - Broken & Tech (B&W)

As I mentioned in the chat thread, I seem to be busy with other things and have had little time or motivation for photography in the last few weeks. Need to find that mojo - maybe the lengthening days and warmer weather will help.

Anyway, this week's submission under the theme broken, and using tech black and white is a shot of the Eastern shelter at Barry island undergoing significant repair (as large chunks of it were beginning to fall off) - so much so that it's hard to see any of the shelter itself, but the lines and detail of the scaffolding took my eye, and the child at the end whilst initially irritating being in shot for me, actually I think adds something.

Barry Island Eastern Shelter under repair by Simon Hiscocks, on Flickr

And if you're wondering what the shelter looks like without its scaffolding on, this iPhone shot form a while back gives an idea.

Beach huts and Eastern shelter by Simon Hiscocks, on Flickr
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Yes I think photography is mor enjoyable in better weather,
On these grey gloomy days I try to find something in the house.

I'm not sure which bit is broken but it looks expensive to fix.

Yes the child adds to the perspective,
Yes I think photography is mor enjoyable in better weather,
On these grey gloomy days I try to find something in the house.

I'm not sure which bit is broken but it looks expensive to fix.

Yes the child adds to the perspective,
Thanks Peter
nicely done, great perpective, like the lightness you have brought to the fencing, and the darker ceiling to the walkway.

Would be much less of an image without the child at the end. And I like the hint of the beach hut roofs beyond.

Keep at it Simon!
nicely done, great perpective, like the lightness you have brought to the fencing, and the darker ceiling to the walkway.

Would be much less of an image without the child at the end. And I like the hint of the beach hut roofs beyond.

Keep at it Simon!
Thanks Graham, appreciate the feedback. I used Fuji's Acros film simulation for the shot.
Nice lines and mono :)
Kitchen - good enough to meet the theme Simon!
Broken - very nice use of leading lines and the person at the end adds visual interest.
Keep going’s Simon (y)

I can’t add a lot to the above - nice lines and the inclusion of people really helps for scale. its nice to see what it looks like without the scaffolding.

Bring on the warmer days!
Keep going’s Simon (y)

I can’t add a lot to the above - nice lines and the inclusion of people really helps for scale. its nice to see what it looks like without the scaffolding.

Bring on the warmer days!
Thanks Pete!
Nicely composed and you're right about the people at the end. I think they make the image stronger.
I like that Simon. There are a lot of different shapes and angles which add to the image in my opinion. The people at the end also draw your towards them.

I also agree that photography is better in nice weather :)
Cheers Adam. Appreciate the feedback. Thanks for stopping by.
Definitely better with the child at the end, strange how something that takes up maybe 1% of the area can add so much
Definitely better with the child at the end, strange how something that takes up maybe 1% of the area can add so much
Thanks Keith! re the child, as I was farming the shot I could see them coming into view and was desperate to get the shot before they did. I’m glad I didn’t now!
Week 10 - Full

The lake at Cosmeston County Park in the Vale of Glamorgan is looking pretty FULL after some heavy rain this week, with the boardwalk almost under water. Ducks don't seem to mind though. A sepia version chucked in just because............well why not?.

DSC02708 by Simon Hiscocks, on Flickr

DSC02708sepia by Simon Hiscocks, on Flickr
"Letters" were my old stomping ground, remember when they were built,
The reservoir certainly is full, like the curve of the boardwalk and the ducks are nicely placed. (Prefer the colour version).
The reservoir certainly is full, like the curve of the boardwalk and the ducks are nicely placed. (Prefer the colour version).
Cheers Graham. I also prefer the colour, just chucked the sepia in for a different perspective. It’s actually an old quarry - two interconnected lakes like a figure 8
Week 11 - Patterns

So many options and opportunities for this week's theme, and other much more important family stuff has been occurring, and then when I look I suddenly find it's Tuesday.
This weeks offerings from me are a couple of shots of the delicate patterns found on spring flowers - how these things beautiful things grow when there's howling wind and torrential rain is anyone's gues, but when you stop to look they're absolutely stunning. both in colour and the patterns within.


Hellebore by Simon Hiscocks, on Flickr


Hyacinth by Simon Hiscocks, on Flickr

And a final throwaway/afterthought that I also like, the patterned railings on Penarth Pier.

DSCF0274 by Simon Hiscocks, on Flickr
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Nice flaaaarz Simon :)
Hellebore's really nice. Detail, patterns, colour, crop all very good.
Broken - The child at the end gives you something to focus on. Looks like you got the alignment "spot on"

Full - Nice complementary tones, which are lost a bit in the sepia version. Composition works well.

Patterns - Nature is really amazing, and very resilient although when green fingers were being allocated I think I was at the very back of the queue. Probably before having an interest in photography I didn't really appreciate the patterns that exist everywhere.
Broken - The child at the end gives you something to focus on. Looks like you got the alignment "spot on"

Full - Nice complementary tones, which are lost a bit in the sepia version. Composition works well.

Patterns - Nature is really amazing, and very resilient although when green fingers were being allocated I think I was at the very back of the queue. Probably before having an interest in photography I didn't really appreciate the patterns that exist everywhere.
Thanks so much for the comments Stuart. Really appreciate you taking the time to stop by (y)
A great set Simon, and I think that you've chose the best one for your main image. I have trouble shooting Hellebores but you've done an outstanding job.
A great set Simon, and I think that you've chose the best one for your main image. I have trouble shooting Hellebores but you've done an outstanding job.
Cheers Bill, that’s very kind. They’re stunning (if you can see them). Such a shame they point their heads downwards!!!