So what would you do with £35.5 million ?


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Well as today the latest UK Euro millionaire is unveiled with a silly amount of money to her name, what would you do if you won it ???

She's a postal worker in Scotland who apparently is going to quit her job now :p
Buy each and everyone one of you a 600mm L glass. :LOL:
First up would be no debts.

Second sorting out the family

Third up would be kennels for the Rescue.

And for me a nice house in Austria and something nice to drive. Nothing too flash, saab or something similar and a 4 x 4 for when I'm out in Austria.

Its nice to be able to dream. I have it all planned out.
I've just worked out that, assuming 5% interest in a bank account, if she spent 2.5 million and invested the remaining 33 million, it would earn her (very roughly) £137,500 per month in interest!
... :/

a saab?

thirty five million pounds and you'd buy a saab?

Much classier than a Merc or BMW and the estate version would have room for a dog crate!!

As to the Fiat Panda idea, I quite like it but would never have another Fiat.......... ever, due to a past experience. I'm sure the catapult could be fixed to something else though.

In fairness I think if you won that amount you really woudn't know what to do with it. The shock would probably kill you so it wouldn't matter anyway.
In fairness I think if you won that amount you really woudn't know what to do with it. The shock would probably kill you so it wouldn't matter anyway.

I've no real idea what I would do with it but I'm sure friends and family would benefit. Maybe I'd turn Pro too :)

As for the shock, as the lottery winner dies of hear failure, the immediate family get it and so the cycle would continue! If the person at the top of the family tree won it, it could wipe out a generation :thinking:
I've just worked out that, assuming 5% interest in a bank account, if she spent 2.5 million and invested the remaining 33 million, it would earn her (very roughly) £137,500 per month in interest!

Of which inflation would take care of 2%/year (for the sake of brevity I'll going to assume some people still believe the CPI!:)) and our chancellor will grab 40% of the remainder.

So out of the £137,500/month, chancellor gets £55,000, and she loses another £55,000/month to inflation. A minimum of £1.4 million/year gone without spending a thing! (y)
I would suspect a very good accountant would make sure that HM government would get very little :D
Wine, women and song.

The rest I'd just waste. :D
I'd buy an Ice Cream factory with all that Lolly!

I know you can hire assassins for only a few grand, but with £35million could you afford the legal team to get away with it? If so, I'll start doing the lottery as I have a couple of worthy victims in mind - no-one here of course - workmates that cause nothing but hassle would be the obvious target

Oh, and as a client of mine (my associates and tax barristers actually) you'd not pay £1.4million in tax Moadib referred to either - all legit tax avoidance and all scandalous that the very rich can get away with it
I would probably want to open up studios in central london, NY and Paris. Maybe buy a small newspaper? I wonder how much it would cost to buy Pentax from Hoya? I would probably buy a BMW 7 series and hire a cute young lady to drive me around. :naughty:

Oh and I always wanted to own a castel in Scotland (even though I have never been there).
They say money cant make you happy.
I would rather be rich and unhappy then poor and unhappy.
With that kind of cash i would buy myself few beers to start and then i would travel the world.
me being 16 i would first get a bentley and a driver then i would go over to Poole and buy a nice house then visit the Sunseeker factory there ( and buy the Predator 108 for around £5mil then just enjoy life :p

and also invest it into my own company which i would start, i would become an Internationl Asset Manager :p this would allow me a variety of career paths, eg sitting at a big desk and telling people what to do. yay.
If I won I would help many charities, set up my photo business, close friends and family would be very comfortable and in my local city I would build and fund a complex to assist homeless people in a program that will get their life's back on track so they can get a job and earn enough to live by them selfs.
my first thought was much like diddydaves, I'd take out a couple of contracts and move to a non extradition country. :LOL:
I would set up a charity that helps people in financial hardship out of it. Either by paying for them to train up in a profession or by putting them through a course on how to manage their money better. Or something of that nature. Maybe even have a branch that invests in people and their business ideas, help as many people reach their dreams as possible basically.

I would probably also buy a castle in Scotland. Then spend heaps on stocking the grounds up with animals, maybe even start a breeding programme for as many endangered British animals and birds as possible, with the aim of releasing them into the wild.

Family ~ well I would probably pay all of their mortgages off and give them a lump sum to live comfortably for a year.

For Chris and I, I would buy the most environmentally friendly 4x4 that money could buy. And all the best photography equipment I would need to set up my own studio would also be on my list. As well as a healthy eating cook and personal trainer to get us both 100% fit... I'd also (once fit) go hell for leather with IVF treatment.

I would also donate any savings, interest or profit earned on the money to the Norfolk coast. With specific instructions for it to be used to build the best sea defences the money can buy.

There is loads more I would do. But I have a feeling there wouldn't be much, if anything left of that little lot above :LOL:
I would buy an L glass lens and use it to take a photo of my new villa in Florida.:D
I would pack in my business, buy a nice house with a huge workshop with all the latest metalworking machines and then build the machine designs I have had in my head for years but never had the time to develop them, no fancy cars or gadgets I dont need stuff like that, that will leave about £34 million, so I would take the 4 million and invest it and use the interest from that to live on, and the £30 million I would invest and give the interest as a regular income to selected charities.
You can see I have thought long and hard about this, but being as I don't do the lottery it will never happen :)
You could do anything you wanted or should that be hire someone to do it for you? :D
Well, getting rid of the business and getting an Aston would be top of the list in dreamworld.... in reality, huge amounts would be used to make sure my family were settled for life. A goodly amount would go straight to several charities, then the life we dream of... a home in france and one here, a couple of nice cars, serious camera equipment for me, serious library for him :D
Buy a Honda NSR 500 or Cargiva 500 or Yamaha YZR 500 :wacky:.
and if I survived them :eek: I'd have a Yamaha IT490,
then a Honda RC45, Harley VRod, a Boss Hoss
then a ton of other bikes :D

Also I'd buy a Robinson R44 chopper, then....what the heck, I'd have a Chinook :woot: to cart them around in.

Then I'd employ a look-a-like and make him stay at home so the missus didn't realise I was out playing :nuts:

** Note to self: buy a lottery ticket this week **
I'd buy a great big boat so I don't end up drowning in all the rain we seem to be getting at the moment.

Might even use it to go round the world and take a few photos on my travels.
with 35 million in my back pocket the first thing I'd do is curl one up on my bosses desk