So what did Santa bring you?

Lots of great loot everyone got from Santa this year. Guess we were all good this year. I got me some slippers, chocolates,(more than I need) Faith hills new CD, Oprah's 20th anniversary box set :D Now I know you all are diggin that one but no, none of you can borrow it! :p OH AND A TRIPOD!! :dance: Not the one I would have picked out myself but still, for my skill level it will suit me just fine! I was playing with it last night like a kid in a candy store. Needless to say I was very pleased this year.

A new bag (Lowepro Slingshot 200AW) and a whole bunch of books to help get my photography up to speed in 2006 :)

The only thing Santa didn't leave me was some ability :banghead:
havent bought anything yet, still working on what to get
Marianne said:
he brought me the happiest Christmas ever.....

thats really sweet!:D

/goes looking for vomit icon...:p
Marianne said:
ha ha....passes the bucket......if only you knew the whole story lol

Well don't be shy.. Tell all..:D're not ready for it.....but you'll pick up snippets along the way lol :snowman:
Marianne said:'re not ready for it.....but you'll pick up snippets along the way lol :snowman:

Nooooo.... I hate serials - I always seem to miss an episode. :hissyfit:
Marianne said:
never knew men could be so nosey :coffee:

Come on girl...38 posts and you have already started a saga...:D

Were sat here waiting..:whistle2:
Marianne said:
ok....first installment.....Chuckles and I met on the internet and now.....

We still do ...... :dizzy:
Marianne said:
ok....first installment.....Chuckles and I met on the internet and now.....

...Am I right..:smilenod:
Marianne said:
Chuckles and I met on the internet

How does that work then - do you rub your mouses on the screen? :confused:

LOL. ;)
I see you found the smilies then.......:tonofbric
Well congrats to the both of you - and we get two great new members! :clap:
CT said:
Well congrats to the both of you - and we get two great new members! :clap:

You guys are a nosey bunch :nut:

so, chuckles/marianne.........whats the deal with the PC's one each or do you take turns knocking each other off it :p's good to have you both here, some excellent images displayed.
I'm at work and Marianne's at home cooking my ...... lol :nunu:
chuckles said:
I'm at work and Marianne's at home cooking my ...... lol :nunu:

you must have a similar job to me then, i spend all day doing naff all too!:D
Waiting for Bill Gates to format a disk......:snowman:
Marianne said:
how could you be Marcel, I am Marianne! :innocent:

Hehe oops I meant closer than Matt :D I was closer than his guess in that mine was an animal....;)