Sonial's 52. Quality added

Spectacular Heron shot Sonia, spot on details and the reflection sets it off perfectly.

The second is good, but as Sarah said, the goose is a bit small in the frame, and doesn't have anywhere near the impact of the first.

As for your extra shoot shot... Very clever...
Hi Sonia, apologies for late comments... A few technical issues of late...


Quad: I'm afraid quadtych's don't do much for me, but #98 with the double nostrils is brilliant. Excellent PP skills there, and an amusing take on the subject.

Shoot: Wow again. Some serious PP skills at work. Do you do all your stuff in GIMP? I'm looking to get rid of Windows and move to Linux, but the Photography side of things is holding me back. Not too worried about the learning curve, just want it to do what CS3 does at the moment. love the B&W treatment and the gritty image. Very nicely done.

Single: I like both of these. I think the flier takes the edge though. It has more impact as a photo. Nice ciomposition on both shots. I quite like the empty spaces allowing focus on the subject. The fliying bird though is better in this regard because there is more to see. Wing texture, shadows... All good stuff.


Thanks for you feedback Ian much appreciated...yes I do everything in GIMP (except a few things here and there in picassa/picnik) I know a couple of people who swear by Linux not having used CS3 though I'm not sure of the capability comparison.

Both of these fit the theme but I think the first is better - I like the way you have caught the shadow on the water, and overall it is sharper and better exposed.

Thank you Tracer :) Yes the 2nd image wasn't fantastic to start with but also seemed to lose sharpness on upload.

Another vote for #1 here Sonia. Its a more balanced image, with the reflection of the bird on the water. Well done. Iain

Many thanks Iain :)

Hi Sonia. Some cracking shots since I lost popped in. Particularly your quad shot, really quite a haunting image which might have suited this coming week's stare theme. But I do like the processing and composition you've used.

And shoot. Scary and very impressive. Like it a lot (y)

Much appreciated thank you :)

The heron(?) shot gets my vote too.
You've done really well to get such a sharp shot of him in flight - there's some brilliant detail in his plumage. Nice shadow / reflection on the water too.
In fact I like everything about it!
Fantastic shot and definitely one to be proud of.

I'm not so keen on the goose though. Although there are some beautiful colours, it's just a little too small in the frame to have enough impact for me.

p.s. While I was here, I looked back at your shoot shot again.
Although it's an old one I'm still amazed at how clever this is. (y)

The heron posed beautifully for me Sarah he actually caught a fish right in front of me but was behind some quite heavy reeds which is why I chose this shot....many thanks for your (as always) detailed c+c I quite agree about the 2nd shot.

Thanks again re:confused:hoot :)

Spectacular Heron shot Sonia, spot on details and the reflection sets it off perfectly.

The second is good, but as Sarah said, the goose is a bit small in the frame, and doesn't have anywhere near the impact of the first.

As for your extra shoot shot... Very clever...

Thank you John :)
Ok well I couldn't resist with a subject like Stare!!! I think maybe I shall put a warning on this one :D

Hi Sonia, Yours must be one of the most heroic catch ups in the history of the 52s, so I'm ashamed I've only just got round to visiting your thread. But I'm so glad I've finally made it! :)

A few that stand out for me:

Play - the second version in post 47. Lovely colours, dof and composition.

Speed - Definitely one to treasure.

Candid - post 58: I like both the colour and mono versions - such a character and definitely candid. I also like the landlord shot, but as you said it looks a bit posed (but very naturally) even though it isn't.

Quad - post 97: Absolutely love this - pose, processing and arrangement all first class.

I've skipped over Stare because I haven't done mine yet.

Play. Version 2 for me very well captured image.

Candid. #2 I like the composition here and the subjects environment adds context to the shot.

Produce. Good DOF to isolate the main subject. Mmmm mint sauce.

Quad. Reminded me a little of an Andy Warhol image. Nicely put together.

Single. Love the Heron shot, I never seem to be able to get close enough to them to get a decent shot.

Stare. Excellent, would be a good poster shot for a gothic horror film.
:eek: We need a "hide behind the sofa" smiley for that one !!!

Fantastic PP Sonia. Very, very effective.
It looks a touch soft on my screen. I don't know if that was deliberate or not, but it actually really works with the context of the image.
It gives it a ghostly, other-worldly feel that you would have missed if it was pin sharp.

I like this a lot.
Your shot for 'stare' is probably my favourite and could easily be used for a horror movie
Missed your thread, but quick notes:
Mechanical 2nd shot great! b&w didnt really work
Candid - the old guy at the bar, FANTASTIC! You could read SO much into that shot.
Shoot - nice work, the PP was well worth the effort
Stare - Great, tad soft and tad blown but as it has been mentioned in this case it works ;)

I think you have a niche in the darker areas, like shoot and stare, would REALLY enjoy seeing more of this style - its SO different.
Keep up the great work ;)
Hi guys...thanks SO much for all the great feedback!! It really is much appreciated....I will try to reply more fully soon but I am just on a quick trip back from the hospital as my daughter had her appendix out yesterday :( we've been in since Friday so feeling pretty :puke: Really looking forward to being able to catch up on everyone's 52s!!

Yep. Week 16 needs a health warning Sonial.

What is it?

Is it PP of a normal portrait? A mask?

Very scary stuff!

Very unique take on stare, dont know how you've done it in terms of how much is a photograph and how much is PP but you've got a great effect, tad worrying what our minds come up with isn't it?!
Yep. Week 16 needs a health warning Sonial.

What is it?

Is it PP of a normal portrait? A mask?

Very scary stuff!


Hehe thanks Ian it is a portrait of my other half that I have pp'd lots. The angler fish teeth were his idea and hand drawn using Gimp :)

Stare is great. Very different and very scary

Thanks Sue :)

Very unique take on stare, dont know how you've done it in terms of how much is a photograph and how much is PP but you've got a great effect, tad worrying what our minds come up with isn't it?!

Thanks Dan, yes our minds can be scary but I really enjoy doing this dark's just trying not to be too cliched that's a problem. There is lots of pp in this but as a wanna be painter I can't resist sometimes :)
Hehe thanks Ian it is a portrait of my other half that I have pp'd lots


That's really impressive use of GIMP there then. Did you use tutorials or are you self-taught? (Just looking for GIMP stuff on the web and trying to find a good place to start)

Thanks very much Ian, when I first opened GIMP about 18 months ago I didn't get it at all coulnd't work out a thing :LOL: I eventually got brave enough to try again and found a tutorial on selective colouring....once I got the hang of what they were saying and worked out layers it all sort of fell into place and I've just experimented since. Have never used anything else so can't compare to photoshop etc but am generally pretty happy with the results I get. Can't remember where that selective colouring turtorial was but there are loads out there....good luck and if I can help with anything let me know...though I doubt I will be MUCH help! :)
Fantastic - real heeby-jeeby stuff! And what an understanding OH you have - though I don't suppose you are going to use it on an anniversary card. :LOL:

Well done with all the PP. I would love to see a little of the purple tint in the glow in the top-right background.

Fantastic - real heeby-jeeby stuff! And what an understanding OH you have - though I don't suppose you are going to use it on an anniversary card. :LOL:

Well done with all the PP. I would love to see a little of the purple tint in the glow in the top-right background.


:) thanks! Yes he's not fact often the darker shots come from ideas inspired by him. He's quite normal looking though 'really' :LOL:

If I get a chance I will try to add some tint, good idea!
I'm hoping to do something else for Peace but I took this a couple of days ago and I have to say I find it very peaceful being out in a field with the company of horses so in case I don't get time to do something else here is Peace!

Stare, watch out hammer... that's scary Sonia... well done...

Peace, that one works, I can understand why you'd find it peaceful.
Conveys peace for me very well. Very good composition. Was it in camera, or have you cropped it?

Did you intentionally take the shot to capture that back-light to the horse. Because that really adds to the image too. Makes the horse look more ethereal, and when you put the title "Peace" over the image, it works.


it is a portrait of my other half that I have pp'd lots. The angler fish teeth were his idea and hand drawn using Gimp :)

I'm glad to hear that there was lots of PP and that he doesn't really look like that!!!

Peace is absolutely beautiful.
As Ian said with that backlight there's a real ethereal, dreamlike quality . . . and I'm kind of surprised with your PP skills that you resisted adding a horn and turning it into a unicorn - it has that sort of feel to it already.

PS. I hope your daughter's recovering well.
Stare, watch out hammer... that's scary Sonia... well done...

Peace, that one works, I can understand why you'd find it peaceful.

Thanks m'dear :)

Conveys peace for me very well. Very good composition. Was it in camera, or have you cropped it?

Did you intentionally take the shot to capture that back-light to the horse. Because that really adds to the image too. Makes the horse look more ethereal, and when you put the title "Peace" over the image, it works.



Many thanks Ian, I have cropped it very slightly just a little from the top and right hand side. I did want to get the backlighting. It's so nice at this time of year when horses start going out without their rugs on as they're so much more photogenic :)

I'm glad to hear that there was lots of PP and that he doesn't really look like that!!!

Peace is absolutely beautiful.
As Ian said with that backlight there's a real ethereal, dreamlike quality . . . and I'm kind of surprised with your PP skills that you resisted adding a horn and turning it into a unicorn - it has that sort of feel to it already.

PS. I hope your daughter's recovering well.

:LOL: yeah I'll have to post an un pp'd photo of him one day!

Thanks very much for the lovely comments Sarah.Just for you I have turned him into a unicorn! I had thought about it but decided to 'keep it real' just so as to not always be pping :LOL:

I really like the backlighting on the horse in this shot.


Thanks Andy (y)

Thanks very much for the lovely comments Sarah.Just for you I have turned him into a unicorn! I had thought about it but decided to 'keep it real' just so as to not always be pping :LOL:

(y) I just wouldn't have been able to resist with this one!

I know what you mean about "keeping it real" though.
I started this 52 with the intention of working on both photography and PP, but every now and then I find myself going too far down one route or the other.

I want to end up with a 52 that's balanced 50/50 between "natural" shots and weird and wonderful PP.
Beautiful image with lovely lighting - definitely fits the theme. I prefer the original, though. :LOL:
eeek!.. stare will give me nightmares ;) fantastic PP skills there

love the light around the horse, fits the theme beautifully for me..
That's a lovely "peaceful" image, Sonia. The back lighting really makes it. I am not really into unicorns but I have to admit I like the shot without the bridle (is that what it is called? I don't know anything about horses)

Hope your daughter is making a swift recovery.

We all find our peace in different places. The horse looks quite peaceful too and very beautiful. A nice take on the theme.

Thank you Sue :)

(y) I just wouldn't have been able to resist with this one!

I know what you mean about "keeping it real" though.
I started this 52 with the intention of working on both photography and PP, but every now and then I find myself going too far down one route or the other.

I want to end up with a 52 that's balanced 50/50 between "natural" shots and weird and wonderful PP.

Yes...I'm not doing a very good job of keeping it 'natural' This weeks is pretty pp'd too.....oh well I had to INDULGE myself :LOL:

Beautiful image with lovely lighting - definitely fits the theme. I prefer the original, though. :LOL:

Thanks Tracey!

eeek!.. stare will give me nightmares ;) fantastic PP skills there

love the light around the horse, fits the theme beautifully for me..

Many thanks Mich :)

That's a lovely "peaceful" image, Sonia. The back lighting really makes it. I am not really into unicorns but I have to admit I like the shot without the bridle (is that what it is called? I don't know anything about horses)

Hope your daughter is making a swift recovery.


Thank you Jenny.....daughter feeling much better thanks (y)
Hi Sonia, I'm catching up again!! :)

Stare: That's one scary stare - you OH is a hero for modelling for this one, even if you have done loads of pp to it. Excellent - and I also think a slight colour tint would add to the effect. (y)

Peace: I find photographing horses very peaceful, too. You have to slow down and move carefully and I find it quite soothing! I love the back light on this and the composition works well with the horse gazing peacefully into the negative space. :clap:

Close: Another stunning portrait! And the outtake made me laugh out loud. Both excellent shots. :)

wow, the darkside indeed!.. you are great at these shots, and what a star your OH is.. the outtake is excellent too :D
Nice PP work on this again Sonia. Really like the subject and crop. The landscape orientation works well.

Very good makeup job too!

Another scary shot, nice PP.

For me its a shame there is no detail in the right eye, maybe thats what you were after but just a tiny bit of detail as per the other eye would have given a deeper image.

Well done
:clap: :clap: :clap:

Brilliant and dare I say it . . . even better than chocolate in my book!

You've got a real talent for these shots and IMO this is the best so far. The make-up is superb. I love the little detail of the threads across his face and the PP on his eyes is spot on.The end result is visually stunning.

I even forgot that this was supposed to be about indulgence / close for a moment and just enjoyed the shot for what it is. (What I'm trying to say is that I totally overlooked the crowbar in action :LOL:)

I can see Dan's point about the right eye, but I also kind of like the emptiness of it. Looks a bit like a hollow socket . . . not quite decided on this.

p.s. Loved the outtake too!
I need to show my OH, but I don't think I could convince him to dress up and pose like that :LOL:
Hi Sonia, I'm catching up again!! :)

Stare: That's one scary stare - you OH is a hero for modelling for this one, even if you have done loads of pp to it. Excellent - and I also think a slight colour tint would add to the effect. (y)

Peace: I find photographing horses very peaceful, too. You have to slow down and move carefully and I find it quite soothing! I love the back light on this and the composition works well with the horse gazing peacefully into the negative space. :clap:

Close: Another stunning portrait! And the outtake made me laugh out loud. Both excellent shots. :)


Many thanks Jean :) Must get around to adding that tint :LOL:

wow, the darkside indeed!.. you are great at these shots, and what a star your OH is.. the outtake is excellent too :D

Much appreciated Mich....OH is brilliant ...or maybe just used and abused! It kept him quiet with the cotton thread in his mouth anyway!!

Nice PP work on this again Sonia. Really like the subject and crop. The landscape orientation works well.

Very good makeup job too!


Thanks Ian....yup the kids face paints come in handy sometimes :LOL:

Another scary shot, nice PP.

For me its a shame there is no detail in the right eye, maybe thats what you were after but just a tiny bit of detail as per the other eye would have given a deeper image.

Well done

Thanks Dan....I wasn't 100% happy with the eye but I was trying to get the look of an empty socket rather than an eyeball so shall have to think up something to improve that bit.

Brilliant and dare I say it . . . even better than chocolate in my book!

You've got a real talent for these shots and IMO this is the best so far. The make-up is superb. I love the little detail of the threads across his face and the PP on his eyes is spot on.The end result is visually stunning.

I even forgot that this was supposed to be about indulgence / close for a moment and just enjoyed the shot for what it is. (What I'm trying to say is that I totally overlooked the crowbar in action :LOL:)

I can see Dan's point about the right eye, but I also kind of like the emptiness of it. Looks a bit like a hollow socket . . . not quite decided on this.

p.s. Loved the outtake too!
I need to show my OH, but I don't think I could convince him to dress up and pose like that :LOL:

Hahaha thanks Sarah....better than chocolate...a compliment indeed :LOL:

crowbar......what crowbar...where???? Hehehe

OH is quite obliging but if I asked him to do anything serious I doubt we could pull it off!!!
Despite the slightly tenous link to the theme, this is a super shot - full of atmosphere with moodly lighting! I like the sinister one-eye open look too.

I'm with Phil, not quite sure on the link, but hey who cares... that's an amazing, yet scary image (y)
Despite the slightly tenous link to the theme, this is a super shot - full of atmosphere with moodly lighting! I like the sinister one-eye open look too.


I'm with Phil, not quite sure on the link, but hey who cares... that's an amazing, yet scary image (y)

Many thanks both of you :) This weeks is rather boring but hey ho.... we had a re-enactment show this weekend so ingredients was a hard one to do anything much other than what I have...